Business Ethics & Corporate Crime Research Universidade de São Paulo
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Sofia Bertolini Martinelli


PhD in Criminal Law, Forensic Medicine and Criminology at the Law School of the University of São Paulo (FD-USP). Bachelor of Laws from Law School of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto (FDRP-USP). Research scholarship granted by São Paulo Foundation for Research Support – FAPESP. Attended in an academic exchange program at Freiburg University (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany).






PhD Thesis: Food law and food fraud: criminal law protection of the right to food (publication soon)


This thesis aims to analysis if and how criminal law has been applied as a legal instrument to protect the right to food, mostly from the perspective of crimes related to food fraud. This analysis is structured one the following theorical stand points: (i) the legal concept of right to food, considering human rights rules and the definition sets forth in the Brazilian legal system, when referring to food and nutritional safety; (ii) the concept of right to food explored from the perspective of food law, as a field of law studies that seeks and interdisciplinary approach to the perception of the right to food. Based on food law premises, it intends to gather the traditional perspective associated to the right to food and ponderations of the role of information in guaranteeing or violating such right, especially in regard to the various form of food adulteration. This aims to construct a new analysis of food fraud, beyond the current legal studies in Brazil, which seeks new elements that allow for a propositional perspective of criminal law protection of the right to food. In that sense, food law, and mainly food systems, shall serve as an interpretative standard to normativization of food frauds, in opposition of the current legal interest in force, the public health; (iii) the legal treatment devoted by criminal law to food adulteration (food fraud), especially those provided for the Brazilian Criminal Code, in the chapter of crimes against public health, in comparison to food fraud studies developed in the United States and Europe, as well as in comparison to fraud in the traditional criminal law; and, finally, (iv) the analysis of food fraud from the perspective of corporations, which shall basis the development of the study on the role of corporations in terms of guaranteeing and/or violating the right to food, considering their relation with the perpetration or the prevention of food frauds within transnational supply chains.


International Projects

Yale-USP Food Law Clinic: human right to food, regulation and public policies, and the role of the private sector (Edital Yale-USP n. 664). Coor. Prof. Eduardo Saad-Diniz.


Domestic projects

Human rights violation in the corporate context. Coord. Prof. Eduardo Saad-Diniz.

Research project sponsored by FAPESP (Process n.º 2015/21018-0, Subject: “Compliance de partidos políticos: public compliance e financiamento de campanha eleitoral”, from Mar. 1st, 2016 to Dec. 31st, 2016).




MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini. Compliance de partidos políticos: Public Compliance e financiamento de campanha eleitoral. 1. ed. São Paulo: LiberArs, 2017. 126p (download)


Articles and chapters

Martinelli, Sofia Bertolini. Compliance no ambiente virtual. In: Parentoni, L. N. (coord.). Direito, Tecnologia e Inovação, volume IV: Estudo de Casos, 2022. (link)

MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini. ESG Food: reciclando conceitos? In: Saad-Diniz, Eduardo; DUARTE, Gabrielli. ESG e justiça climática (São Paulo: Tirant lo blanch. 2022).

MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini. A interpretação do FATCA e os problemas da cooperação fiscal. In: Saad-Diniz, Eduardo; Mendes, Guilherme Adolfo dos Santos; Ramos, Giulia (coord.). Tax compliance e injustiça fiscal (São Paulo: Tirant lo blanch. 2021).

SAAD-DINIZ, Eduardo; MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini. Lógica da “caça a pessoas” não é suficiente contra corrupção em partidos políticos. Jota, 04 abr. 2018. (link)

MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini; PRATA, Daniela Arantes. Empresas, direitos humanos e regulação: análise crítica dos Princípios Orientadores da ONU. In: Victoria Vitti de Laurentiz; Eduardo Saad-Diniz. (Org.). Corrupção, direitos humanos e empresa. (São Paulo: D’Plácido, 2018).

SAAD-DINIZ, Eduardo; MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini; LAURENTIZ, Victória Vitti di. Programas de transferência condicionada de renda na América Latina: garantia do direito à alimentação por meio do combate à pobreza?. In: Congresso Food Law: Um Diálogo Interdisciplinar, 2018, Ribeirão Preto. Anais do Congresso FOOD LAW: Um Diálogo Interdisciplinar, 2018. p. 101-110. (link)

SAAD-DINIZ, Eduardo; MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini. Gatekeepers e soluções de compliance. Revista dos Tribunais, São Paulo (impresso), v. 979, p. 69, 2017. (link)

MARTINELLI, Sofia Bertolini; MACRI JUNIOR, José Roberto; JEUKEN, Júlia. Magalhães. Resenha do IV Simpósio AIDP – Jovens Penalistas. In: Eduardo Saad-Diniz; Dominik Brodowski; Ana Elisa Sá. (Org.). Regulação do abuso no âmbito corporativo: o papel do direito penal na crise financeira. (São Paulo: LiberArs, 2015).



“Food law and ESG: food sustainability and leadership in Brazil”. Event promoted by the Institute of Lawyers from São Paulo (YouTube)

“Violations of Human Rights by Companies from the Food Sector and the Role of the Public Prosecution Service”. Webinar in reference to World Food Day, promoted by the Federal Public Prosecution Service (MPF). (YouTube)

Interview at Radio USP “USP Analyzes: Human rights principles still find enforcement difficulties within companies” (Spotify)

Live @Abracrimnacional. Topic: Compliance and campaign finance (link).

Lecture at CEPED/UERJ post-graduation course “Criminal compliance and corporate liability”. Topic: Compliance for political parties and for third sector (Sep. 9th, 2020).

Interview at Radio USP “USP Analyzes: Food safety” (download) (listen online)

USP Business & Human Rights Webinar Series:

  • Do Businesses Have Fundamental Rights Obligations to Make COVID-19 Vaccinations Accessible to All? (YouTube)
  • mHRDD proposals in Germany and EU: Opportunities and Challenges to the Global South. (Youtube)
  • Algorithm misconduct and artificial intelligence: the accountability gap in corporate law. (YouTube)
  • How can we ensure the primacy of human rights in trade and investment policies? (YouTube)


Last update: 28/08/2022.