The book addresses the corporate structures of economic and financial groups from a consumer rights perspective. The topic of financial conglomerates is not new to corporate law. The focus of the book, however, is to question the relevance, for the population, of different brands to be under the same administration.
Is there, or should there be, liability on the part of central controlling entities for maintaining governance standards and offering responsible credit to all companies within the same conglomerate? To what extent can the use of different legal entities be used for more profitable but not necessarily better practices? In a context in which corporate responsibility and liability stands out as a central element for regulating markets, is it legitimate to expect leading market banks to set better conduct than their competitors?
The text brings together, in Portuguese, three articles published in periodicals, two of them in English. The work was made in the context of the initiatives of the research and extension group “Acredito”, which investigates the paths to credit sustainability.
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