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Plastic recycling – unlocking the individual’s participation in fighting ocean damage

Plastic pollution is a pervasive global threat. Due to their high persistence and resistance, these materials are virtually indestructible under certain environmental conditions, such as those prevailing in the ocean. For all these reasons, the plastics problem has increasingly been treated with great urgency and concern by the international community until, on March 2, Heads of State, Ministers of Environment and other representatives from 175 nations passed a landmark resolution at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) in Nairobi (Kenya) to ‘End Plastic Pollution’ and draw up a legally binding international agreement by 2024. The resolution addresses the entire life cycle of plastics, including their production, development and disposal, and recognises that microplastics are a part of the problem.

This side event, organized by the Centro de Estudos em Direito do Mar – Vicente Marotta Rangel (CEDMAR-USP), aims to builds a bridge between academia and civil society in this context.

30 June 13:00 – 15:00 PM (EDT)

This event will be held as an online virtual conference.

Access code in details will be sent to registered participants 24 hours before the event.

Register by 29 June: https://is.gd/cedmar

O CEDMAR/USP está organizando o side event “Plastic recycling – unlocking the individual’s participation in fighting ocean damage”, que ocorrerá durante a United Nations Oceans Conference, em Lisboa, no dia 30 de junho, das 13:00 às 15:00 PM (EDT).

Para se inscrever, clique no link: https://is.gd/cedmar