Day 4

Deciding which intervention is worth adopting 

After 12 months of the public health emergency.

A vaccine against this specific strain Flu A is not available yet. As it is a new manufacturing platform for the vaccine synthesis, this new immunobiologic has not yet been approved by ANVISA (Brazilian Agency for the Evaluation of Medicines) although clinical trials have been published with positive results. Also, a big university research group is planning a study and has reached out to you.

The municipality has routine vaccination of the elderly and children in health centers for other strains of Influenza. There is a small stock of vaccines whose composition refers to the strains that circulated in the previous year.

Questions to consider

  • Which information about those vaccines are essential to effective implementation and for logistics to achieve the greatest impact in the municipality? Are there reliable alternatives?
  • Which logistic possibilities are available to organize a vaccination campaign to target groups?
  • What information could contribute to a better monitoring of the vaccination and future impacts? How to deal with vaccine hesitancy?
  • Which other prevention measures could be implemented to lower the transmission in the community?
  • Which questions would you want to be answered in partnership with the university?

What is expected of the group on day 4

Propose paths and responses based on a broader and more critical knowledge of the facts that arise during the health crisis.

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