Political and Logistical Challenges
Six months after the beginning of the epidemic
Discrimination and harassment against supposedly infected people, and against sex and gender minorities, were reported at the city police station and through social media. Moreover, there are reports of attempts to ban relatives and friends of people from these groups from attending schools and churches in many communities. On top of that, a group of councilors proposed a fine for patients who were proven to have transmitted the disease to others, to be discussed by the city council in the following days.
There is still a lack of vaccines, tests and antiviral treatment, because of high costs and shortage. Moreover, contact tracing has been delayed due to the reluctance of infected people to disclose their sexual partners in order to avoid stigma and discrimination.
Questions to consider
- How should the team respond to this situation in order to avoid more cases, hospitalizations, and deaths?
- How can the situation room work more effectively with stakeholders and other important actors, in order to reduce cases, hospitalizations, and deaths?
- Which strategies can enhance community awareness and engagement in the response to the outbreak?
- What could be effective strategies to address logistic challenges ?
- Which communication strategies can be used in this context?
What is expected of the group on day 3
Tackle the political and logistical issues in this health crisis situation. Aim for creativity and flexibility in designing mitigation actions that are politically and logistically feasible.