Ester Sabino

Assessing the attack rate and population immunity in real time

In the first lecture, Dr. Sabino will discuss how serological testing using samples obtained from blood donors was used to monitor the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil, and how this contributed to the development of an important genomic surveillance initiative.

In the second lecture, Dr. Sabino will discuss the public health surveillance strategy of São Caetano do Sul to show how the city is planning early outbreak detection.


João Yunes Auditorium (left side entrance, School of Public Health – USP)
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 – Cerqueira César – CEP: 01246903

Event Timeslots (2)

Fri, 21
Lecture II
uspwebdev uspwebdev

Wed, 19
Lecture I
uspwebdev uspwebdev