Cristoforo Scavone

Titulação: Professor Titular

Laboratório: Neurofarmacologia Molecular – sala 338

Telefone:(11) 3091-7325 / (11) 3091-7233


Neuroplasticiade: Envelhecimento e as Doenças Neurodegenerativas


Nossos estudos consolidaram conhecimentos no campo da plasticidade sináptica associada a proteção neuronal influenciadas por esteroides cardiotônicos, glicocorticoides, curcumina, proteína Klotho e estratégias não farmacológicas como dieta intermitente, exercício físico e enriquecimento ambiental.


KINOSHITA, P.F.; MARQUES ORELLANA, A.M.; NAKAO, V.W.; DE SOUZA PORT´S, N.M.; MENEZES QUINTAS, L.E.; KAWAMOTO, E.M. – The Janus face of Ouabain in Na+, K+-ATPase and calcium signalling in neurons. Journal: British Journal Pharmacology – Review to special issue: Themed issue from P19 symposium: Building Bridges In Neuropharmacology: A Joint BPS and Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Symposium, 2021

LEITE, J.A.; ISAKSEN, T. J.; HEUCK, A.; SCAVONE, C.; LYKKE-HARTMANN, K. – The α2 Na+/K+-ATPase isoform mediates LPS-induced neuroinflammation. Scientific Reports, v. 10, p. 14180, 2020

MAZUCANTI, C.H.; KAWAMOTO, E.M.; MATTSON, M.P.; SCAVONE, C.; CAMANDOLA, S. – Activity-dependent neuronal Klotho enhances astrocytic aerobic glycolysis. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM, 39(8):1544-56,2019

KINOSHITA, P., YSHII, L.M., ORELLANA, A.M.M., PAIXÃO, A.G., VASCONCELOS, A.R., DE SA LIMA, L., KAWAMOTO, E.M., SCAVONE,C. – Alpha 2 Na,K-ATPase silencing induces loss of inflammatory response and ouabain protection in glial cells. Sci Rep. 7 (1), 4894,2018, 2017

ORELLANA, A.M.; KINOSHITA, P.F.; LEITE, J.A.; KAWAMOTO, E.M.; SCAVONE, C. – Cardiotonic Steroids as Modulators of Neuroinflammation. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 7, 1-9, 2016