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(Language: English)
National Geographic Brasil, 04/25/2018, “Subterranean rodent switches day for night and intrigues Brazilian researchers“ (Language: Portuguese)
Interview with Radio Velazco 95.1 FM Anillaco, held on 07/17/2019, with the theme “Subterranean life“, this production was part of the series: “CRILAR al Aire”. Patricia Tachinardi and Jefferson Silva were interviewed. (Language: Spanish)
Interview with Radio Velazco 95.1 FM Anillaco, held on 07/25/2019, with the theme “Los ritmos de la vida“, this production was part of the series: “CRILAR al Aire”. Milene Jannetti and Giovane Improta were interviewed. (Language: Spanish)
“Alô, Ciência?” Episode #028, with Prof. Gisele Oda (Language: Portuguese)
#028 Relógios Biológicos: Cronobiologia no Prêmio Nobel