Research Group


Pietro Ciancaglini, PhD

Coordinator of the Laboratory of Applied Nanobiotechnology. Holds a Bachelor’s and Teaching Degree in Chemistry from FFCLRP – University of São Paulo (1985), Master’s (1989) and PhD (1993) in Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) from FMRP – University of São Paulo. He is  Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry at FFCLRP – USP since 2012.

Maytê Bolean, PhD

Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and  Researcher at the Applied Nanobiotechnology Laboratory. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, a Master’s degree in Biological Sciences, and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Biophysics from the University of São Paulo. She also completed international research internships in the United States and Belgium and held postdoctoral positions in the same countries.

Postdoctoral researcher

Iara Souza Lima, PhD

She is a PhD in Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology from the University of São Paulo (USP-FFCLRP). During her undergraduate studies, she conducted scientific research at the Magnetic Resonance Laboratory at USP, focusing on radiation dosimetry. She completed her master’s degree in 2019, earning an Honorable Mention in the CAPES Best Dissertation Award for her work on the use of nanomaterials to enhance dosimetric sensitivity in biomedical applications. Throughout her PhD, she focused on dosimetric enhancement using metallic nanoparticles and explored their applications to intensify the effects of ionizing radiation in cancer treatment. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow (FAPESP) at the Department of Chemistry at USP, investigating the impacts of ionizing radiation on osteoblast-mediated bone mineralization through extracellular vesicles (EVs). Her research addresses bone health challenges in astronauts on long-term space missions and osteoradionecrosis in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Additionally, she is exploring the therapeutic potential of irradiated EVs from healthy osteoblast cells in the treatment of human osteosarcoma, aiming to develop novel strategies for more effective cancer therapies.

Larwsk Hayann, PhD

His bachelor’s in biomedicine in 2012 where he also started his scientific career studying myelodysplastic syndrome, a pre-leukemia condition. In 2016 he started his Master´s at the University of Porto, Portugal, in biochemistry where he developed his thesis on mathematical modeling involved in pre-biotic chemistry and primitive molecular signaling. His thesis was carried out at the Center of Astrobiology, Spain, Madrid, in association with NASA. Larwsk finished his Ph.D. in science, at the chemistry department, where he characterized in vitro and in vivo a strontium-based nanoparticle capable of stimulating the regeneration of small fractures in the bone. Currently, he is on a post-doctorate fellowship in Pietro Ciancaglini’s lab where he seeks to understand the role of protein corona in the biomineralization process.


Maryanne Trafani de Melo, PhD

Degree in Chemistry from FFCLRP/USP (2012). She has experience in Protein Biochemistry (2012-scientific initiation). Master of Science (2015) from the Department of Chemistry at FFCLRP/USP, at the Center for Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering. PhD in Sciences (2019) from the Department of Chemistry at FFCLRP/USP at the Center for Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering. Post-Doctorate (2022) in the Department of Chemistry at FFCLRP/USP, Surfaces and Colloids Laboratory. Postdoctoral (2023) at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (CNPq scholarship). Currently, She is a postdoctoral student (FAPESP) at the Department of Chemistry at the University of São Paulo in the applied nanotechnology laboratory. She works mainly on the following topics: production and characterization of scaffolds, isolation of extracellular vesicles, production of biomaterials by 3D printing and bone regeneration.

Juçara Gastaldi Cominal, PhD

Postdoctoral researcher at the Applied Nanobiotechnology Laboratory: Biomembrane Mimetic Systems. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedicine from the Federal University of Alfenas (2012), a Master’s degree (2015) and a Doctorate (2019) in Science (Biociences and Biotechnology) from FCFRP – University of São Paulo.

PhD Students

Luiz Henrique da Silva Andrilli, PhD Student

PhD student at the Applied Nanobiotechnology Laboratory. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and a Master’s degree in Science from the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters – Ribeirão Preto.

João Paulo Martins Machado, PhD Student

He is Bachelor in Chemistry, with qualification in Forensic Chemistry from the  Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Letters – Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP), University of São Paulo (USP). Nowadays, he is studying in the postgraduate course, at the FFCLRP – USP, in doctorate’s degree, associated with the Surfaces and Colloids Laboratory (Chemistry Department).

Undergraduate Students

Pedro Alexandre Bechuate de Souza Azevedo

Chemistry undergraduate student (bachelor’s and teaching degree) currently doing an internship at the Applied Nanobiotechnology Laboratory in the Chemistry Department of FFCLRP-USP.

Thamires Miranda Xavier

Chemistry undergraduate student (bachelor’s and teaching degree) currently doing an internship at the Applied Nanobiotechnology Laboratory in the Chemistry Department of FFCLRP-USP.

Mariana Figueiredo de Oliveira

Undergraduate student in the Bachelor’s degree program in Chemistry, specializing in Forensic Chemistry. Currently involved in undergraduate research at the Applied Nanobiotechnology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, FFCLRP-USP.


Juliana do Rosario Silva da Sousa

Undergraduate student  in Chemistry with a focus on Technological Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Agroindustry. Currently, she is involved in scientific initiation activities at the applied nanotechnology laboratory in the Department of Chemistry at FFCLRP-USP.

Nicole Heloisa Pereira dos Santos

Undergraduate student in Chemistry with a focus on a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. Currently involved in scientific initiation activities in the applied nanotechnology laboratory of the Department of Chemistry at FFCLRP-USP.

Luan Paes

Undergraduate student in Chemistry with a focus on Forensics Chemistry. Currently, he’s involved in scientific initiation activities in the applied nanotechnology laboratory of the Department of Chemistry at FFCLRP-USP.