José Maurício A. Caiut is professor in the Department of Chemistry at University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP) since 2011. He received his BS and MS in Chemistry in 1999 and 2002, respectively, both from Federal University of Paraná in Brazil, and he obtained his PhD in 2006 working on the Luminescent Particles and Hybrid Materials at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil. He worked in Centre d’Elaboration de Matériaux et d’Études Structurales (CEMES), and he was visiting professor in University Paul Sabatier (Université Toulouse III), Toulouse, France. Nowadays, he is the head of the NanoLum lab, and his research activities are on Inorganic Chemistry, Photoluminescence Spectroscopy and Lanthanide doped Nanomaterials and Nanostructures for Photonic Applications.
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Molíria Vieira dos Santos studied Chemistry at São Paulo State University in Brazil, where she received her chemistry degree, master, and PhD in 2010, 2012, 2016 respectively, working on biopolymers reengineering, aiming photonic and biomedical applications. She did a post doctorate at Sao Paulo University in Brazil, where she worked in femtosecond laser processing of biopolymers from 2017 to 2021. In 2019, she was a visiting post-doctoral researcher in Silk Lab group at TUFS University, United States of America. Currently, she is a post-doctoral scholar at São Paulo State University studying silk nanoparticles for medical applications.
ORCID | Lattes | Scholar
Roberta Silva Pugina was a PhD student and a postdoc with a CNPq scholarship in Nanolum lab. Her work focused on the preparation of composites based on silk fibroin and particles containing lanthanide ions for photonic applications. Roberta also did undergraduation research and completed her Masters in 2018 in the group. At undergraduation, she performed the synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic study of nanoparticles doped with lanthanide ions; in her master’s degree, she studied the interaction of these ions with the fibroin matrix and its possible energy transfer processes. She also did postdoctoral work at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2022), at NanoLum (2023) and currently is a post doctoral scholar at Universidade Estadual Paulista.
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Francisco Recco Torres is a PhD student with CNPq scholarship holder in NanoLum group. His work is co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Hernane S. Barud (Uniara) and is based on the study of modified matrices of gellan gum with metallic nanoparticles and doped with lanthanide ions for the production of sensors by 3D printing. He has been part of the group since 2017 and was a scholarship holder at a USP program during the undergraduate period. In his master’s (2020-2022), he worked with luminescent biocomposites based on europium-doped gellan gum and cellulose nanocrystals for 3D printing with tissue engineering applications.
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Pedro Henrique de Lara Sanches is a PhD student, having been part of the NanoLum laboratory since 2021. His current work consists of obtaining self-assembled luminescent composites based on cellulose nanocrystals for circularly polarized emission studies, aiming at the potential in development of new photonic devices. Previously, Pedro developed his mater’s project (2022-2024) focused on lanthanide-doped cellulose whiskers and their interaction with fibroin to obtain luminescent cholesteric films.
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Núbia Beatriz Sicchieri is a master’s student in the NanoLum group. She works on the synthesis and spectroscopic study of luminescent nanoparticles decorated with plasmonic particles with potential application in photonics and catalysis. She was a Scientific Initiation volunteer (PIVICT) at the IFSP- Sertãozinho Campus working with an interdisciplinary approach to semiconductors in professional and technological education (2019). She was a fellow (PIBITI / CNPQ) and studied the optoelectronic properties of germanium nanowire network devices for light application and solar cells (2019-2020). In the last year of her graduation, she carried out research within the scope of (PIVICT) studying electronic transport in germanium nanowires (2021).
Amanda Franzini Martinelli is an undergraduate student in our laboratory. Her project is focused on the development of new Copper nanoparticle and the interaction into gellan gum for technological applications.
Cristielle Ribeiro Gomes is a graduate student in the NanoLum laboratory. His project is focused on the development of new composites for 3D bioprinting.
Maria Eduarda Oliveira da Silva is an undergraduate student in Chemistry and currently an intern at the NanoLum Laboratory. Her project is the insertion of lanthanides in Poly (heptazine imide) to identify the luminescence of the system and its possible applications.
Morgana Carvalho Velasco Cunha is an undergraduate student in internship at NanoLum. Her work is about the synthesis of nanoparticles Ln+3/ SiO2 decorated with metal particles in order to study the energy transfer, spectroscopic profiles and the possible applications.
Caroline Cassia Alves started as an undergraduate student at NanoLum with a FAPESP scholarship to study the preparation of silica capillaries filled with oxide nanoparticles for potential laser applications. The promissing results of this project lead to her Master’s degree focusing on luminescent composite systems for random laser applications which was concluded in 2018. Since then, Caroline has been working as a researcher in the field of Inorganic chemistry at the private sector.
Douglas Luis da Silva was a PhD student and a CAPES scholarship in our laboratory. His work is aimed at the synthesis and characterization of NaY(MoO4)2 doped with lanthanide ions. He conducted energy conversion studies of these materials for application in photonics, such as the use in photovoltaic systems to improve the efficiency of solar cells and studies the potential of these materials as luminescent thermometers.
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Eloisa Garibalde Hilario was a PhD student with CNPq scholarship holder in our laboratory. Her work was co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Lauro June Queiroz Maia (Physics Institute of UFG – GO) and was based on the synthesis of luminescent composites based on PMMA and inorganic matrices doped with lanthanide ions for application in photonics. Eloisa was also undergraduate student and master student in the group. During the undergraduate (2014 – 2016), she developed inorganic matrices doped with Pr3+/Eu2+ and studied the down-conversion energy for solar cells application. In her master’s (2016 – 2018), she synthesized inorganic matrices doped with Pr3+ and Pr3+/Gd3+ for the study of 4f5d transitions.
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Euzane Gomes da Rocha was a MSc student with a FAPESP scholarship in Nanolum lab, and has a degree in chemistry from the University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP). She has worked on the synthesis of luminescent biological systems using silk fibroin and lanthanides ions. Since 2019, Euzane worked in the development of news materials based on aluminum matrices in the presence of the block d metals by pyrolysis methodology, for photonic devices and luminescent thermometry.
ORCID | Lattes
João Marcos Gonçalves was a PhD student and a CAPES scholarship. He developed a work about synthesis and characterization of lanthanide-doped LiYF4 nanoparticles for thermometry applications. During his stay, he was part of the PrInt CAPES program, providing a scholarship for a 6-month stay at the University of Aveiro, in Portugal, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Rute Ferreira. He is currently a postdoc at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Wroclaw, Poland.
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Tatiana Habib was a PhD student in the USP co-tutorship regime – Laboratory DPHE – University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier. Her work was aimed at the plasma synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles and the study of optical properties for application in photonics.