The NEPECISS research group was created in 2001 and is subsidized in the MULTIPROFESSIONAL approach consisting of undergraduate students, postgraduates, health professionals, university professors and researchers in the various areas of knowledge. Its main goal is to analyze, reflect and debate aspects related to the chain of infection in order to understand the relevance of surveillance measures, and thus propose effective prevention and control measures. It should be noted that effective control constitutes the main indicator of the quality of care assistance and represents a social and economic challenge worldwide.
The initial idea for the creation of the Nucleus of Studies emerged from the desire to respond to the needs detected in the practice of health professionals, to minimize or eliminate the possibilities of infections, aiming at the quality of health care.
In this sense we idealize as proposals:
- To analyze the problem of the infections associated with health care in a multi-causal view focusing on the agent / host / environment triad;
- Discuss and analyze the process of epidemiological surveillance of infections;
- Evaluate institutional and individual aspects of health professionals (knowledge, behavior, attitudes and beliefs);
- Discuss and analyze the legislation that regulates the practice of infection control;
- Analyze and reflect on antimicrobial measures (antibiotic therapy, disinfection procedure, cleaning, detection and sterilization);
- Understand the development of multiresistance of strains.