Projects in Progress
Evaluation of surgical gloves in the physical and microbiological perspective: problems and coping strategies (Marinila Buzanelo Machado) – CAPES – (MASTERS PROGRAMME)
Biosafety in the use of reusable coats: perspectives and challenges in infection control (Felipe Lazarini Bim) – CAPES – (MASTERS PROGRAMME).
Biosafety: maintenance of biologically safe dental environment (Rachel Maciel Monteiro) – CAPES- (MASTERS PROGRAMME)
Disinfection of surfaces with Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) versus 70% alcoholic solution (Lucas Lazarini Bim) – CNPq- (MASTERS PROGRAMME)
- Monitoring the microbial load of dental clinics: basics for the control of contamination (Pedro Castania Amadio Domingues) – CAPES -(MASTERS PROGRAMME)
Remote monitoring of postoperative surgical patients: risk assessment of complications (Álvaro Francisco Lopes de Sousa) – CAPES -(DOCTORAL PROGRAMME)
Patient safety in the microbiological perspective and the provision of health services: integrated research for the teaching of infection control (Prof. Dr. Denise de Andrade) – Bolsa de Productividade CNPq.
Surveillance of peripheral puncture catheters: subsidies for association with phlebitis and biofilm formation (Prof. Denise de Andrade) – Universal Project CNPq.
Use of polynexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) on inanimate surfaces in health services from a microbiological perspective (Guilherme Schneider) – CNPq – ( SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH)