Creative Workshops
Here, the results of the realization of several workshops coordinated by the PodaLab team, inside or outside the premises of FAU USP, with the participation of different audiences are presented. In each situation, the specific objectives, the materials used, the tools used, the project/execution briefing, the dynamics and procedures were previously agreed with local managers, according to the context, the public, the multiplication potential of the proposal and other existing demands.
As part of the event, aimed at artisans from Ubatuba, the PodaLab Workshop was held at the Perequê-açú Bus Terminal on October 30 and 31, 2021, with the participation of 16 artisans.
The workshop had the central objective of demonstrating the potential of application of pruning wood in the manufacture of simple objects, of daily use, achievable with also simple tools. The time allocated to the workshop, given the extensive program of the Forum, was very short – only 4 hours in total. In addition, the infrastructure available on site only allowed the use of hand tools. On the other hand, for the intended visibility, it was very important to be able to reach a finished, useful final product. Thus, it was decided to develop the projects in advance by the PodaLab team, and to carry out the main components in the FAU USP workshop. During the workshop, the final assembly and finishing of the products would be carried out.
The category of object chosen for design and execution, together with the managers of the Forum, was the “stool”, a small piece of furniture that is part of the traditional Brazilian culture – caipira and caiçara – in different models and versions. It could be used by the artisan himself at fairs and exhibition events of his creations, and also in different situations of work or leisure.
As raw material, wood of the “Tipuana tipu” species was chosen because it is the largest available, unfolded and already dry, to which the PodaLab team had access, from pruning carried out in the University City in 2021.

The benches described below were taught at the workshop held by Grupo PodaLab in Ubatuba, SP, during the III Fórum de Saberes Artesanais, at the Perequê-Açú Terminal, on October 30th and 31st, 2021 and which had as raw material forest-based materials from the management of urban afforestation within the Butantã campus of the University of São Paulo.
Hobby stool

Name: Hobby stool
Materials: Lumber, dowels and self-tapping screws.
Species(s): Tipuana tipu
Technique: Fittings fixed with screws, finishing with a sealer and carnauba oil.
Width, depth and height (cm): 40 x 22.5 x 35. All pieces are 25mm thick.
Function: Low stool for indoor use.
Description: Product developed to integrate a stool assembly and finishing workshop, as an example of application of urban pruning wood and introduction to joinery. The dimensions of the top pieces vary, following the natural shape of the cross-section and keeping the bark of the tree.
Author: Podalab
Date: October 2021
Production: STMEEC and Podalab.

Triglute Stool (3G)

Name: Triglute Stool (3G)
Materials: Lumber, dowels and self-tapping screws.
Species: Tipuana tipu
Technique: Pieces screwed and joined with dowels, finishing with sealer and carnauba oil. All pieces are 25mm thick.
Width, depth and height (cm): 40 x 37 x 35
Function: Low stool for indoor use.
Description: Product developed to integrate a stool assembly and finishing workshop, as an example of application of urban pruning wood and introduction to joinery. The dimensions of the top pieces vary, following the natural shape of the cross-section and keeping the bark of the tree.
Author: Podalab
Date: October 2021
Production: STMEEC and Podalab.

Bicho's Workshop I - Toco Box

Name: Toco box
Materials: Round wooden parts, metal pin and neodymium magnet.
Species: –
Technique: Pieces joined with a metal pin, finished with a sealer and carnauba oil. Lid closure system with neodymium magnet.
Width, depth and height (cm): 90 x 90 x 70
Function: Object holder.
Description: Product developed to integrate a workshop for assembly and finishing of boxes to store objects of small dimensions, as an example of application of urban pruning wood and introduction to joinery.
Author: Podalab
Date: March, 2022
Production: STMEEC and Podalab.

Bicho's Workshop II - Wifi Bank

Name: Wifi Bank
Materials: lumber, metal screw.
Species: –
Technique: Pieces of sawn wood joined with a metallic screw, finishing with a sealer and carnauba oil. .
Width, depth and height (cm): 600 x 580 x 70
Function: Individual bench.
Description: Product developed to integrate an assembly and finishing workshop of individual benches for use in public places, as an example of application of urban pruning wood and introduction to joinery.
Author: Podalab
Date: March, 2022
Production: STMEEC and Podalab.Banco

Fröebel Workshop

Name: Workshop Revisiting Fröbels
Materials: lumber, MDF.
Species: –
Technique: Lumber and mdf pieces glued together
Width, depth and height (cm): 600 x 580 x 70
Function: Individual bench.
Description: Product developed to integrate an educational toy workshop, as an example of urban pruning wood application and introduction to woodworking.
Author: Podalab
Date: March, 2022
Production: STMEEC and Podalab.