Line: Psychosocial processes and practices: human rights, inequalities and politics
The Multiplicity of Social Psychology: Theoretical and Methodological Issues
Interdisciplinary cartography in the territory of Butantã: strengthening of solidarity networks from the Point of Solidarity Economy of the region
Community and rooting: contemporary forms of suffering and psychosocial resistance – Escola de Cidadania de Cidade Ademar e Pedreira
Domination, racism and distress
Domination, racism and distress
Rooting, time perspective and participation in Environmental Psychology
Critical Study of Recognition Claims in Community Social Psychology
Facilitating and supporting creativity in the Unified Social Assistance System
Social humiliation: memory, theory, healing and research
Social humiliation: memory, theory, healing and research
Limits and possibilities for the good life of black students in higher education institutions: the case of the University of São Paulo
Career Models in Contemporary Life: An Exploratory Study of Unique Careers
Needs in health, internet use and ethnic-racial, religious and family diversity of high school students in São Paulo
Neoliberalism as a form of suffering management
What do young people think about participation and political representation? Society, consciousness and contexts of democracy.
The Single System of Social Assistance (SUAS): reflections on the notion of “psychosocial” in special protection services
Psychology and indigenous peoples: conceptions and practices of health care
Social Psychology and Public Policies: Interdisciplinarity, intersectoriality and networking actions
Mental health and solidarity work relations: support to the viability of the enterprises of the Point of Solidarity Economy and Culture of Butantã.
Work, organizational processes, subjectivity and health
Uberization of work and subjectivity: psychosocial aspects of precariousness in the neoliberal context
Youth vulnerabilities to STI/HIV and partner violence: evaluation of human rights-based psychosocial interventions
Vulnerabilities, violence and public policies: contributions of Social Psychology
Line: Psychosocial processes and practices: culture and subjectivity
The Family in 20th Century Brazilian Literature
Unconscious Alliances in the constitution of subjectivity and culture: metapsychological studies on groups
Psychosocial Aspects of Dissociative Phenomena
Cognitive Science of Religion: Psychosocial Aspects
Transformation Clinics
Epistemology of Discourses in Psychoanalysis and Social Psychology and the Hermeneutic Issue and its Ethics
Contemporary ways of understanding and building careers and identity constructions of work in Brazil
Gender, Norms and Psychoanalysis. Gender and Norms in the Discourse of Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry and Public Policies in France and Brazil: the Transidentiary Paradigm
Influences between Place, Subjectivity and Human Behavior
International Health Practices: therapeutic mediation ( art, creativity and care)
Image-based methodology in Social Psychology
Perception and Aesthetic Experience in Social Life
Psychoanalysis and social context in Brazil: transnational flows, cultural impact and authoritarian regime
Social Psychology and Literature: narratives, themes and arguments
Publication of the book “Desejo de Longevidade” in Portuguese and English
Biologische Basis religiöser Erfahrung
Transliminarity, religious and paranormal experiences and beliefs and quality of life among religious and non-religious: a longitudinal study
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