Producción académica reciente y aspectos para destacar

Elsie C O Forkert , Augusto Cesar Ferreira De Moraes , Heráclito Barbosa Carvalho , Yannis Manios , Kurt Widhalm , Marcela González-Gross , Angel Gutierrez, Anthony Kafatos , Laura Censi , Stefaan De Henauw , Luis A Moreno. Skipping Breakfast Is Associated With Adiposity Markers Especially When Sleep Time Is Adequate in Adolescents. Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 23;9(1):6380. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42859-7. (FI = 4.011)

Jessica Mayumi Maruyama, Maria Pastor-Valero, Iná S Santos, Tiago N Munhoz, Fernando C Barros, Alicia Matijasevich. Impact of Maternal Depression Trajectories on Offspring Socioemotional Competences at Age 11: 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort. J Affect Disord. 2019 Jun 15;253:8-17. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.03.072. (FI   = 4.084)

Leandro Fórnias Machado de Rezende, Dong Hoon Lee, NaNa Keum, Katharina Nimptsch, Mingyang Song, I-Min Lee, José Eluf-Neto, Shuji Ogino, Charles Fuchs, Jeffrey Meyerhardt, Andrew T Chan, Walter Willett, Edward Giovannucci, Kana Wu. Physical Activity During Adolescence and Risk of Colorectal Adenoma Later in Life: Results From the Nurses’ Health Study II. Br J Cancer  2019 Jul;121(1):86-94. doi: 10.1038/s41416-019-0454-1. (FI = 5.416)

Eder Gatti Fernandes, Camila Cristina Martini Rodrigues, Ana Marli Christovam Sartori, Patrícia Coelho De Soárez, Hillegonda Maria Dutilh Novaes. Economic evaluation of adolescents and adults’ pertussis vaccination: A systematic review of current strategies. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2019;15(1):14-27. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2018. (FI= 3,643)

Camila Zancheta Ricardo, Catarina Machado Azeredo, Leandro Fórnias Machado de Rezende, Renata Bertazzi Levy. Co-occurrence and Clustering of the Four Major Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors in Brazilian Adolescents: Analysis of a National School-Based Survey PLoS One 2019 Jul 3;14(7):e0219370. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219370. eCollection 2019. (FI = 2,776)

Fernandes, Eder Gatti, Ana Marli Christovam Sartori, Patrícia Coelho de Soárez, Telma Regina MP Carvalhanas, Marcela Rodrigues, and Hillegonda Maria Dutilh Novaes. “Challenges of interpreting epidemiologic surveillance pertussis data with changing diagnostic and immunization practices: the case of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.” BMC infectious diseases 18, no. 1 (2018): 126.

Peres, Maria Fernanda Tourinho, Catarina Machado Azeredo, Leandro Fórnias Machado de Rezende, Eliana Miura Zucchi, Ivan Franca-Junior, Olinda do Carmo Luiz, and Renata Bertazzi Levy. “Personal, relational and school factors associated with involvement in fights with weapons among school-age youth in Brazil: a multilevel ecological approach.” International journal of public health 63, no. 8 (2018): 957-965.

La Maison, Carolina, Tiago N. Munhoz, Iná S. Santos, Luciana Anselmi, Fernando C. Barros, and Alicia Matijasevich. “Prevalence and risk factors of psychiatric disorders in early adolescence: 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort.” Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 53, no. 7 (2018): 685-697.

Melo, B., L. Rezende, P. Machado, N. Gouveia, and R. Levy. “Associations of ultraprocessed food and drink products with asthma and wheezing among Brazilian adolescents.” Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 29, no. 5 (2018): 504-511.

NascimentoFerreira, M. V., A. C. F. De Moraes, P. V. Toazza Oliveira, T. RendoUrteaga, L. GraciaMarco, C. L. M. Forjaz, L. A. Moreno, and H. B. Carvalho. “Assessment of physical activity intensity and duration in the paediatric population: evidence to support an a priori hypothesis and sample size in the agreement between subjective and objective methods.” Obesity reviews 19, no. 6 (2018): 810-824.

Fernandes EG, Rodrigues CC, Sartori AM, De Soárez PC, Novaes HM. Economic evaluation of adolescents and adults’ pertussis vaccination: A systematic review of current strategies. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics. 2019 Jan 2;15(1):14-27.