Complete Projects
Research and Cooperation Projects
Postdoctoral Projects
Scientific Initiation Projects
Course Conclusion Work Projects
Research and Cooperation Projects 
Degradation of Pollutants of Emerging Interest by Sunlight Photoreactors and Innovative Treatments. Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Members: Dr. Bruno Ramos, Dra. Fabiane de Jesus Trindade, Dra. Bruna Castanheira, Sergio Brochsztain, Juliana Mendonça Silva de Jesus, Roberta Frinhani Nunes, Isadora Luiza Clímaco Cunha, Priscila Hasse Palharim. Research Project, Regular Project FAPESP 2018/21271-6. Validity: 01/2019-07/2021.
Synthesis and characterization of mesoporus organosilicates containing aromatic imites and their applications in the energy field. Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Sergio Brochsztain (CECS/UFABC), Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Research Project, FAPESP scholarship. Validity: 11/2016-04/2019.
Development of photocatalytic reactor for the treatment of gases contaminated with volatile organic compounds. Coordinator: Danielle Matsumoto (Ecoplas Equipamentos Industriais Ltda.). Members: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira, José Luis Paiva, Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani, Thiago Lewis Reis Hewer, Leonardo Almeida Diniz. Small Business Innovative Research Project – PIPE, FAPESP scholarship. Validity: 09/2016-05/2017.
Tratamento of phenolic organic effluents from the colorant industry using Fenton/Fotofenton technology. Coordinators: Profa. Dra. Patricia Araujo Pantoja (UTEC), Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP), Prof. Dr. Galo A. C. Le Roux (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). International Collaborating Project of the Science and Technology Program – FINCYT. Escola Politécnica da USP, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (UTEC, Peru). Validity: 03/2015-11/2017.
Removal of Micropollutants through Photochemical Processes. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Participants: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP), Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN), Prof. Dr. José Geraldo Pacheco Filho (UFPE). Academic Cooperation Project CAPES/PROCAD 88881.068433/2014-01. USP, UFRN, UFPE. Validity: 01/2014-09/2020.
CEPEMA – Cooperative Center in Environmental Engineering. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Participants: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira, Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Giudici, Dr. José Ermírio F de Moraes, Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Camino Bazito, Dra. Maria Anita Mendes, Dra. Katia Ribeiro, Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani, Dr. Marcio Reis Custódio, Prof. Dr. Adriano Azzoni, Prof. Dr. Rene Schneider. Thematic Project FAPESP. CEPEMA, Escola Politécnica da USP. Validity: 05/2014-07/2019.
Isolation, Characterization and Screening of Environmental Applications of Bio-Organic Substances Obtained from Urban Biomasses. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Galo A. C. Le Roux (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Participants (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP): Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira, Prof. Marcelo M. Seckler, Prof. Ardson S. Vianna Junior, Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. Scientific-Academic Cooperation Project founded by the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2010-International Research Staff Exchange Scheme). USP, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), Università de Torino (Italy), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina). Validity: 07/2010-08/2014.
National Institute of Environmental Studies. (INCT-EMA/CEPEMA-USP). Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Participants (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP): Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira, Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. FAPESP 2008/57708-7 e CNPq 703905/2009. USP, UFRN, UFPE, UFMT, UNIFESP, UFPel. Validity: 03/2009-02/2014.
Study of Optimization of Water Use in the Oil Desalting Processes. Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP) e Dra. Esther Oliveros (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, França). Participant: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). FAPESP 2007/58484-2 e CNRS. Validity: 03/2009-03/2011.
Engineering of Advanced Photochemical Oxidative Processes Applied to Effluent Treatment. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. FAPESP 2006/52751-6. Validity: 11/2006-10/2009.
Development of Hybrid Solar Processes for the Treatment of Industrial Effluents. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CNPq 475904/2006-0, Notice MCT/CNPQ 02/2006 – Universal. Validity: 10/2006-06/2009.
Water Purification by Integrated Processes of Pervaporation and Photochemical Degradation. Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP) e Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Schaber (ITTK, Karlsruhe, Alemanha). Participant (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP): Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira, Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. Validity: 01/2008-12/2009. CAPES e DAAD (CAPES/DAAD/PROBRAL 287/07). USP, Universidade de Karlsruhe (Germany).
Water Reuse in Chemical Industry. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Participants: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP), Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP), Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Academic Cooperation Project CAPES/PROCAD CAPES/PROCAD 0213055. USP, UFRN. Validity: 02/2006-01/2009.
Postdoctoral Projects 
Degradation of phenol using a hybrid method based on hydrodynamic cavitation coupled with other advanced oxidation processes. Dr. Ashish Vishwanath Mohod. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. FAPESP scholarship 2019/19383-3. 2022.
Intensification of Solar Photo-Catalytic Processes for the Treatment of Water Contaminated with Drugs through the Micro-Structuring of Reaction Spaces. Dr. Bruno Ramos. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. FAPESP scholarship 2015/21421-0. 2019.
Photochemical Environmental Destination and Degradation of Antibiotics through the Combined Bioreactor System with Membranes and Ozonation. Dra. Arlen Mabel Lastre-Acosta. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa (PHA-EPUSP). FAPESP scholarship 2016/03695-8. 2019.
Controlled Hybrid Nanostructures of Emerging Pollutants by Sunlight. Dra. Fabiane de Jesus Trindade. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira. CAPES/PROCAD scholarship. 2019.
Development of an Electro-Fenton-Like Process for the Degradation of Endocrine Disruptors Found in Brazilian ETE Effluents. Dra. Cátia Alexandra Leça Graça. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira. PNPD/CAPES scholarship. 2018.
Coupling a Reductive Process with Zero Valency Copper to an Oxidative Process based on Sulfate Radicals for the Degradation of the Pesticide Atrazine. Dra. Cátia Alexandra Leça Graça. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira. CAPES/PROCAD scholarship. 2018.
Influence of Organic Matter on Degradation of Antibiotic Mixture in Aqueous Solution Using Ultraviolet Radiation. Dra. Ana Paula dos Santos Batista. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira. CNPq scholarship. 2017.
Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Advanced Oxidative Processes. Dra. Kátia Ribeiro. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. CNPq scholarship. 2015.
Photochemical Contribution of Reactive Species in the Degradation of Organic Pollutants Using Solar Simulator and Gamma Radiation. Dra. Ana Paula dos Santos Batista (Postdoctoral internship abroad). Supervisor: Prof. William Cooper (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, EUA). FAPESP scholarship 2013/050417. 2014.
Study of Degradation of Antibiotics in Trace Concentration by Photooxidative Processes. Dra. Ana Paula dos Santos Batista. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. FAPESP scholarship 2012/14889-7. 2016.
Integration of Processes (Photochemical and Membranes) for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate. Dra. Kátia Ribeiro. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CAPES scholarship. 2013.
Study and Development of New Catalysts for Use in Solar Photoreactors. Dr. Thiago Lewis Reis Hewer. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. FAPESP scholarship 2010/20340-2. 2011.
Study of Methodologies for the Design of Solar Photochemical Reactors. Dra. Kátia Ribeiro. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. FAPESP scholarship 2009/50771-8. 2010.
Processes for the Treatment of Industrial Waste and Remediation of Contaminated Areas. Dr. Douglas do Nascimento Silva. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2009.
Development of new fluidizable catalysts applied to the photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic compounds in the gas phase. Carolina Araújo Gusmão. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). CNPq scholarship. 2024.
Advanced WO3-AgCl photocatalysts: Synthesis, characterization and application in powder and film forms for the efficient degradation of pharmaceutical contaminants using sunlight. Priscila Hasse Palharim. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). CAPES scholarship. 2024.
Degradation of Hormones Present in Effluent Generated in the Production of Contraceptives by Advanced Electrochemical Oxidative Processes. Juliana Mendonça Silva de Jesus. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). CAPES scholarship. 2023.
Degradation of contaminants with different chemical structures by reactive oxygen and oxysulfur species generated via sulfite and persulfate-based processes. Roberta Frinhani Nunes. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). CNPq scholarship. 2022.
Advances in the elimination of volatile organic compounds through photocatalytic oxidation in fluidized bed. Leonardo Almeida Diniz. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). CNPq scholarship. 2021.
Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporus Periodic Organosilicates (PMO) containing 1,4,5,8-naphthalenediimides (NDI) for Applications in Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants of Emerging Interest. Bruna Castanheira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Sergio Brochsztain (UFABC). CNPq scholarship. 2020.
Clarification of Sugarcane Juice by means of Advanced Oxidative Processes. Adriana Cristina Gonçalves. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. CAPES scholarship. 2020.
Modeling and Simulation of Advanced Oxidative Processes: Study of Ciprofloxacin Degradation in Aqueous Solution by Ozonation Process. María Adelfa Abreu Zamora. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Galo A. C. Le Roux (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CAPES scholarship. 2019.
Modeling of Flow and Radiation Fields of a Photocatalytic Process in the Gas Phase of Fluidized Bed Reactor. Danielle Matsumoto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. José Luis Paiva (PQI-EPUSP). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CAPES scholarship. 2018.
Photooxidative Degradation of Bisphenol A by H2O2/UV: Process Study and Kinetic Modeling. Leandro Goulart de Araújo. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2018.
Study of the Application of Advanced Oxidative Processes (POA) in the Degradation of Recalcitrant Phytopharmaceuticals in Contaminated Water. Cátia Alexandra Leça Graça. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Profa. Dra. Adriana Correia de Velosa (UFF). 2017.
Study of Mass Transport Associated with Chemical Reactions in the Clarification Process of Sugarcane Juice Using Ozone. Christiane Reis Fonseca. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. José Luis Paiva. 2017.
Optimization of LED and UVA irradiations sources and the addition of iron complex in the performance of bleaching in dentistry. Bruno Antunes Lopes. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Paulo Eduardo Capel Cardoso (Faculdade de Odontologia da USP). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2016.
Unconventional Treatment Processes for the Degradation of the Sulfadiazine Antibiotic in Aqueous Medium. Arlen Mabel Lastre-Acosta. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2016.
Photodegradation of Atrazine and Amicarbazone Herbicides in Aqueous Medium: Environmental Destine and Treatment. Marcela Prado Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2015.
Degradation of Amicarbazone Herbicide by Direct Photolysis and H2O2/UV in Coaxial Annular Photochemical Reactor. André Luís de Castro Peixoto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2014.
Optimization of Water Use in Oil Refineries. Michele Anze. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2013.
Removal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Contained in Solid Material. Dannielle Janainne Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2013.
Combination of Activated Carbon Adsorption with Advanced Oxidative Processes (POA) for Treatment of Effluents Containing Phenol. Cinthia Tiemi Muranaka. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2010.
Development of a Photo-oxidative System Aiming Application in the Treatment of Water pRoduced in Oil Fields. André Luis Novais Mota. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2010.
Study of Integrated Processes for the Treatment of Effluents Containing Organic Contaminants of Industrial Interest. Kátia Ribeiro Byczyk Nogueira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Integration of Membrane Separation and Photodegradation Processes for Industrial Effluent Treatment. Fulvia Jung Borges. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2009.
Photochemical Degradation of Industrial Effluents Containing Polypropylene and Isoniazid. Emmanuelle de Paiva Telemaco.Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2008.
Remediation of Soils Impacted with Organic Pollutants Using Fenton’s Reagents. Douglas do Nascimento Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2008.
Study of Photochemical Degradation of Aqueous Solutions of Polythyleneglycol, Polyacryamide and Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Jeanne Aparecida Giroto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Photochemical Degradation of Phenol, 2,4-Dechlorophenol and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid n High Salinity Medium. Airton José da Luna. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2005.
Development and Analysis of the Process of Photodegradation of Industrial Organic Polluants. José Ermirio Ferreira de Moraes. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2003.
Study of the Use of Solar Photochemical Reactors for the Degradation of Industrial Effluents Containing Toxic Organic Compounds. Isabela B. S. Will. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2003.
Environmental photochemical persistence of pesticides in surface water. Carolina Mendes Rocha. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Capes scholarship. 2021.
Evaluation of advanced oxidative processes in the removal of pesticides present in agroindustry effluents. Isadora Luiza Climaco Cunha. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). Capes scholarship. 2021.
Photocatalytic Degradation of Sulfadiazine in a Reactor Irradiated by UVA LEDs: Comparison of TiO2 and TiO2/SBA-15 (30%) Materials. Paula Cristina Frausto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira (CESQ/PQI-EPUSP). 2019.
Degradation of Parabéns Employing Bioreactor with Membranes and Oxidative Process Based on Persulfate. Priscila Hasse Palharim. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CNPq scholarship. 2019.
Degradation of Sulfadiazine through Heterogeneous Photocatalysis in a Reactor Irradiated by High Power LEDs-UVA. Paula Cristina Frausto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Start: 2019.
Study of the Degradation of 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol through Metallic Copper Reduction combined with Advanced Oxidative Process, aiming at Supply Water Treatment. Larissa Pinheiro de Souza. Advisor: Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Dra. Cátia Alexandra Leça Graça. 2018.
Degradation of Zinc Bacitracin Antibiotic in Aqueous Medium through Advanced Oxidative Processes. Patrícia Metolina. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2018.
Valuation of landfill leachate. Marco Antonio Zelic. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2017.
Study of the Photodegradation of Bisphenol A in Aqueous Solution Via Direct Photolysis. Flaviane da Silva Santos. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2016.
Study of the Catalysts TiO2 P25 e TiO2 Kronos Activated by Sunlight for Atrazine Degradation by Heterogeneous Photocatalysis. Murilo Tomazini Munhoz Moya.Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2015.
Degradation of Drugs in Aqueous Medium by Photolysis and Photoassisted Peroxidation. Caroline Pereira Katsumata. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2014.
Study of the Degradation of the Pesticide Amicarbazone in Aqueous Medium by Advanced Oxidative Process Based on Ozone. Jahn Pierre Vargas Garcia. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Regeneration of Activated Charcoal Used for Pesticide Adsorption through Advanced Oxidative Processes. Carolina Oliveira Zambrana. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Study of the Degradation of Enrofloxacin in Aqueous Solution by mans of Photo-oxidative Processes. Meriellen Dias. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Study of Ag3PO4 Catalyst for Photodegradation Process in Solar Reactors. Barbara Celidonio Machado Betti. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2013.
Degradation of Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic in Aqueous Solution by Advanced Ozone-Based Oxidative Process. Cintia Bardauil Baptistucci. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2012.
Study of the Degradation of the Antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole in Aqueous Solution by Photolysis. Renata Viviane Bastos. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2012.
Degradation of Amicarbazone Pesticide in Aqueous Medium by TiO2/UV Process Irradiated by Sunlight. Alexandre Coelho da Silva d´Avila. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2012.
Affected Areas by BTEX in the Cubatão Region: Isolation of Microorganisms with Potential for Bioremediation and Social and Environmental Impacts Caused by These Compounds. Ingrid Regina Avanzi. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2012.
Study for Optimization of Solar Photochemical Reactor Systems for Effluents Treatment. Débora Pereira Coutinho da Silva. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2012.
Degradation of de 2,4-dichlophenol in Aqueous Solution by Photochemical Process. Juliana Dalia Resende. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2011.
Degradation of Methyl Thiophanate in Aqueous Solution by Photo-Fenton Process in Annular and Solar Reactor. Talitha de Andrade Borges. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2011.
Study of the Degradation of Phenol and its Intermediates by the UV/H2O2 Process. Pâmela Tambani. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2011.
Molecular Modeling Applications in Chemical Engineering: Investigation of the Mechanism of Phenol Degradation in Advanced Oxidative Process. Bruno Ramos. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Treatment of Aqueous Effluents Containing Chlorophenols by Photo-Fenton Advanced Oxidative Process. Ursula Juárez Cardeña. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Study of Removal of Organic Compounds, Benzene and Toluene, in Aqueous Solution by Fenton-type Advanced Oxidative Process. Zuzilene da Silva Evangelista. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Study of Textile Dye Degradation in Aqueous Matrices by means of Advanced Oxidative Processes O3-H2O2/UV and Photo-Fenton. Caroline Martins Santana. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Integration between Photo-Fenton and Activated Sludge Processes in the Treatment of Effluents Containing Recalcitrant Organic Compounds. Fernando Carlos Nascimento Sassano. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Study of the Degradation of Phenol in Aqueous Solutions by O3, O3/UV e O3-H2O2 Oxidation Processes. Litzy Lina Choquechambi Catorceno. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Treatment of Soil Contaminated with Biphenyls. Nara Angélica Policarpo. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2008.
Optimal Design of Reactor Systems for Photochemical Treatment of Industrial Effluents. Marcelo Trevisan Peretti. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2008.
Treatment of Industrial Effluents through Advanced Oxidative Processes. Cinthia Tiemi Muranaka. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2006.
Development of a Photochemical Reactor Applicable in the Treatment of Phenolic Effluents Present in the Oil Industry. André Luis Novais Mota. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filoho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2006.
Study of Process Water Reuse in a Petrochemical Industrial Complex. Daniela Cristina Barbosa de Lira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2006.
Degradation of Phenolic Compounds from Cashew Nut Liquid (LCC) Contained in Industrial Effluents. Kátia Regina de Souza. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2005.
Study of the Oxidation of Sodium Metabisulphite Contained in Shrimp Farming Effluents. Liana Filgueira Albuquerque. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2005.
Integration of Photochemical and Biological Process in the Degradation of Phenol in Aqueous Effluents. Fernanda Yumi Matsuda. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2005.
Disinfection of Domestic Effluents Treated in Anaerobic Reactor Using Artificial Ultraviolet Radiation. Maria do Socorro Ferreira Santos. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2005.
Study of the Photodegradation Process of Aqueous Effluents Containing Phenol in a Solar Reactor operating in Batch and Fed Batch. Katia Ribeiro Byczyk Nogueira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2005.
Study of Degradation of Petroleum Water by Photochemical Processes. Yurika Fukushima Kai. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2005.
Photochemical Degradation of Diesel Oil in Aqueous Effluents Through the Photo-Fenton Process. Sara Amélia de Oliveira Galvão. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2003.
Photochemical Degradation of Gasoline Hydrocarbons in Aqueous Effluents. Douglas do Nascimento Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Chiavone Filho (UFRN). Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2002.
Study of the Photochemical degradation Process of Polyvinyl Alcohol Aqueous Solutions. Jeanne Aparecida Giroto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2002.
Mathematical Modeling of Photochemical Reactors, Applied to the Degradation of Industrial Effluents. Adriano de Mattos Silvares. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2001.
Scientific Initiation Projects 
Synthesis and characterization of Pt-TiO₂/SiO₂ and Pt/S-TiO₂/SiO₂ materials and evaluation in a fixed-bed continuous photocatalytic reactor for drug degradation. Laura Teixeira Borges. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: PhD student Carolina de Araújo Gusmão. FAPESP scholarship. 2023.
Development of a methodology for quantifying second-order kinetic constants of contaminant degradation reactions in surface waters. Pedro Henrique de Oliveira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CNPq/PIBIC scholarship. 2023.
Synthesis and Evaluation of Fe₃O₄@HDL@Ag/Ag₃PO₄ Composites for Photocatalytic Degradation of Contaminants. Steffany Castro Ribeiro. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dra. Geovânia Cordeiro de Assis. CNPq scholarship. 2023.
Evaluation of advanced oxidation processes based on sodium percarbonate combined with solar irradiation for the removal of organic pollutants in wastewaters. Rafael Magalhães Motta. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2023.
Kinetic study of the photochemical persistence of the pesticide metribuzin in aqueous medium: Influence of microplastics. Matheus Larrondo Portiolli. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: PhD student Ádila de Oliveira Sampaio Dantas. FAPESP scholarship. 2023.
Degradation of phenol in aqueous medium by means of oxidation induced by the cavity-bubble system in a bed of spheres. Danilo Bengevenga Clemente. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dr. Ashish V. Mohod. CNPq/PIBIC scholarship. 2023.
Study of the Photo-Fenton Solar Process Based on Persulfate Salts in a Continuous Hybrid Flat Plate Reactor. Gabriel Filipe de Albuquerque Brasil Santos. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Giudici. Co-advisors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira; Dr. Bruno Ramos. CNPq/PIBITI scholarship. 2023.
Process development for pollutant removal in aqueous effluents using the UV/persulfate system combined with solar irradiation. Livia Babetto Ferreira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CNPq-PIBITI scholarship. 2021.
Development of intelligent hybrid photoreactor for the degradation of emerging pollutants. João Gabriel de Melo Carneiro. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. CNPq-PIBITI scholarship. 2020.
Packaging of flat solar photocatalysis reactors with semi-conductors fixed on glass and steel balls. Leandro Issamu Nagamati. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2020.
Synthesis and evaluation of WO3-Ag nanoparticles for heterogenous photocatalysis in acetaminophen degradation. Beatriz Lara Diego dos Reis Fusari. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2020.
Photochemical persistence of organic pollutants in aqueous medium: kinetic study. Juan Carlos Ogea. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2020.
Gaseous phase photocatalysis in a high speed fluidized bed: obtaining kinetic parameters of pollutants of interest. Danyel Lambert da Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. FAPESP scholarship. 2020.
Study of advanced electro-oxidation processes in 17β – structure hormone degradation. Renan dos Reis Hernandes. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Msc. Juliana Mendonça. 2019.
Immobilization of zinc oxide nanoparticles on varied substrates for fixed bed reactors for solar photocatalysis. Arthur Onishi de Godoy Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dr. Bruno Ramos. 2019.
Evaluation of nanophotocatalysts employing micro bed reactors packaged in the degradation of emerging pollutants. Alexandre Nikolas Gonçalves Trindade Fontes. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dra. Fabiane de Jesus Trindade. PIBIC-CNPq scholarship. 2019.
Metallic oxide hybrid nanostructures for heterogeneous photocatalysis in advanced oxidation processes. Maria Fernanda Bortoletto Forti. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dra. Fabiane de Jesus Trindade. CAPES-PROCAD scholarship. 2019.
Development and application of methodology for obtaining kinetic parameters aimed at modeling of gas-silly photocatalytic reactors in suspension. Alexandre Mirra Galante Miller. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Leonardo Almeida Diniz. CNPq-PIBIT scholarship. 2019.
Study of the degradation of attrazine pesticide through the activation of per sulfate with various sources of copper. Ricardo Ribeiro da Cruz. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dra. Cátia Alexandra Leça Graça. Bolsa CAPES-PROCAD. 2018.
Development and application of methodology for evaluatin and optimization of tubular photochemical reactors regarding incident radiativo capture. Pedro Felipe Bravo. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dr. Bruno Ramos. PIBIC-CNPq scholarship. 2017.
Removal of micropollutants through photochemical processes: pesticides 2O2/UV. Lucas Takeji Nakaima Fugita. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dra. Cátia Alessandra Graça. 2017.
Removal of micropollutants through oxidative processes. Beatriz Mazzini Marques. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2017.
Photochemical environment destination of antibiotics of different classes in surface water 2O2/UV. Bruna Barberato. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. Co-advisor: Dra. Arlen Mabel Lastre-Acosta. 2017.
Sulfonamide mixture photodegradation using the H2O2/UV system. Nicolas Fernandes Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Galo A. C. Le Roux. Co-advisors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira e Dra. Ana Paula dos Santos Batista. 2016.
Advanced process of water treatment and antibiotic contaminated effluents. Juliana Bondança Pereira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2015.
Water and aqueous effluent treatment containing antibiotic through photo oxidative processes: effect of bio organic substances (SBO). Beatriz Arnaut Dalle Lucca. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2015.
Evaluation of sulfametazine antibiotic degradation through heterogenous photocatalysis. Andressa Cristina Gonçalves Laranjeiro. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2014.
Drug degradation in aqueous medium in the presence of bioorganic compounds (BOs). Mariana Martins de Oliveira Netto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2014.
Permanganate evaluation as an actinometer. Paulo Roberto Roddolpho Pessutto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Evaluation of aqueous solutions treatments containing emerging pollutants from the toxicity bioassay based on the Vibrio Fischeri-Test. Mainah Ovando Obara. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Study of water photodegradation process contaminated with organic lubricant fluid. Larissa Naomi Seto. Larissa Naomi Seto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2013.
Contaminated water treatment with antibiotic ciprofloxacin by ozone oxidation. Tatiana de Ponte Vida. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2012.
Treatment of real industrial effluents through photochemicals: feasibility assessment. Ricardo Feóla Lopes da Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2012.
Characterization of photonic flow in photochemical reactors used to treat contaminated water by persistent organic pollutants. Juliana Souza Lisboa. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2011.
Characterization saudei of photodegradation processes. Lucas Davila Braga. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2011.
Characterization of tubular photochemical reactor with annular flow and axial radiant source. Uirá de Sílvio. Advisors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira e Prof. Dr. Roberto Guardani. 2010.
Degradation o ciprofloxacin antibiotic in aqueous solution through the ozone oxidation process. Renan Siqueira Dias. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2010.
Study of phenol degradation by UV/H2O2 process. Rebecca Hiromi Teoi. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Study of solar photocatalytic process promoted by TiO2/Peróxido or TiO2/Persulfato. Valeria Hiromi A. Ota. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Study of solar photocatalytic process promoted by TiO2/Peróxido or TiO2/Persulfato. Adriana Yumi Ito. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Application of toxicity biênios to the study of effluent treatment processes. Melissa Valiente De Luca. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Application of toxicity bioassays to the study of effluent treatment processes. Alexandre Campos Ferreira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Evaluation of advanced oxidative photochemical processes for the degradation of phenolic compounds in aqueous solution. Letícia Veloso Ribeiro da Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Toxicity bioassays based on Artemia sp. and Lactuca sativa. Tamiris Ferreira Martins Costa. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Development and project of tubular photochemical reactor. Juliana de Almeida Passadore. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Application of toxicity biênios to the study of effluent treatment processes. Renan Domingos. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Application of toxicity biênios to the study of effluent treatment processes. Denise Cardoso. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Molecular modeling applications to chemical reactions. Roberto Hazenfratz Marks. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Evaluation of toxicity bioassays to characterize the efficiency of effluent treatment processes. Paula Meerholz Roosch. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Characterization of activated sludge activity aiming at the integration of photochemical and biological processes for phenol degradation in aqueous solution. Janaína do Amaral Vieira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Degradation of organic pollutants in aqueous effluents through advanced oxidation processes. Erick Djin Mori. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Design, construtivo and testing of photochemical reactor for the tratamento of laboratory waste containing non-biodegradable toxic organic compounds. Fernando G. Faustino. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Application of molecular modeling techniques to chemical reactions engineering. Rafael Pinto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2006.
Pesticide degradation in aqueous solution in O3/Uv systems: equipment construction and process evaluation. Simone Kuramoto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2006.
Development of methods for hydrogen peroxide dosage in effluents treated by advanced oxidative processes. Raquel Rojas Malerba. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2006.
Removal of industrial effluent toxicity by advanced oxidative processes. : characterization of the efficiency of treatment by bioassays using Artemia sp. and Brachydanio rerio. João Paulo Naldi da Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2005.
Application of molecular modeling techniques to the study of oxidation reactions of organic contaminants through photochemical processes. Gustavo Torrents Schmidt. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2004.
Application of the shot-fenton process for pesticide degradation in aqueous effluents. Giselle Stollar. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio A. O. Nascimento. 2004.
Remediation of effluent containing toxic compounds not biodegradable by advanced oxidative processes: application to real industrial cases. André Bonassi Zara. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2004.
Application of Fenton and photo-Fenton processes for treating water contaminated by pesticides. Lucas Martins Zomignani Mendes. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2003.
Molecular modeling fundamentals applied to photochemical processes. Solange Narumi Takahashi. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2003.
Molecular modeling applied to advanced oxidative processes. Lucas Martins Zomignani Mendes. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2003.
Photochemical process study for the degradation of effluents containing silicones. Patrícia Naomi Oshiro. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2001.
Course Conclusion Work Projects 
Modeling and simulation of photochemical environmental persistente of pollutants in water bodies. Giberto Mitsuyoshi Yuki Junior. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2020.
Potentialities of the application of the homogeneous Fenton and Photo-Fenton process in the treatment of waste-water at different operational scales: a bibliographic review. Felipe Machado. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2020.
Mathematical modeling of photochemical degradation of propylparaben by UVA-activated persulfate. Lucas T. N. Fugita, Luccio S. Il Lee e Luis Felipe L Seabra. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2019.
Use of carboxylates as promoters of photo-fenotn treatment of water and aqueous effluents containing antibiotic. Beatriz Arnaut Dalle Lucca. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2018.
Study of N-hexane degradation in a photocatalytic reactor of fluidized bed. Gabriel Negrelli Garcia. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2018.
Mathematical modeling of toxic effluent treatment from ozone. Luiz Felipe Moreira Bittar. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2017.
Treatment of water and effluent contaminated by sulfadiazine drug by electron beam irradiation. Ivan Stoianov Loureiro e Mateus Moreira Spessotto. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2017.
Mathematical modeling of the tratamento of aqueous matrices containing the antibiotic ciprofloxacin through ozone oxidation. Gabriela Carpanez e Felipe Ramos Neves. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2016.
Mathematical modeling of toxic effluent treatment from ozoneLuiz Felipe Moreira Bittar. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2016.
Degradation of drugs in aqueous environment. Érika May Li Yoshida e Nathalia Harumi Mikami. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2015.
Degradation of sulfametazine antibiotic through heterogenous photocatalysis. Andressa Cristina Gonçalves Laranjeiro. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2015.
Characterization of flow with simultaneous photochemical reaction of potassium permanganate in aqueous solution. Paula de Almeida Toute e Tamiris Pires Theodoro. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2014.
Treatment of aqueous matrices containing the antibiotic ciprofloxacin through ozone oxidation. Tatiana de Ponte Vida. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2014.
Ozone action in the tratamento os slurry from landfill. Patrícia Vitelli Camillo e Fábio Bueno. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Construction and characterization of photochemical reactor for experimento under simulated solar irradiation. Juliana Souza Lisboa e Guilherme Almeida Rampim. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Study of a phenol-contaminated water treatment system by the Photo-Fenton process. Gabriella El Khoury Ghanem. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Simulation and control of the UV/H2O2 advanced oxidative process apelide to phenol degradation. Renata Ramos e Uirá de Sílvio. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2013.
Characterization of a tubular photochemical reactor by means of a photo reactive compound. Christine Suehiro e Fabiana Sayuri Murakami Otachi. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2012.
Study of the ozonation process in gas-liquid contant column. Lucas Risso Vieira. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2012.
Characterization of a tubular photochemical reactor with annular flow and axial radiation source. Felipe Cauhy Rodrigues e Tácito da Silva. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2011.
Degradation of integrated processes for the treatment of gaseous effluents. Mélanie Harba. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2011.
Development of integrated processes for tem treatment of gaseous effluents. Igor Kendi Miyasaki e Henry Shigueyuki Oyama. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2011.
Study of reductive degradation of dyes by metal iron in fixed bed reactor. Daniela Kaori Maki e Sheila Nakazato Mikaro. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2011.
Evaluation of the H2O2/UV advanced oxidative process for antibiotic degradation in aqueous solution. Leticia Veloso Ribeiro da Silva e Bruno Bertolotti Falleiros. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2010.
Study of phenol oxidation in annular photochemical reactor through the photo-fenton process in continuous mode. Fernando Garcia Faustino, Rafael Alves dos Santos e Michael Muracami Cavalache. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2009.
Phenol degradation in a pilot solar photochemical reactor: study of process variables. André Valerio e Erick Djin Mori. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Development and characterization of an annular photochemical reactor with coaxial tubes for phenol degradation through the phot-fenton process. Juliana de Almeida Passadore, Gaelle Chrétien e Nilton de Lima França. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2008.
Construction and pre-assessment of a solar photochemical reactor with compound satellite collectors. Pierre Ackin, Alex Gougeon e Kevin Goujon. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Treatment of textile industry effluents. Nilton Kiyoshi Hara e Henrique Higa Kato. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2007.
Phenol degradation from O3 in a multi lamps reactor. Pedro Henrique Bordão Moreira e Rodrigo Beltrati Coser. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2006.
Phenol degradation in aqueous solutions through advanced oxidative processes: bench scale study in a batch-operated and continuous photochemical reactor. Pascale Le Strat e Sébastien Bernard. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos S. C. Teixeira. 2006.