Materiais e Dispositivos Optoeletrônicos (Materials and Optoelectronic Devices) -----------------------------
Photonic band gap maps for wurtzite GaN and AlN
E. G. Melo, G. P. Rehder and M. I. Alayo, "Photonic band gap maps for wurtzite GaN and AlN," 2014 29th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro), Aracaju, Brazil, 2014, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SBMicro.2014.6940102.
GaN and AlN have attracted a great attention in the photonics researches. The large band gaps of these materials turn them suitable for nanophotonic devices that operate in light ranges from visible to deep ultraviolet. The photonic band gap maps obtained from plane wave calculations of common structures in wurtzite GaN and also in AlN were presented and analyzed. A complete photonic band gap with flat bands in the M - K direction was observed in the triangular lattice of air holes in dielectric medium.
Study of built-in stress distribution in AlGaN/GaN/AlN heterostructure based cantilevers for mechanical sensing in harsh environments
S. Vittoz, L. Rufer, G. Rehder, R. Srnanek and J. Kovac, "Study of built-in stress distribution in AlGaN/GaN/AlN heterostructure based cantilevers for mechanical sensing in harsh environments," 2011 4th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI), Savelletri di Fasano, Italy, 2011, pp. 17-20, doi: 10.1109/IWASI.2011.6004678.
Some industrial areas as oil, automotive and aerospace industries, require electromechanical systems working in harsh environments. A solution is to use III-V materials alloys having semiconductor, piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. These materials, particularly nitrides such as GaN or AlN, enable advanced design of devices suitable for harsh environment. A micromechanical structure based on AlGaN/GaN/AlN cantilevers coupled with a High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) is stress-sensitive and can act as a mechanical sensing device suited to harsh environments. The study of stress distribution after the structure release is necessary to assess its possible influence on the HEMT output. In this article, we propose a method to evaluate these stresses that is based on topology measurements. By coupling numerical modelling and laser interferometry measurements, both intrinsic and residual stresses, respectively the stress before and after release, are calculated. These results are then corroborated by stress measurements using MicroRaman spectroscopy. A residual stress distribution ranging from 140 MPa to 260 MPa is obtained in the HEMT area. However, the influence of this stress can be neglected against the influence of spontaneous polarization in GaN alloys.
Comunicação e Redes (Communication and Networks) -----------------------------
Millimeter-wave antenna array on silicon with embedded cavity-backed structure
H. P. Phan, M. H. Hoang, T. -P. Vuong, G. Rehder and C. A. Balanis, "Millimeter-wave antenna array on silicon with embedded cavity-backed structure," 2014 16th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM), Victoria, BC, Canada, 2014, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/ANTEM.2014.6887667.
In this paper a new silicon-based antenna structure with an embedded back cavity is presented. The basic antenna with an optimized geometry has good impedance matching with return loss of -40 dB and gain of 7.6 dBi at the resonant frequency of 60 GHz. The linear arrays of four antennas with the corporate feed network have been built with three different forms of rectangular back cavity to compare its impact on the directivity and total efficiency of the antenna. As a result, the array with closed-box cavity gives the best performance with directivity of 16.51 dBi with total efficiency of -1.22 dB.
Mm-wave flip-chip fabrication process for MnM-based interposer interconnection
F. S. Bedoya, A. L. C. Serrano and G. P. Rehder, "Mm-wave flip-chip fabrication process for MnM-based interposer interconnection," 2017 32nd Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro), Fortaleza, Brazil, 2017, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SBMicro.2017.8112986.
In this paper a new silicon-based antenna structure with an embedded back cavity is presented. The basic antenna with an optimized geometry has good impedance matching with return loss of -40 dB and gain of 7.6 dBi at the resonant frequency of 60 GHz. The linear arrays of four antennas with the corporate feed network have been built with three different forms of rectangular back cavity to compare its impact on the directivity and total efficiency of the antenna. As a result, the array with closed-box cavity gives the best performance with directivity of 16.51 dBi with total efficiency of -1.22 dB.
Interferência e Mitigação de Sistemas (Interference and Systems Mitigation) ----------
Co-Site Interference Study and Mitigation Onboard a Submarine Between Communication and Positioning Systems at L Band
V. T. Klingelfus, A. L. C. Serrano and G. P. Rehder, "Co-Site Interference Study and Mitigation Onboard a Submarine Between Communication and Positioning Systems at L Band," in IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 38-42, March 2021, doi: 10.1109/LEMCPA.2020.3044863.
This letter focuses on modeling and studying the RF interference between a civilian Inmarsat FB emitter at 1627 MHz (culprit) and a GPS L1 band maritime system at 1575 MHz (victim) on close antennas proximity onboard a submarine. Once predicted the RFI, we propose the design of an adequate mitigation for it. The chosen platform to host this study is a 3D model of the U.S. Navy retired Los Angeles SSN-688 original class submarine. The proposed methodology consists on calculating through numerical 3D electromagnetic simulation the electromagnetic decoupling between culprit and victim's antennas on different antenna placement scenarios onboard the SSN-688's masts; modeling a typical GPS front-end receiver simultaneously excited with both the interferer signal after decoupling, and the GPS weak signal reception; to observe the RFI effects on the modeled receiver circuit; and to finally propose and design an adequate filter to control and mitigate the interference. The result is a pre-filter, to be connected to the GPS receiver front-end before the GPS's low noise amplifier, which attenuates the Inmarsat signal on the rejection band below the RFI threshold level and inserts a low insertion loss on GPS pass band.
Co-Site Interference Modelling, Characterizing and Mitigation Between Inmarsat FB and GPS Systems Onboard a Submarine
V. T. Klingelfus and A. L. C. Serrano, "Co-Site Interference Modelling, Characterizing and Mitigation Between Inmarsat FB and GPS Systems Onboard a Submarine," 2018 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity (EMC, SI & PI), Long Beach, CA, USA, 2018, pp. 1-1, doi: 10.1109/EMCSI.2018.8495218.
In this paper a new silicon-based antenna structure with an embedded back cavity is presented. The basic antenna with an optimized geometry has good impedance matching with return loss of -40 dB and gain of 7.6 dBi at the resonant frequency of 60 GHz. The linear arrays of four antennas with the corporate feed network have been built with three different forms of rectangular back cavity to compare its impact on the directivity and total efficiency of the antenna. As a result, the array with closed-box cavity gives the best performance with directivity of 16.51 dBi with total efficiency of -1.22 dB.
Sensores e Dispositivos de Medição (Sensors and Measurement Devices) -----------------------------
A Highly Sensitive Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP)-Coated Microwave Glucose Sensor
Amir Hossein Omidvar, Atena Amanati Shahri, Ariana Lacorte Caniato Serrano, Jonas Gruber, Gustavo Pamplona Rehder, "A Highly Sensitive Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP)-Coated Microwave Glucose Sensor", 2022, Journal Sensors, Vol. 22, Pages 8648
A novel, low-cost, sensitive microwave microfluidic glucose detecting biosensor incorporating molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) is presented. The sensing device is based on a stub resonator to characterize water glucose solutions. The tip of one of the stubs is coated with MIP to increase the selectivity of the sensor and hence the sensitivity compared to the uncoated or to the coated with non-imprinted polymer (NIP) sensor. The sensor was fabricated on a FR4 substrate for low-cost purposes. In the presence of the MIP, the sensor loaded with a glucose solution ranging from 50 mg/dL to 400 mg/dL is observed to experience an absorption frequency shift of 73 MHz when the solutions flow in a microfluidic channel passing sensing area, while the lower limit of detection (LLD) of the sensor is discovered to be 2.4 ng/dL. The experimental results show a high sensitivity of 1.3 MHz/(mg/dL) in terms of absorption frequency.
A high sensitivity microwave glucose sensor
Atena A Shahri, Amir H Omidvar, Gustavo P Rehder, Ariana LC Serrano, "A high sensitivity microwave glucose sensor", 2021, Measurement Science and Technology
A novel, low-cost, sensitive microwave microfluidic glucose detecting biosensor incorporating molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) is presented. The sensing device is based on a stub resonator to characterize water glucose solutions. The tip of one of the stubs is coated with MIP to increase the selectivity of the sensor and hence the sensitivity compared to the uncoated or to the coated with non-imprinted polymer (NIP) sensor. The sensor was fabricated on a FR4 substrate for low-cost purposes. In the presence of the MIP, the sensor loaded with a glucose solution ranging from 50 mg/dL to 400 mg/dL is observed to experience an absorption frequency shift of 73 MHz when the solutions flow in a microfluidic channel passing sensing area, while the lower limit of detection (LLD) of the sensor is discovered to be 2.4 ng/dL. The experimental results show a high sensitivity of 1.3 MHz/(mg/dL) in terms of absorption frequency.
A millimeter-wave integrated sensor for the dielectric constant characterization of pico-liter volumes of liquids
A. -L. Franc, P. Ferrari and G. Rehder, "A millimeter-wave integrated sensor for the dielectric constant characterization of pico-liter volumes of liquids," 2012 International Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG), Grenoble, France, 2012, pp. 147-150, doi: 10.1109/ISCDG.2012.6360034.
A transmission line-based integrated sensor is investigated for the dielectric constant characterization of liquids using pico-liter volumes. The sensor is manufactured using the back-end-of-line of a CMOS 0.35 μm from AMS. A simple maskless etching post-CMOS process is used to realize a cavity underneath a transmission line to insert the liquid-under-test. Measurements with a vector network analyzer demonstrate a promising method for the characterization of the dielectric constant of liquids up to 40 GHz.
Capteur microondes intégré: caractérisation de la constante diélectrique de faibles volumes de liquides
A. -L. Franc, P. Ferrari and G. Rehder, "A millimeter-wave integrated sensor for the dielectric constant characterization of pico-liter volumes of liquids," 2012 International Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG), Grenoble, France, 2012, pp. 147-150, doi: 10.1109/ISCDG.2012.6360034.
Capteur microondes intégré : caractérisation de la constante diélectrique de faibles volumes de liquides - Université Savoie Mont Blanc Accéder directement au contenu Accéder directement à la navigation Toggle navigation HAL Université Savoie Mont Blanc HAL - Accueil Recherche Consultation Par type de publication Par année de publication Par domaine Par structure Par laboratoire Par collection Par auteur Dépôt hal-01020261, version 1 Communication dans un congrès Capteur microondes intégré : caractérisation de la constante diélectrique de faibles volumes de liquides Anne-Laure Franc 1 G. Rehder P. Ferrari 1 Détails 1 IMEP-LAHC - Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique - Laboratoire d'Hyperfréquences et Caractérisation Résumé : Capteur microondes intégré Type de document : Communication dans un congrès Domaine : Sciences de l'ingénieur […
Optical humidity sensor using Polypyrrole (PPy)
MA Alvarado, DO Carvalho, G Rehder, J Gruber, RWC Li, MI Alayo, "Optical humidity sensor using Polypyrrole (PPy)", 2012, Optical Components and Materials IX
Capteur microondes intégré : caractérisation de la constante diélectrique de faibles volumes de liquides - Université Savoie Mont Blanc Accéder directement au contenu Accéder directement à la navigation Toggle navigation HAL Université Savoie Mont Blanc HAL - Accueil Recherche Consultation Par type de publication Par année de publication Par domaine Par structure Par laboratoire Par collection Par auteur Dépôt hal-01020261, version 1 Communication dans un congrès Capteur microondes intégré : caractérisation de la constante diélectrique de faibles volumes de liquides Anne-Laure Franc 1 G. Rehder P. Ferrari 1 Détails 1 IMEP-LAHC - Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique - Laboratoire d'Hyperfréquences et Caractérisation Résumé : Capteur microondes intégré Type de document : Communication dans un congrès Domaine : Sciences de l'ingénieur […
Guias de Onda e Linhas de Transmissão (Waveguides and Transmission Lines) -----------------------------
Modeling and Design of a Partially Air-Filled Slow Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide
J. Corsi, G. P. Rehder, P. Ferrari, A. L. C. Serrano and E. Pistono, "Modeling and Design of a Partially Air-Filled Slow Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 750-762, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.2022.3206438.
In this article, a partially air-filled and slow wave substrate integrated waveguide (PAF-SW-SIW) build in the metallic nanowires membrane (MnM) technology is studied, fabricated, and measured. The impact of the nanowire conductivity on the slow wave factor (SWF) is quantified, and expressions of the effective permittivity and the effective loss tangent are found for the considered propagation medium. These parameters are expressed as a function of the air layer thickness and the equivalent conductivity of copper nanowires embedded in the nanoporous membrane. Electromagnetic (EM) simulations are used to validate these expressions, and a good agreement is obtained on both of these parameters for a conductivity between 1 and 1M S/m and for various air layer thicknesses, from 5 to 20 μm . In addition, the attenuation constant of nanowires is studied, and the results show a rapid increase of losses in the side walls of the waveguide for a conductivity lower than 100k S/m. Two sets of PAF-SW-SIW with the cutoff frequencies at 50 and 75 GHz, respectively, were fabricated and measured, resulting in attenuation constants between 0.25 and 0.38 dB/mm and between 0.28 and 0.75 dB/mm in the respective single-mode frequency band of these integrated waveguides.
Slow Wave Inverted Microstrip Line Based on Metallic Nanowire Filled Alumina Membrane
D. Wang et al., "Slow Wave Inverted Microstrip Line Based on Metallic Nanowire Filled Alumina Membrane," 2020 German Microwave Conference (GeMiC), Cottbus, Germany, 2020, pp. 160-163.
This paper presents the realization of a slow wave transmission line based on inverted microstrip structure, and a low cost metallic-nanowire-filled-membrane(NaM). The fabrication and processing of NaM are presented, as well as the principle of the slow wave(SW) effect. Simulation and Measurement results at V-band demonstrate that the effective dielectric constant of such transmission lines can be significantly increased beyond the dielectric constant of the substrate. Based on this, the dimension of the transmission line can be miniaturized, and losses can be reduced, thus to achieve a high quality factor.
Slow-wave Microstrip Lines on a Nanowire based Alumina Membrane
Florence Podevin, A Serrano, G Rehder, Anne-Laure Franc, L Cagnon, P Ferrari, " Slow-wave Microstrip Lines on a Nanowire based Alumina Membrane", 2012,
Slow-wave Microstrip Lines on a Nanowire based Alumina Membrane - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Accéder directement à la navigation Toggle navigation HAL HAL - Archives Ouvertes La connaissance libre et partagée Accueil Dépôt Consultation Les derniers dépôts Par type de publication Par discipline Par année de publication Par structure de recherche Les portails de l'archive Recherche Documentation hal-01062308, version 1 Communication dans un congrès Slow-wave Microstrip Lines on a Nanowire based Alumina Membrane Florence Podevin 1 A. Serrano 2 G. Rehder 1 Anne-Laure Franc 1 L. Cagnon 3 P. Ferrari 1 Détails 1 IMEP-LAHC - Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique - Laboratoire d'Hyperfréquences et Caractérisation 2 Departamento de Física 3 MNM - Micro et NanoMagnétisme NEEL - Institut Néel Type de document : Communication dans …
Metallic nanowire filled membrane for slow wave microstrip transmission lines
A. . -L. Franc, F. Podevin, L. Cagnon, P. Ferrari, A. Serrano and G. Rehder, "Metallic nanowire filled membrane for slow wave microstrip transmission lines," 2012 International Semiconductor Conference Dresden-Grenoble (ISCDG), Grenoble, France, 2012, pp. 191-194, doi: 10.1109/ISCDG.2012.6360022.
A new concept of slow wave microstrip transmission lines (SW µTL) dedicated to mmW and sub-mmW applications (100 GHz and further) is described herein. The microstrip is deposited on a specific substrate consisting in a metallic nanowires-filled membrane (MnM) of alumina covered with a thin top layer of silicon oxide. The slow wave effect is obtained thanks to metallic nanowires that capture the electric field while the magnetic field can extend in the whole substrate. Despite of the strong miniaturization expected, such SW µTLs should reach a quality factor five times higher than the one obtained with a conventional microstrip line (without nanowires). Such SW µTL can act as interconnecting paths if the MnM substrate is used as a 3D-interposer.
Compact DC to 110 GHz Crossover Based on Metallic-Nanowire-Filled Membrane
D. Wang et al., "Compact DC to 110 GHz Crossover Based on Metallic-Nanowire-Filled Membrane," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 45-48, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3115585.
This letter presents an ultra-wideband crossover based on metallic-nanowire-filled membrane (MnM) from dc to 110 GHz. Two designs are proposed with reduced insertion loss and high isolation. Design Type 1 presents a 1.2 dB insertion loss and 19 dB isolation up to 80 GHz, with a phase imbalance of 14° at 80 GHz. This important phase imbalance is due to CPW that passes under the top microstrip (MS) line. To improve the device, a CPW was used in both paths. The improved design Type 2 shows a 1.5 dB insertion loss, 0.2 dB insertion loss imbalance, and 3.3° phase imbalance at 110 GHz. The latter presents a measured isolation of 38 dB up to 70 GHz and a simulated isolation better than 30 dB up to 110 GHz.
Nanowire-Based 3-D Transmission-Line Transformer for Millimeter-Wave Applications
T. M. Frutuoso et al., "Nanowire-Based 3-D Transmission-Line Transformer for Millimeter-Wave Applications," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1171-1174, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LMWC.2022.3159096.
This letter presents an ultra-wideband crossover based on metallic-nanowire-filled membrane (MnM) from dc to 110 GHz. Two designs are proposed with reduced insertion loss and high isolation. Design Type 1 presents a 1.2 dB insertion loss and 19 dB isolation up to 80 GHz, with a phase imbalance of 14° at 80 GHz. This important phase imbalance is due to CPW that passes under the top microstrip (MS) line. To improve the device, a CPW was used in both paths. The improved design Type 2 shows a 1.5 dB insertion loss, 0.2 dB insertion loss imbalance, and 3.3° phase imbalance at 110 GHz. The latter presents a measured isolation of 38 dB up to 70 GHz and a simulated isolation better than 30 dB up to 110 GHz.
Dispositivos MEMS e Reconfiguráveis (MEMS and Reconfigurable Devices) -----------------------------
Slow-Wave MEMS phase shifter with Liquid Crystal for Reconfigurable 5G
L. Gomes et al., "Slow-Wave MEMS phase shifter with Liquid Crystal for Reconfigurable 5G," 2022 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2022, Denver, CO, USA, 2022, pp. 983-986, doi: 10.1109/IMS37962.2022.9865403.
Antenna beamforming is crucial for the development of 5G technology in the millimeter wave region and typical beamforming configuration uses phased arrays devices. For this reason, the development of phase shifters devices with low-cost, small footprint and high Figure of Merit (FoM) is necessary. In this paper, we present a slow-wave phase shifter based on a nanoporous alumina interposer, MEMS and liquid crystal (LC) for 5G mmW base station beamforming applications. The slow-wave line allows a device miniaturization, while the liquid crystal increases the phase shift and reduces the MEMS actuation voltage. A FoM of 42°/dB and 66 º/dB was obtained at 24 GHz and 40 GHz, with a maximum biasing voltage of 50 V and a footprint of 0.13 mm2. This device is a prime candidate for phased array antenna applications on 5G and future 6G base stations.
Fast and Miniaturized Phase Shifter With Excellent Figure of Merit Based on Liquid Crystal and Nanowire-Filled Membrane Technologies
D. Wang et al., "Fast and Miniaturized Phase Shifter With Excellent Figure of Merit Based on Liquid Crystal and Nanowire-Filled Membrane Technologies," in IEEE Journal of Microwaves, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 174-184, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.1109/JMW.2021.3131648.
This paper presents a highly miniaturized tuneable microstrip line phase shifter for 5 GHz to 67 GHz. The design takes advantage of the microstrip topology by substituting the ground plane by a metallic-nanowire-filled porous alumina membrane (NaM). This leads to a slow-wave (SW) effect of the transmission line; thus, the transmission line can be physically compact while maintaining its electric length. By applying a liquid crystal (LC) with its anisotropic permittivity as substrate between the transmission line and the NaM, a tuneable microstrip line phase shifter is realized. Three demonstrators are identically fabricated filled with different types of high-performance microwave LCs from three generations (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001). The measurement results show good matching in a 50 Ω system with reflection less than −10 dB over a wide frequency range. These demonstrators are able to reach a maximum figure of merit (FoM) of 41 ∘/dB, 48 ∘/dB, and 70 ∘/dB for different LCs (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001, respectively). In addition, experiments show that all three LCs should be biased with square wave voltage at approximately 1 kHz to achieve maximum tuneability and response speed. The achieved response times with GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001 are 116 ms, 613 ms, and 125 ms, respectively, which are much faster than other reported LC phase shifter implementations. Large-signal analysis shows that these implementations have high linearity with third-order interception (IP3) points of approximately 60 dBm and a power handling capability of 25 dBm.
Slow-wave distributed MEMS phase shifter in CMOS for millimeter-wave applications
B. M. Verona, G. P. Rehder, A. L. C. Serrano, M. N. P. Carreño and P. Ferrari, "Slow-wave distributed MEMS phase shifter in CMOS for millimeter-wave applications," 2014 44th European Microwave Conference, Rome, Italy, 2014, pp. 211-214, doi: 10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986407.
This paper presents the first experimental results of a distributed-MEMS phase shifter for millimeter waves applications. It is based on a tunable shielded coplanar waveguide (S-CPW) fabricated using the back-end-of-line (BEOL) of AMS 0.35 μm CMOS technology. A simple maskless post-CMOS etch was used to remove the BEOL silicon dioxide and release the ribbons of the S-CPW that can be electrostatically displaced, changing the capacitance of the S-CPW, altering the phase of the propagating signal. A phase shift of 25.1° with an insertion loss of 0.7 dB was measured in an 1120 μm-long S-CPW at 60 GHz, under a 60 V bias voltage, resulting in a Figure of Merit of 36°/dB. The developed approach also leads to a small insertion loss variation of ±0.1 dB. These first results should be further improved by optimizing the mechanical design.
Development of MEMS varactor for selectable-band patch filter
G. Rehder, A. L. C. Serrano, F. S. Correra and M. N. P. Carreño, "Development of MEMS varactor for selectable-band patch filter," 2012 8th International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS), Playa del Carmen, Mexico, 2012, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/ICCDCS.2012.6188949.
This paper presents a highly miniaturized tuneable microstrip line phase shifter for 5 GHz to 67 GHz. The design takes advantage of the microstrip topology by substituting the ground plane by a metallic-nanowire-filled porous alumina membrane (NaM). This leads to a slow-wave (SW) effect of the transmission line; thus, the transmission line can be physically compact while maintaining its electric length. By applying a liquid crystal (LC) with its anisotropic permittivity as substrate between the transmission line and the NaM, a tuneable microstrip line phase shifter is realized. Three demonstrators are identically fabricated filled with different types of high-performance microwave LCs from three generations (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001). The measurement results show good matching in a 50 Ω system with reflection less than −10 dB over a wide frequency range. These demonstrators are able to reach a maximum figure of merit (FoM) of 41 ∘/dB, 48 ∘/dB, and 70 ∘/dB for different LCs (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001, respectively). In addition, experiments show that all three LCs should be biased with square wave voltage at approximately 1 kHz to achieve maximum tuneability and response speed. The achieved response times with GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001 are 116 ms, 613 ms, and 125 ms, respectively, which are much faster than other reported LC phase shifter implementations. Large-signal analysis shows that these implementations have high linearity with third-order interception (IP3) points of approximately 60 dBm and a power handling capability of 25 dBm.
Development of a slow-wave MEMS phase shifter on CMOS technology for millimeter wave frequencies
Gustavo Rehder, Trang Vo, Philippe Ferrari, "Development of a slow-wave MEMS phase shifter on CMOS technology for millimeter wave frequencies", 2012 , Microelectronic engineering
This paper presents a highly miniaturized tuneable microstrip line phase shifter for 5 GHz to 67 GHz. The design takes advantage of the microstrip topology by substituting the ground plane by a metallic-nanowire-filled porous alumina membrane (NaM). This leads to a slow-wave (SW) effect of the transmission line; thus, the transmission line can be physically compact while maintaining its electric length. By applying a liquid crystal (LC) with its anisotropic permittivity as substrate between the transmission line and the NaM, a tuneable microstrip line phase shifter is realized. Three demonstrators are identically fabricated filled with different types of high-performance microwave LCs from three generations (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001). The measurement results show good matching in a 50 Ω system with reflection less than −10 dB over a wide frequency range. These demonstrators are able to reach a maximum figure of merit (FoM) of 41 ∘/dB, 48 ∘/dB, and 70 ∘/dB for different LCs (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001, respectively). In addition, experiments show that all three LCs should be biased with square wave voltage at approximately 1 kHz to achieve maximum tuneability and response speed. The achieved response times with GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001 are 116 ms, 613 ms, and 125 ms, respectively, which are much faster than other reported LC phase shifter implementations. Large-signal analysis shows that these implementations have high linearity with third-order interception (IP3) points of approximately 60 dBm and a power handling capability of 25 dBm.
Low Frequency Test for RF MEMS Switches
G. P. Rehder, S. Mir, L. Rufer, E. Simeu and H. N. Nguyen, "Low Frequency Test for RF MEMS Switches," 2010 Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test & Applications, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2010, pp. 350-354, doi: 10.1109/DELTA.2010.16.
This paper presents a highly miniaturized tuneable microstrip line phase shifter for 5 GHz to 67 GHz. The design takes advantage of the microstrip topology by substituting the ground plane by a metallic-nanowire-filled porous alumina membrane (NaM). This leads to a slow-wave (SW) effect of the transmission line; thus, the transmission line can be physically compact while maintaining its electric length. By applying a liquid crystal (LC) with its anisotropic permittivity as substrate between the transmission line and the NaM, a tuneable microstrip line phase shifter is realized. Three demonstrators are identically fabricated filled with different types of high-performance microwave LCs from three generations (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001). The measurement results show good matching in a 50 Ω system with reflection less than −10 dB over a wide frequency range. These demonstrators are able to reach a maximum figure of merit (FoM) of 41 ∘/dB, 48 ∘/dB, and 70 ∘/dB for different LCs (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001, respectively). In addition, experiments show that all three LCs should be biased with square wave voltage at approximately 1 kHz to achieve maximum tuneability and response speed. The achieved response times with GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001 are 116 ms, 613 ms, and 125 ms, respectively, which are much faster than other reported LC phase shifter implementations. Large-signal analysis shows that these implementations have high linearity with third-order interception (IP3) points of approximately 60 dBm and a power handling capability of 25 dBm.
Filtros e Conversão de Frequência (Filters and Frequency Conversion) -----------------------------
Dual-Band Patch Filter 180/270 GHz on BiCMOS 55nm
M. Wehbi, M. Margalef–Rovira, C. Durand, S. Lepilliet, A. L. C. Serrano and P. Ferrari, "Dual-Band Patch Filter 180/270 GHz on BiCMOS 55nm," 2022 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2022, Denver, CO, USA, 2022, pp. 248-250, doi: 10.1109/IMS37962.2022.9865564.
This paper presents an original design for dual-band dual-mode bandpass filter based on a single grounded patch resonator. It is implemented on BiCMOS 55 nm technology to operate at 180 GHz and 270 GHz. A full control of both bands is possible - thanks to the usage of vias and slots. The grounded vias significantly allow the reduction of the patch resonator realizing an overall size of 0.04 mm2, which is a fundamental aspect for (Bi)CMOS. The achieved results show a good agreement between simulation and measurement results with insertion loss of 4–5 dB in the passband, return loss of 14 dB and relative bandwidths of about 18%.
A Compact Butler Matrix Design Based on Metallic Nanowire Filled Membrane Technology and Tunable Phase Shifter at 160 GHz
D. Wang et al., "A Compact Butler Matrix Design Based on Metallic Nanowire Filled Membrane Technology and Tunable Phase Shifter at 160 GHz," 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Paris, France, 2019, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8873696.
This paper presents a highly miniaturized tuneable microstrip line phase shifter for 5 GHz to 67 GHz. The design takes advantage of the microstrip topology by substituting the ground plane by a metallic-nanowire-filled porous alumina membrane (NaM). This leads to a slow-wave (SW) effect of the transmission line; thus, the transmission line can be physically compact while maintaining its electric length. By applying a liquid crystal (LC) with its anisotropic permittivity as substrate between the transmission line and the NaM, a tuneable microstrip line phase shifter is realized. Three demonstrators are identically fabricated filled with different types of high-performance microwave LCs from three generations (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001). The measurement results show good matching in a 50 Ω system with reflection less than −10 dB over a wide frequency range. These demonstrators are able to reach a maximum figure of merit (FoM) of 41 ∘/dB, 48 ∘/dB, and 70 ∘/dB for different LCs (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001, respectively). In addition, experiments show that all three LCs should be biased with square wave voltage at approximately 1 kHz to achieve maximum tuneability and response speed. The achieved response times with GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001 are 116 ms, 613 ms, and 125 ms, respectively, which are much faster than other reported LC phase shifter implementations. Large-signal analysis shows that these implementations have high linearity with third-order interception (IP3) points of approximately 60 dBm and a power handling capability of 25 dBm.
Sistemas Integrados e Soluções Futuras (Integrated Systems and Future Solutions) -----------------------------
Millimeter-wave Wireless Integrated Systems: what to expect for future solutions
Millimeter-wave Wireless Integrated Systems: what to expect for future solutions ALC Serrano, G Marcati, I Abe, G Palomino, G Rehder - Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2022
This paper presents a highly miniaturized tuneable microstrip line phase shifter for 5 GHz to 67 GHz. The design takes advantage of the microstrip topology by substituting the ground plane by a metallic-nanowire-filled porous alumina membrane (NaM). This leads to a slow-wave (SW) effect of the transmission line; thus, the transmission line can be physically compact while maintaining its electric length. By applying a liquid crystal (LC) with its anisotropic permittivity as substrate between the transmission line and the NaM, a tuneable microstrip line phase shifter is realized. Three demonstrators are identically fabricated filled with different types of high-performance microwave LCs from three generations (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001). The measurement results show good matching in a 50 Ω system with reflection less than −10 dB over a wide frequency range. These demonstrators are able to reach a maximum figure of merit (FoM) of 41 ∘/dB, 48 ∘/dB, and 70 ∘/dB for different LCs (GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001, respectively). In addition, experiments show that all three LCs should be biased with square wave voltage at approximately 1 kHz to achieve maximum tuneability and response speed. The achieved response times with GT3-23001, GT5-26001 and GT7-29001 are 116 ms, 613 ms, and 125 ms, respectively, which are much faster than other reported LC phase shifter implementations. Large-signal analysis shows that these implementations have high linearity with third-order interception (IP3) points of approximately 60 dBm and a power handling capability of 25 dBm.