


Model: Eliana Doris Miranda

Photo by Caroline Miranda Bernardo


2013 – November 30th

II Congress on Active Aging  – Elderly Friendly City, São Paulo, Brazil                                     

Organizers: São Paulo City Hall, Senior City Council and Premier Hospital.

• First Poster: Envelhecimento, engajamento e aparência: significados e percepções de idosas participantes de um núcleo de convivência de idosos de São Paulo.

Authors: Joyce Plens, Marisa A. Domingues, Samila Batistoni and Andrea Lopes.


2013 – October

IV Gerontology International Colloquium.

Organizers: Institutes of Advanced Studies and Faculty of Medicine, USP Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.

Honorable mention to the Poster: Envelhecimento e aparência: a experiência de indianos imigrantes da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil.

Authors: Carolina Caio, Bibiana Graeff, José Renato Araújo and Andrea Lopes.


2012 – October

V Gerontology Conference EACH, USP, São Paulo, Brazil

Organizer: BA in Gerontologia EACH, USP.


2019 – November

Longevity Awards

Organizer: Bradesco Seguros

Life Stories Second Place: Photography Category

Title: The dream of being in here

Author Presentation: “It was in her old age that the courageous and engaged Elice fulfilled her dream of a lifetime: to enter University of São Paulo (USP). She takes a course in Gerontology, in a room in which most students are, on average, 20 years old. The relationships established there are diverse and enriching. Elice brings with her an unique trajectory and perspective on life for the construction of collective knowledge in the room, orchestrating the researcher’s scientific analysis with a first-person report on the various aspects of old age. And this is a mutual learning process”.

Author: Cristiano de Assis

Model: Elice Dias Oliveira, Gerontology undergraduate student at USP (Brazil), author’s classmate and retired public school principal.



2021 – March

First research outside EAPS’s research projects that the group took notice using as analytic framework the  concept of appearance proposed by the group:

Award: Human Rights Award for Academic Knowledge State University of Campinas / Vladimir Herzog Institute, Brazil

Category: Communication Science and Language / Undergraduated Monography

Study: Female Aging, ageism and appearance: a discussion about Snow White film versions

Authors: Maria Luiza Araújo Santos e Dr. Bibiana Graeff Chagas Pinto Fabre Graduação – BA in Gerontologia, School of Arts, Science and Humanities / University of São Paulo

Examination board of the monography exam/USP: Dr. Andrea Lopes and Dr. Maria Luisa Trindade Bestetti

For more information click here.

Watch the video of the ceremony (in Portuguese):



2021 – May

Patrícia Yokomizo

Outstanding Student from the Gerontology Master Program
Institution: School of Arts, Science and Humanities, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Period: 2017 – 2020
Academic profile, regarding destiny, action, and academic and social impacts:
Student from the first class of the Gerontology Master Program. Part of her research was in Spain, in collaboration with Dr. Paloma Diaz Soloaga, from Madrid Complutense University. The research had financial support from the Brazilian research agency FAPESP (2015/12100-5 and 2016/05161-0). In the period, she also published 15 articles with other members of the group. Nowadays, Patricia still collaborates in the research group Aging, Appearance and Meaning. She is one of the founders. Recently, she collaborated with an artistic catalogue made by the group.