Sobre Nós

LabArteMídia (the Laboratory for Arts, Media, and Digital Technologies) is an audiovisual arts research and innovation group linked to the Department of Cinema, Radio and Television and the Postgraduate Program in Audiovisual Media and Processes at the School of Communication and Arts ECA-USP at the University of São Paulo. It is certified by CNPq and ECA-USP.
Created in 2016, LabArteMídia researches the resources and experimental potential of computer systems in the creation of digital audiovisual content in interactivity and convergence between screens, multiplatforms and X-Reality environments. The post-doctoral, doctoral, master’s and undergraduate research carried out in the lab connects the broad conceptual apparatus around expanded cinema with linguistic experimentation and technological innovation, artistic creation and extension and dissemination activities.
LabArteMídia also brings together researchers and initiatives from university research centers, audiovisual equipment manufacturers and on-demand content producers in the Brazilian Observatory of Digital Television and Technological Convergence (Obted), dedicated to monitoring the implementation process, technologies and contents of Digital TV, the social, community and educational possibilities of TV, especially community experiences, and the forms of consumption and enjoyment linked to the television device and business.
The Laboratory carries out research with the support of CNPq, Capes and Fapesp, as well as USP itself, and is coordinated by Ph.D. Almir Antônio Rosa – Almir Almas and Ph.D. Luis Fernando Angerami Ramos.
Department of Cinema, Radio and Television
Address: Ave. Professor Lucio Martins Rodrigues, 443
Sao Paulo – SP
CEP 05508-020