Pensar o Brasil (Thinking Brasil)

Developed by the Institute of Brazilian Studies (Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros – IEB) in partnership with LabArteMídia CTR/ECA/USP and IPTV USP’s Canal Arte e Cultura, the audiovisual project Pensar o Brasil (Thinking Brazil) conducted a series of three interviews with professors José Pereira de Queiroz Neto (Dept. Geography/USP), Lilia Schwarcz (Dept. Anthropology/USP) and Vladimir Safatle (Dept. Philosophy/USP). Starting with the central question “How to think about Brazil today”, the project tackled pertinent topics such as cultural identities, politics, education, economics, the urban world, behavior, scientific knowledge, technological development, artistic productions, etc. The interviews were conducted by IEB professors Jaime Oliva, Ana Paula Simioni and Paulo Iumatti, produced by LabArteMídia and broadcast by IPTV USP.

Watch the episodes at the links below:

Lilia Schwarcz

João Pereira de Queiroz Neto

Vladimir Safatle