Sobrevivências (Survivals) : Geopolitical Cartographies in the Americas

With Sobrevivências (Survivals or “about experiences”, in portuguese) we propose to create a transmedia emergency radar of the survival strategies of Latin American peoples. Through dialog with artists, social movements and artistic and research institutions, the project seeks to find the strategies of resistance in five Latin American countries in order to compose an audiovisual map that shows the mobility with which ways of life and practices of resistance are interwoven as a substantive part of the subjective experience of these territories.

To achieve this, we use multiple technical and aesthetic strategies made possible by audiovisuals such as films (from the traditional format to augmented reality), graphic publications, animations, teasers, poetic and musical interventions. The aim of the project is to give visibility to the experiences and narratives of each of the territories and cultures mapped.

Each investigation is decided on the basis of a cartography carried out in partnership with social movements, artists and activists to identify the particular urgencies of each territory. From this, we aim to compose an audiovisual map of ways of life and experiences of resistance in contemporary Latin America. In these situations, researchers and artists are able to identify the best cultural approaches for each urgency and context. At the end of each tour, the project held a transmedia exhibition in Switzerland. Transmedia storytelling is not a new phenomenon, but one of the possibilities offered by the hyperconnected digital environment, unfolded in different media and interfaces. The purpose of this work is to bring different possibilities of connections, in which the theme will be explored through various platforms.

The project is expected to last three years (second half of 2018, 2019, 2020 and first half of 2021), with two action-investigations per year, totaling five trips. The end result are five different but connected intermediate cultural products. In 2021, the project concludes, in partnership with the University of São Paulo and the Zurich University of the Arts | ZHdK, with a final exhibition in Switzerland and a trilingual publication.

The project is coordinated by Daniel Lima and developed by LabArteMídia — the Laboratory of Art, Media and Digital Technologies, in partnership with the University of Zurich and Pro Helvetia.