


Andrilli, L.H.S., Sebinelli, H.G., Cominal, J.G., Bolean, M., Hayann, L., Millán, J.L., Ramos, A.P., Ciancaglini, P.  Differential effects of the lipidic and ionic microenvironment on NPP1’s phosphohydrolase and phosphodiesterase activities. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes, Volume 1866, Issue 4, 2024, 184292, ISSN 0005-2736.

Martin, B. A., Dalmolin, Luciana Facco, Lemos, Camila Nunes, de Menezes Vaidergorn, Miguel, da Silva Emery, Flavio, Vargas-Rechia, Carem Gledes, Ramos, Ana Paula, Lopez, Renata F. V. Electrostimulable polymeric films with hyaluronic acid and lipid nanoparticles for simultaneous topical delivery of macromolecules and lipophilic drugs. Drug Delivery and Translational Research, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2024.

Sponchiado, P.A.I., de Melo, M.T., Bitencourt, B.S., Guedes, J.S., Tapia-Blácido, D.R. , Augusto, P. E. D., Ramos, A. P. Maniglia, B.C. Clean modification of potato starch to improve 3D printing of potential bone bio-scaffolds. emergent mater. v. 1, p. 1-14 (2024).

Hayann, L., da Rocha, V. F., Cândido, M. F., Vicente, R. M., Andrilli, L. H. S., Fukada, SandraY., Brassesco, M. S., Ciancaglini, Pietro, Engel, Edgard E., Ramos, A.P. A nontoxic strontium nanoparticle that holds the potential to act upon osteocompetent cells: An in vitro and in vivo characterization. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, v. 4, p. 1-14, 2024.

Poker, B. C., Oliveira, V. C., Macedo, A. P., Gonçalves, M., Ramos, A. P., Silva-Lovato, C. H . Evaluation of surface roughness, wettability and adhesion of multispecies biofilm on 3D-printed resins for the base and teeth of complete dentures. Journal of Applied oral science(online), v. 32, p. 1-9, 2024.

Calazans Neto, J.V., Ferreira, I., Ramos, A. P., Bolfarini, C., Batalha, R. L., dos Reis, A. C., Valente, M.L.C. Comparative analysis of the physical, chemical, and microbiological properties of Ti-6Al-4V disks produced by different methods and subjected to surface treatments. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, v. 131, p. 742.e1-742.e8, 2024.


Simões, I. G., Kreve, S., Cruz, M. A. E., Botelho, A. L., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., Dos Reis, A. C., & Valente, M. L. da Costa. (2023). Influence of Er:YAG laser irradiation on surface properties of Ti-6Al-4V machined and hydroxyapatite coated. Lasers in Medical Science (Online), 38, 1-10.

Arsalani, S., Arsalani, S., Isikawa, M., Guidelli, E. J., Mazon, E. E., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., Bakūzis, A., Pavan, T. Z., Baffa, O., & Carneiro, A. A. O. (2023). Hybrid Nanoparticles of Citrate-Coated Manganese Ferrite and Gold Nanorods in Magneto-Optical Imaging and Thermal Therapy. Nanomaterials, 13, 434-440.

Nogueira, L. F. B., Cruz, M. A. E., de Melo, M. T., Maniglia, B. C., Caroleo, F., Paolesse, R., Lopes, H. B., Beloti, M. M., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., & Bottini, M. (2023). Collagen/κ-Carrageenan-Based Scaffolds as Biomimetic Constructs for Bone Mineralization Studies. Biomacromolecules, 24, 1258-1266.

Tovani, C. B., Divoux, T., Manneville, S., Azaïs, T., Laurent, G., De Frutos, M., Gloter, A., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., & Nassif, N. (2023). Strontium-driven Physiological to Pathological Transition of Bone-like Architecture: A Dose-dependent Investigation. Acta Biomaterialia, 1, 1-10.

Silva, L. S., de Melo, M. T., Sponchiado, P. A. I., Júnior, F. B., Tapia’Blácido, D. R., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., & Maniglia, B. C. (2023). Synthesis of composite corn starch/hydroxyapatite nanoparticle biomembranes and their effect on mineralization by osteoblasts. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1, 1-10.



Cirqueira, M. L., Bortot, L. O., Bolean, M., Aleixo, M. A. A., Luccas, P. H., Costa-Filho, A. J., Ramos, A. P., Ciancaglini, P., & Nonato, M. C. (2022). Trypanosoma cruzi nitroreductase: Structural features and interaction with biological membranes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 221, 891–899.

Coaguila-Llerena, H., Toledo, J. da S., Ramos, A. P., & Faria, G. (2022). Physicochemical properties and penetration into dentinal tubules of calcium hypochlorite with surfactants. Brazilian Dental Journal, 33(2), 1–11.

Codognato, D. C. K., Pena, F. S., dos Reis, E. R., Ramos, A. P., & Borissevitch, I. E. (2022). Effects of serum albumin on the photophysical characteristics of synthetic and endogenous protoporphyrin IX. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 55.

Cruz, M., Ferreira, C., Nogueira, L., Andrilli, L., Santos, A., Macedo, J., Veschi, E., Favarin, B., Sebinelli, H., Bolean, M., Ramos, A., & Ciancaglini, P. (2021). ASPECTOS QUÍMICOS DA BIOMINERALIZAÇÃO ÓSSEA. Química Nova.

Dotta, T. C., Hayann, L., de Padua Andrade Almeida, L., Nogueira, L. F. B., Arnez, M. M., Castelo, R., Cassiano, A. F. B., Faria, G., Martelli-Tosi, M., Bottini, M., Ciancaglini, P., Catirse, A. B. C. E. B., & Ramos, A. P. (2022). Strontium Carbonate and Strontium-Substituted Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles Form Protective Deposits on Dentin Surface and Enhance Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Mineralization. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 13(4).

Nogueira, L. F. B., Cruz, M. A. E., Tovani, C. B., Lopes, H. B., Beloti, M. M., Ciancaglini, P., Bottini, M., & Ramos, A. P. (2022). Curcumin-loaded carrageenan nanoparticles: Fabrication, characterization, and assessment of the effects on osteoblasts mineralization. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 217.

Nogueira, L. F. B., Eufrásio Cruz, M. A., Aguilar, G. J., Tapia-Blácido, D. R., da Silva Ferreira, M. E., Maniglia, B. C., Bottini, M., Ciancaglini, P., & Ramos, A. P. (2022). Synthesis of Antibacterial Hybrid Hydroxyapatite/Collagen/Polysaccharide Bioactive Membranes and Their Effect on Osteoblast Culture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(13), 7277.

Nogueira, L. F. B., Maniglia, B. C., Buchet, R., Millán, J. L., Ciancaglini, P., Bottini, M., & Ramos, A. P. (2022). Three-dimensional cell-laden collagen scaffolds: From biochemistry to bone bioengineering. In Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part B Applied Biomaterials (Vol. 110, Issue 4, pp. 967–983). John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Ramos, A. P., Sebinelli, H. G., Ciancaglini, P., Rosato, N., Mebarek, S., Buchet, R., Millán, J. L., & Bottini, M. (2022). The functional role of soluble proteins acquired by extracellular vesicles. Journal of Extracellular Biology, 1(1).

Ribeiro, R. F., Oliveira, D. F., Tovani, C. B., Ramos, A. P., Borges, A. F. S., Faria, A. C. L., Almeida, R. P. de, & Rodrigues, R. C. S. (2022). Y-TZP Physicochemical Properties Conditioned with ZrO2 and SiO2 Nanofilms and Bond Strength to Dual Resin Cement. Materials, 15(22).

Sebinelli, H. G., Andrilli, L. H. S., Favarin, B. Z., Cruz, M. A. E., Bolean, M., Fiore, M., Chieffo, C., Magne, D., Magrini, A., Ramos, A. P., Millán, J. L., Mebarek, S., Buchet, R., Bottini, M., & Ciancaglini, P. (2022). Shedding Light on the Role of Na,K-ATPase as a Phosphatase during Matrix-Vesicle-Mediated Mineralization †. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(23).

Tessaro, L., Luciano, C. G., Martins, M. F. L., Ramos, A. P., Martelli-Tosi, M., & do Amaral Sobral, P. J. (2022). Stable and bioactive W/O/W emulsion loaded with “Pitanga” (Eugenia uniflora L.) leaf hydroethanolic extract. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 43(12), 1890–1900.

Tomazela, L., Cruz, M. A. E., Nascimento, L. A., Fagundes, C. C., da Veiga, M. A. M. S., Zamarioli, A., Bottini, M., Ciancaglini, P., Brassesco, M. S., Engel, E. E., & Ramos, A. P. (2022). Fabrication and characterization of a bioactive polymethylmethacrylate-based porous cement loaded with strontium/calcium apatite nanoparticles. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A, 110(4), 812–826.

Veschi, E. A., Bolean, M., da Silva Andrilli, L. H., Sebinelli, H. G., Strzelecka-Kiliszek, A., Bandorowicz-Pikula, J., Pikula, S., Granjon, T., Mebarek, S., Magne, D., Millán, J. L., Ramos, A. P., Buchet, R., Bottini, M., & Ciancaglini, P. (2022). Mineralization Profile of Annexin A6-Harbouring Proteoliposomes: Shedding Light on the Role of Annexin A6 on Matrix Vesicle-Mediated Mineralization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(16).

Wang, Y., Weremiejczyk, L., Strzelecka‐Kiliszek, A., Maniti, O., Amabile Veschi, E., Bolean, M., Ramos, A. P., ben Trad, L., Magne, D., Bandorowicz‐Pikula, J., Pikula, S., Millán, J. L., Bottini, M., Goekjian, P., Ciancaglini, P., Buchet, R., Dou, W. T., Tian, H., Mebarek, S., Granjon, T. (2022). Fluorescence evidence of annexin A6 translocation across membrane in model matrix vesicles during apatite formation. Journal of Extracellular Biology, 1(4).


Do Nascimento, R. M., Schmitt, J.-F., Sarig, U., Rodrigues, J. E. F. S., Pecharromán, C., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Ciancaglini, P., Faita, F. L., Rahouadj, R., Hernandes, A. C., & Bechtold, I. H. (2021). Surface Wettability of a Natural Rubber Composite under Stretching: A Model to Predict Cell Survival. Langmuir, 37, 4639-4646.

Ururahy, M. S., Curylofo-Zotti, F. A., Lizarelli, G., Reis, A., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., & Corona, S. A. M. (2021). Effect of phosphorylated chitosan and carbodiimide biomodification on the chemical composition of eroded dentin. American Journal of Dentistry, 34, 105-109.

Ramos, Ana Paula, Bolean, M., Cruz, M. A. E., Andrilli, L. H. S., Nogueira, L. F. B., Sebinelli, H. G., Dos Santos, A. L. N., Favarin, B. Z., Macedo, J. M. M., Veschi, E. A., Ferreira, C. R., Millán, J. L., Bottini, M., & Ciancaglini, P. (2021). Langmuir monolayers and proteoliposomes as models of matrix vesicles involved in biomineralization. Biophysical Reviews, 13, 893-895.

Tomazela, L., Cruz, M. A. E., Nascimento, L. A., Fagundes, C. C., Da Veiga, M. A. M. S., Zamarioli, A., Bottini, M., Ciancaglini, P., Brassesco, M. S., Engel, E. E., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P. (2021). Fabrication and characterization of a bioactive polymethylmethacrylate-based porous cement loaded with strontium/calcium apatite nanoparticles. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 110, 812-826.


Veschi, E. A., Bolean, M., Strzelecka-Kiliszek, A., Bandorowicz-Pikula, J., Pikula, S., Granjon, T., Mebarek, S., Magne, D., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Rosato, N., Millán, J. L., Buchet, R., Bottini, M., & Ciancaglini, P. (2020). Localization of Annexin A6 in Matrix Vesicles During Physiological Mineralization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 1367.

Curylofo-Zotti, F. A., Fernandes, M. P., Martins, A. A., Macedo, A. P., Nogueira, L. F. B., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., & Corona, S. A. M. (2020). Caries removal with Er:YAG laser followed by dentin biomodification with carbodiimide and chitosan: Wettability and surface morphology analysis. Microscopy Research and Technique, 83, 133-139.

Bolean, M., Izzi, B., Van Kerckhoven, S., Bottini, M., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Millán, J. L., Hoylaerts, M. F., & Ciancaglini, P. (2020). Matrix vesicle biomimetics harboring Annexin A5 and alkaline phosphatase bind to the native collagen matrix produced by mineralizing vascular smooth muscle cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1864, 129629.

Tovani, C. B., Ferreira, C. R., Simão, A. M. S., Bolean, M., Coppeta, L., Rosato, N., Bottini, M., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, Ana Paula, & Ramos, A. P. (2020). Characterization of the in Vitro Osteogenic Response to Submicron TiO 2 Particles of Varying Structure and Crystallinity. ACS Omega, 5, 16491-16501.

Favarin, B. Z., Bolean, M., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., Magrini, A., Rosato, N., Millán, J. L., Bottini, M., Costa-Filho, A. J., & Ciancaglini, P. (2020). Lipid composition modulates ATP hydrolysis and calcium phosphate mineral propagation by TNAP-harboring proteoliposomes. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 691, 108482.

Cruz, M. A. E., Ferreira, C. R., Tovani, C. B., De Oliveira, F. A., Bolean, M., Caseli, L., Mebarek, S., Millán, J. L., Buchet, R., Bottini, M., Ciancaglini, P., Paula Ramos, Ana, & Ramos, A. P. (2020). Phosphatidylserine controls calcium phosphate nucleation and growth on lipid monolayers: a physicochemical understanding of matrix vesicles-driven biomineralization. Journal of Structural Biology, 212, 107607.

Tovani, C. B., Oliveira, T. M., Soares, M. P. R., Nassif, N., Fukada, S. Y., Ciancaglini, P., Gloter, A., Ramos, Ana Paula, & Ramos, A. P. (2020). Strontium-calcium phosphate nanotubes as bioinspired building blocks for bone regeneration. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 43422-43434.

Coaguila-Llerena, H., Barbieri, I., Tanomaru-Filho, M., Leonardo, R. D. T., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., & Faria, G. (2020). Physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity, and penetration into dentinal tubules of calcium hypochlorite with surfactants. Brazilian Dental Journal, 33, 1-11.


Tovani, C. B., Faria, A. N., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, A. P., & Ramos, A. P. (2019). Collagen-supported CaCO3 cylindrical particles enhance Ti bioactivity. Surface & Coatings Technology, 358, 858-864.

Andrade, M. A. R., Derradi, R., Simão, A. M. S., Millán, J. L., Ramos, Ana P., Ramos, A. P., Ciancaglini, P., & Bolean, M. (2019). Is alkaline phosphatase biomimetically immobilized on titanium able to propagate the biomineralization process?. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 663, 192-198.

Cruz, M. A. E., Zanatta, M. B. T., Da Veiga, M. A. M. S., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, A. P., & Ramos, A. P. (2019). Lipid-mediated growth of SrCO3/CaCO3 hybrid films as bioactive coatings for Ti surfaces. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 99, 762-769.

Cruz, M. A. E., Tovani, C. B., Favarin, B. Z., Soares, M. P. R., Fukada, S. Y., & Ciancaglini, P. (2019). Synthesis of Sr-morin complex and its in vitro response: decrease in osteoclast differentiation while sustaining osteoblast mineralization ability. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 7, 823-829.

Do Nascimento, R. M., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Ciancaglini, P., & Hernandes, A. C. (2019). Blood droplets on functionalized surfaces: Chemical, roughness and superhydrophobic effects. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 574, 188-196.

Correia, H. D., Chowdhury, S., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Guy, L., Demets, G. J. F., & Bucher, C. (2019). Dynamic supramolecular polymers built from cucurbit[ ]urils and viologens. Polymer International, 68, 572-588.

Cruz, M. A. E., Pena, M. P. R., Pazin, W., Ito, A. S., Fukada, S. Y., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, A. P., & Ramos, A. P. (2019). Interface-driven Sr-morin complexation at Langmuir monolayers for bioactive coating design. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 181, 856-863.

Chowdhury, S., Nassar, Y., Guy, L., Frath, D., Chevallier, F., Dumont, E., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Demets, G. J. F., & Bucher, C. (2019). Photo/redox-responsive 2D-Supramolecular assembly involving Cucurbit[8]uril and a star-shaped porphyrin tecton. Electrochimica Acta, 316, 79-92.

Tovani, C. B., Gloter, A., Azaïs, T., Selmane, M., Ramos, Ana P., Ramos, A. P., & Nassif, N. (2019). Formation of Stable Strontium-Rich Amorphous Calcium Phosphate: Possible Effects on Bone Mineral. Acta Biomaterialia, 92, 315-324.

Simão, A. M. S., Bolean, M., Favarin, B. Z., Veschi, E. A., Tovani, C. B., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Bottini, M., Buchet, R., Millán, J. L., & Ciancaglini, P. (2019). Lipid microenvironment affects the ability of proteoliposomes harboring TNAP to induce mineralization without nucleators. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 37, 607-613.

Nogueira, L. F. B., Maniglia, B. C., Blácido, D. R. T., Ramos, Ana P., & Ramos, A. P. (2019). Organic-inorganic collagen/iota-carrageenan/hydroxyapatite hybrid membranes are bioactive materials for bone regeneration. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 48004.

Derradi, R., Bolean, M., Simão, A. M. S., Caseli, L., Millán, J. L., Bottini, M., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, Ana P., & Ramos, A. P. (2019). Cholesterol regulates the incorporation and catalytic activity of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase in DPPC monolayers. Langmuir, 35, 15232-15241.

Hadadian, Y., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., & Pavan, T. Z. (2019). Role of zinc substitution in magnetic hyperthermia properties of magnetite nanoparticles: interplay between intrinsic properties and dipolar interactions. Scientific Reports, 9, 18048.

Maniglia, B. C., Tessaro, L., Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., & Tapia-Blácido, D. R. (2019). Which plasticizer is suitable for films based on babassu starch isolated by different methods?. Food Hydrocolloids, 89, 143-152.


De Faria, A. N., Cruz, M. A. E., Ruiz, G. C. M., Zancanela, D. C., Ciancaglini, P., Ramos, Ana P., Ramos, A. P. (2018). Different compact hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett-film coatings modify biomineralization and the ability of osteoblasts to grow. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 106(8), 2524-2534.

Tovani, C. B., Oliveira, T. M., Gloter, A., Ramos, Ana P., Ramos, A. P. (2018). Sr2+-substituted CaCO3 nanorods: impact on the structure and bioactivity. Crystal Growth & Design, 18(5), 2932-2940.

Hadadian, Y., Sampaio, D. R. T., Ramos, Ana P., Ramos, A. P., Carneiro, A. A. O., Mozaffari, M., Cabrelli, L. C., Pavan, T. Z. (2018). Synthesis and characterization of zinc substituted magnetite nanoparticles and their application to magneto-motive ultrasound imaging. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 465, 33-43.


Ramos, Ana P., Cruz, Marcos A. E., Tovani, Camila B., Ciancaglini, Pietro. (2017). Biomedical applications of nanotechnology. Biophysical Reviews, 9, 79-89.

Ururahy, Mirian Saavedra, Curylofo-Zotti, Fabiana Almeida, Galo, Rodrigo, Nogueira, Lucas Fabricio Bahia, Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P., Corona, Silmara Aparecida Milori. (2017). Wettability and surface morphology of eroded dentin treated with chitosan. Archives of Oral Biology, 75, 68-73.

Ruiz, Gilia C. M., Cruz, Marcos A. E., Faria, Amanda N., Zancanela, Daniela C., Ciancaglini, Pietro, Ramos, Ana P., Ramos, A. P. (2017). Biomimetic collagen/phospholipid coatings improve formation of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on titanium. Materials Science & Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 77, 102-110.

Pazin, Wallance Moreira, Olivier, Danilo da Silva, Vilanova, Neus, Voets, Ilja Karina, Soares, Ademilson Spencer Egea, Ito, A. S. (2017). Interaction of Artepillin C with model membranes. European Biophysics Journal, 46, 383-393.

Favarin, B. F., Andrade, M. A. R., Bolean, M., Simão, A. M. S., Ramos, A. P., Ramos, A. P., Hoylaerts, M. F., Millán, J. L., Ciancaglini, P. (2017). Effect of the Presence of Cholesterol in the Interfacial Microenvironment on the Modulation of the Alkaline Phosphatase Activity during In Vitro Mineralization. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 155, 466-476.

Toniazzo, Taise, Peres, Marina S., Paula Ramos, Ana, Ramos, A. P., Pinho, Samantha C. (2017). Encapsulation of quercetin in liposomes by ethanol injection and physicochemical characterization of dispersions and lyophilized vesicles. Food Bioscience, 19, 17-25.

Cruz, Marcos A. E., De Souza, Rafael Maglia, Dias, Luis Gustavo, Ramos, Ana Paula, Ramos, A. P. (2017). Counterion-mediated Ca2+ accumulation on cationic Langmuir-Blodgett films as template for CaCO3 growth. Thin Solid Films, 638, 433-440.