
CARDOSO-SILVA, S.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; POMPÊO, M.; KRAMMER, O.; PICAZO, A.; VICENTE, E.; MOSCHINI-CARLOS, V. Biotic homogenization in multisystem cascade reservoirs: insights from sedimentary photopigment analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2024.

ALVES, A. V.; KUREKI, R. K.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; CHOUERI, R. B. Effects of metals in sediment under acidification and temperature rise scenarios on reproduction of the copepod Nitokra sp.. Marine Pollution Bulletin. v.209, p.117-125, 2024.

TURECK, C. R. ; HAAK, L. ; CUNHA, S. M. B. ; DESTEFANI, A. ; VIEIRA, C. V. ; MI KIM, B. S. ; TREVIZANI, T. H.; FERREIRA, P.A.L. ; FIGUEIRA, R.C.L. Qualidade de sedimentos na Baía Babitonga e sua implicação na reabertura do Canal do Linguado (SC), Brasil. Acta Biológica Catarinense. v. 11, p. 46-61, 2024.

PAULY, G. F.E.; PERINA, F. C.; YAMAMOTO, F. Y. ; KIM, B.S.M.; TREVIZANI, T.H.; CRUZ, A.C.F.; RIBEIRO, C. C.; MENEZES, L.; FIGUEIRA, R.C.L.;  ABESSA, D. M. S. Five years after the collapse of the Fundão Dam: lessons from temporal monitoring of chemistry and acute toxicity. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 196, p. 246, 2024.

SAIBRO, M. B.; MARTINS, M. V. A.; GUERRA, J.V.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; SIMÕES, F. C.F. ; DADALTO, T. P.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; FERREIRA, P. A.L. ; SILVA, C. G. ; DOS REIS, A. T.; TERROSO, D.; DA SILVA, L. C.; BERGAMASCHI, S.; ROCHA, F.; HEILBRON, M. Transfer of industrial contaminants from the inner to the outer region of Sepetiba Bay (SE Brazil) by dredge spoil dumping activities: a temporal record. Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 82, p. 1/560, 2023.

ALTAFIM, G.L.; ALVES, A.V.; TREVIZANI, T.H.; FIGUEIRA, R.C.L.; GALLUCCI, F.; CHOUERI, R.B. Ocean warming and CO2 driven acidification can alter the toxicity of metal contaminated sediments to the meiofauna community. Science of the Total Environment, 2023.

PAULY, G.F.E.; CRUZ, A.C.F.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; KIM, B.S.M.; PERINA, F. C.; YAMAMOTO, F. Y.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; ABESSA, D. M. S. Spatial-temporal variations of metals and arsenic in sediments from Doce River after the Fundão Dam rupture and their bioaccumulation. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (3.084), 2023.

BENEDETTI, B.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; MONTONE, R.C.; PETRY, M.V.; FIGUEIRA, R.C.L. Mercury in Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) Feathers from the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago as a Tool for Environmental Biomonitoring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Contamination, v.17, p.28 – 36, 2023.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; DOMIT, C.; SANTOS, M. C. O.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in estuaries in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (5.190), 2022.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; COLABUONO, F. I.; PETERSEN, E. S.; PETRY, M. V.; TANIGUCHI, S.; MONTONE, R. C.; FIGUEIRA, R. C.L. Mercury and Selenium levels in feathers of Southern Giant Petrels (Macronectes giganteus) from South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals. 2, 100020, 2022.

NAKAMURA, F. M.; LOURENÇO, R. A.; MAGALHÃES, C. A.; BENDIA, A. G.; BUTARELLI, A. C.A.; PASSOS, J. G.; SOARES, L. F.; RAMOS, R. B.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; SIGNORI, C. N.; MAHIQUES, M. M.; SUMIDA, P. Y. G.; PELLIZARI, V. H. Methane-related community of a carbonate-enriched pockmark, Brazilian Southeastern continental slope. Ocean And Coastal Research (0.885), v.70, 2022.

SANTOS, R. F.; KIM, B. S. M.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; OLIVEIRA, R. U.; MALY, M.; RAMOS, R. B.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; MAHIQUES, M. M. Sedimentation in the adjacencies of a southwestern Atlantic giant carbonate ridge. Ocean And Coastal Research (0.885), v.70, 2022.

THEOPHILO, C. Y.S.; RIBEIRO, A. P.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; MAJER, A. P.; MONTONE, R. C.; RAKAUSKAS, F.; DE ARRUDA, C. S. C.; MOREIRA, E. G.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Assessment of crabs from Trindade, a Brazilian remote island: Support to marine studies. Marine Pollution Bulletin (7.001), v.182, p.113922, 2022.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; NAGAI, R. H.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; SUMIDA, P. Y. G.; MAHIQUES, M.M. Chemical characterization of deep-sea corals from the continental slope of Santos Basin (southeastern Brazilian upper margin). Ocean And Coastal Research (0.885), v.70, p.22018. 2022.

BOTELHO, M. T.; PASSOS, M.J.A.R.C.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; UMBUZEIRO, G. A.; GOMES, V. Genotoxic effects of silver nanoparticles on a tropical marine amphipod via feeding exposure. Mutation Research-genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis (3.189), v.881, p.503527, 2022.

KIM, B.S.M.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; BENEDETTI, B.; ANGELI, J. L.F.; SIEGLE, E.; DE MAHIQUES, M. M.; FIGUEIRA, R. C.L. Understanding Hg distribution in sediments from the Santos and São Vicente Estuarine System, southeastern Brazil. Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals, v.2, p.100008, 2022.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; MONTONE, R. C.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Temporal Distribution of Arsenic and Metals in Soil From King George Island, Antarctica. Frontiers in Marine Science (5.247), v. 8, p. 772742, 2022.

GAMA, LR; FUENTES, MMPB; TREVIZANI, T.H. ; PELLIZZARI, F; LEMONS, GE; SEMINOFF, JA; DOMIT, C. Trophic ecology of juvenile green turtles in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: insights from stable isotope analysis and niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series (2.915), v. 678, p. 139-152, 2021.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; SANTOS, M.C.O.; DOMIT, C. Mercury in trophic webs of estuaries in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin (7.001), v.167, p.112370, 2021.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; DOMIT, C.; TRAMONTE, K. M.; DE MAHIQUES, M. M.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Metals in sediments as indicators of anthropogenic impacts in estuaries of south-southeast Brazil. Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 2021.

ANGELI, J. L. F.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; NAGAI, R. H.; MARTINS, C. C.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; DE MAHIQUES, M. M. Geochemical mapping in a subtropical estuarine system influenced by large grain-shipping terminals: Insights using Metal/Metal ratios and multivariate analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences (3.519), v.79, p.443, 2020.

VEDOLIN, M.C.; TREVIZANI, T.H.; ANGELI, J.L.F.; PETTI, M.A.V.; FIGUEIRA, R.C.L. Assessment of metal concentration in Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803) (Decapoda, Grapsidae) from two Brazilian mangroves under different anthropogenic influences. Regional Studies in Marine Science (2.166), v. 36, 2020.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; DOMIT, C.; BROADHURST, M. K.; SANTOS, M. C. O.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Trophic dynamics in two South American estuaries encompassing industrial development and a biodiversity hotspot. Aquatic Conservation – Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (3.254), v.191, p.308, 2019.

BROADHURST, M. K.; DOMIT, C.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; RAOULT, V.; MILLAR, R.B. Mother–embryo isotope fractionation in the pygmy devilray Mobula kuhlii cf. eregoodootenkee. Journal of Fish Biology (2.504), v. 95, p. 589–593, 2019.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; DOMIT, C.; VEDOLIN, M. C.; ANGELI, J.L.F.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Assessment of metal contamination in fish from estuaries of southern and southeastern Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (3.307), v. 29, p. 2045–2056, 2019.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; PETTI, M. A. V.; RIBEIRO, A. P.; CORBISIER, T. N.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Heavy metal concentrations in the benthic trophic web of Martel Inlet, Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica). Marine Pollution Bulletin (7.001), v.130, p.198 – 205, 2018.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; SILVA, C. R. A.; MAJER, A. P.; RIBEIRO, A. P.; FERREIRA, P. A. L.; MONTONE, R. C.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Arsenic and heavy metals in soils from Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (King George Island) after fire. INCT-APA Annual Activity Report., v.2014, p.25 – 29, 2016.

TREVIZANI, T. H.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; RIBEIRO, A. P.; THEOPHILO, C. Y. S.; MAJER, A. P.; PETTI, M. A. V.; CORBISIER, T. N.; MONTONE, R. C. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in marine organisms and sediments from Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin (7.001), v.106, p.366 – 371, 2016.

ANGELI, J. L. F.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; RIBEIRO, A.; MACHADO, E. C.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; MARKERT, B.; FRAENZLE, S.; WUENSCHMANN, S. Arsenic and other trace elements in two catfish species from Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, Paraná, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (3.307), v.185, p.8333 – 8342, 2013.

Capítulos de livros

SILVA, S. C. ; FERREIRA, P. A. L. ; BIAMONT-ROJAS, I. ; TREVIZANI, T. H. ; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. ; POMPEO, M. ; MOSCHINI-CARLOS, V.  Heterogeneidade geoquímica temporal e espacial de sedimentos em reservatório de área protegida: a busca por condições de referência. In: Marcelo Pompêo; Sheila Cardoso-Silva; Rubens Cesar Lopes Figueira; Viviane Moschini-Carlos. (Org.). Limnologia de reservatórios: do clássico às novas abordagens. 1ed.São Paulo: Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, 2024, v. , p. 1-188.

TREVIZANI, T. H. Caracterização química de corais do Atlântico Sudoeste: Uma reconstrução paleoceanográfica. In: IO-USPeople na Fronteira da Vida no Oceano.1, 2022, p. 1-135.

DOMIT, C.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; FARRO, A. P. C.; SILVA, A. Z.; BELLEGHEM, T. V.; HERBST, D. F.; TARDIN, R. H.; BISI, T. L.; LAPORTA, P.; VIDAL, L. G.; CHUPIL, H.; MARCONDES, D. S.; FONSECA, G. F.; VALLE, R. R.; G.BERNINSONE, L.; BARBOSA, C. B.; CREMER, M. J.; BROADHURST, M. K. Chapter 12 – Coastal development and habitat loss: understanding and resolving associated threats to the franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei. In: The Franciscana Dolphin: On the Edge of Survival.1 ed.: Academic Press, 2022, p. 1-474.

KIM, B. S. M.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; FERREIRA, P. A. L.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L. Poluição por Metais e Elementos Radioativos. In: Joseph Harari. (Org.). Noções de Oceanografia. 1ed.São Paulo: Instituto Oceanográfico, 2021, p. 381-399.

MONTONE, R.C.; MARTINS, C. C.; TONELLI, M. H. M.; TREVIZANI, T. H.; BICEGO, M. C.; FIGUEIRA, R. C. L.; WAINER, I. E. K. C.; MARCOVECCHIO, J. E. Globalization of the Antarctic seas: Pollution and Climate Change Perspectives. In: Marine Pollution and Climate Change.1 ed.: CRC Press, 2017, p. 1-336.