- Evaluation of an alternative process for the production of hydrocarbons from CO2: Techno-economic and environmental analysis
Magno Fonseca Santos, Antonio Esio Bresciani, Alexandre Mendonça Teixeira, Rita Maria Brito Alves
Journal of Cleaner Production, 466, 142683, 2024.
- Evaluation of 1,3-propanediol and lactic acid production via the biotechnological route: Technoeconomic and environmental analysis
Leonardo A. C. Avilez, Antonio E. Bresciani, Newton L. Ferreira, Claudio A. O. Nascimento, Rita M. B. Alves
Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2024)
- Glycerol and glucose co-fermentation by 1,3-propanediol producer Limosilactobacillus reuteri: A kinetic study of batch and continuous cultivations
Leonardo A. C. Avilez, Paula B. Vieira, Antonio E. Bresciani, Elen A. Perpetuo, Claudio A. O. Nascimento, Rita M. B. Alves
Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 18:55–69 (2024)
- Thermodynamic insights on the influence of ionic liquids on the reverse water–gas shift reaction
Valdeir A. Abreu, Murilo L. Alcantara, Newton L. Ferreira, Antônio E. Bresciani, Gabriel S. Bassani, Cláudio A. O. Nascimento & Rita M. B. Alves
Clean Techn Environ Policy 26, 197–215 (2024)
- Recent advances in the use of ionic liquids in the CO2 conversion to CO and C2+ hydrocarbons
Magno F. Santos, Murilo L. Alcantara, Claudio Augusto O. Nascimento, Gabriel S. Bassani & Rita Maria B. Alves
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 26, 11–29, 2024.
- Carbon dioxide conversion via reverse water-gas shift reaction: Reactor design
Magno F. Santos, Antonio E. Bresciani, Newton L. Ferreira, Gabriel S. Bassani, Rita M.B. Alves
Journal of Environmental Management 345, 118822, 2023.
- La1−x(Ce, Sr)xNiO3 perovskite-type oxides as catalyst precursors to syngas production through tri-reforming of methane
Juliana Bertoldi, Karina Tamião de Campos Roseno, Martin Schmal, Vitor Duarte Lage, Giane Gonçalves Lenzi, Rodrigo Brackmann
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47, 31279-31294, 2022.
- Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) as new support of cobalt/lanthanium oxide for the water gas shift reaction (WGSR)
T.R. Mignoli; T.L.R. Hewer; R.M.B. Alves; M. Schmal.
Applied Catalysis A: General 635, 118553, 2022.
- Effect of operating parameters on H2/CO2 conversion to methanol over Cu-Zn oxide supported on ZrO2 polymorph catalysts: Characterization and Kinetics
Francielle C.F. Marcos; Fabio M. Cavalcanti; Davi D. Petrolini; Lili Lin; Luis E. Betancourt; Sanjaya D. Senanayake; José A. Rodriguez; José M. Assaf; Reinaldo Giudici; Elizabete M. Assaf.
Chemical Engineering Journal 427, 130947, 2022.
- Dynamic simulation of multiple-effect evaporation
Rubens E.N. Castro; Rita M.B. Alves; Claudio A.O. Nascimento.
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 34, 102035, 2022.
- Thermodynamic analysis of carbon dioxide hydrogenation to formic acid and methanol
T.O. Bello; A.E. Bresciani; C.A.O. Neto; R.M.B. Alves.
Chemical Engineering Science 242, 116731, 2021.
- Multi criteria decision analysis for screening carbon dioxide conversion products
Kelvin A. Pacheco; Antonio E. Bresciani; Rita M.B. Alves.
Journal of CO2 Utilization 43, 101391, 2021.
- Environmental Performance of Alternative Green Polyol Synthesis Routes: A Proposal for Improvement
Kaccnny Carvalho; Rita M.B. Alves; Luiz Kulay.
Processes 9, 1122, 2021.
- Assessing the sugarcane bagasse and straw as a biofuel to propel light vehicles
Rubens Eliseu Nicula de Castro; Rita Maria Brito Alves; Claudio Augusto Oller Nascimento.
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 5, 2563-2577, 2021.
- Review – High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Separation Using Ionic Liquids: A CO2-Electrocatalysis Perspective
Andressa Mota-Lima; Murilo Leite Alcantara; Fernando J. Pérez-Sanz; Reinaldo C. Bazito; Pedro Vidinha; Rita M. B. Alves; Claudio A. Oller Nascimento.
Journal of the Electrochemcial Society 168, 086502, 2021.
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Conversion Reactions. Case Studies: Formic Acid and Acetic Acid Synthesis
Murilo Leite Alcantara; Kelvin André Pacheco; Antonio Esio Bresciani; Rita Maria Brito Alves.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60, 9246-9258, 2021.
- Multi-criteria decision approach to select carbon dioxide and hydrogen sources as potential raw materials for the production of chemicals
J.V.M. Lopes; A.E. Bresciani; K.M. Carvalho; L.A. Kulay; R.M.B. Alves.
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111542, 2021.
- Carbon dioxide abatement by integration of methane bi-reforming process with ammonia and urea synthesis
I.P. Moura; A.C. Reis; A.E. Bresciani; R.M.B. Alves.
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111619, 2021.
- Systematic Screening of Ionic Liquids for the Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid and Methanol
Taofeeq O. Bello; Antonio E. Bresciani; Claudio A. Oller Nascimento; Rita M. Brito Alves.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60, 17195-17206, 2021.
- Ruthenium Catalyst Supported on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for CO Oxidation
Camila Emilia Kozonoe; Reinaldo Giudici; Martin Schmal.
Modern Research in Catalysis 10, 73-91, 2021.
- Synthesis of few-layered graphene sheets as support of cobalt nanoparticles and its influence on CO hydrogenation
Tamara R. Mignoli; Thiago L.R. Hewer; Renato A. Antunes; Rita M.B. Alves; Martin Schmal.
Material Science and Engineering: B 273, 115388, 2021.
- Evaluation of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to light olefins over Co- and Fe-based catalysts using artificial neural networks
Higor A. Garona; Fabio M. Cavalcanti; Thiago F. de Abreu; Martin Schmal; Rita M.B. Alves.
Journal of Cleaner Production 321, 129003, 2021.
- Tri-Reforming of Methane over NdM0.25Ni0.75O3 (M = Cr, Fe) Catalysts and the Effect of CO2 Composition
K. T. de C. Roseno; R. A. Antunes; R. M. B. Alves; M. Schmal.
Catalysis Letters 151, 3639-3655, 2021.
- Surface Analysis of adsorbed and deposited species on the Ni-Mo catalysts surfaces after Guaiacol HDO. Influence of the alumina and SBA-15 supports
Rubens W.S. Lima; Thiago L.R. Hewer; Rita M.B. Alves; Martin Schmal.
Molecular Catalysis 511, 111724, 2021.
- Stabilizer-free Dispersion Copolymerization of Styrene and Maleic Anhydride: Mathematical Model for Nucleation
Maria G. F. Torraga; Reinaldo Giudici.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60, 13574-13584, 2021.
- Evaluation of Potential Designs for a Continuous Epoxidation Reactor
Gustavo V. Olivieri; Jacyr V. de Quadros Jr.; Reinaldo Giudici.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60, 14099-14112, 2021.
- Mathematical Modeling of Inverse Miniemulsion Polymerization of Acrylamide with an Oil-Soluble Initiator
Maria G. F. Torraga; Reinaldo Giudici.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60, 15428-15442, 2021.
- Assessment of property estimation methods for the thermodynamics of carbon dioxide-based products
Kelvin A. Pacheco; Antonio E. Bresciani; Claudio A.O. Nascimento; Rita M.B. Alves.
Energy Conversion and Management 211, 112756, 2021.
- Microkinetic Modeling of the Water-Gas-Shift Reaction over Cobalt Catalysts Supported on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Fábio Machado Cavalcanti; Jeroen Poissonnier; Tom Vandevyvere; Reinaldo Giudici; Rita Maria de Brito Alves; Martin Schmal; Joris W. Tybaut.
Chemistry Proceedings 2, 1-6, 2020.
- Influence of feed rate and testing variables for low-temperature tri-reforming of methane in the Ni@MWCNT/Ce catalyst
Camila Emilia Kozonoe; Rita M. Brito Alves; Martin Schmal.
Fuel 281, 118749, 2020.
- Estimation of Reactivity Ratios in the Copolymerization of Styrene and VeoVa-10
Murilo P. Santos; Maria G. F. Torraga; Natália B. Barbosa; Denise T. Tavares; Reinaldo Giudici.
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 14, 2000001, 2020.
- Stabilizer-Free Dispersion Copolimerization Monitoring by In-Line NIR Spectroscopy
Maria G. F. Torraga; Reinaldo Giudici.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59, 15497-15505, 2020.
- Mathematical Modeling of the Stabilizer-Free Dispersion Copolimerization of Styrene and Maleic Anhydride: Particle Growth
Maria G. F. Torraga; Reinaldo Giudici.
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 14, 2000036, 2020.
- Epoxidation Reaction of Soybean Oil: Experimental Study and Comprehensive Kinetic Modeling
Gustavo V. Olivieri; Jacyr V. de Quadros Jr.; Reinaldo Giudici.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59, 18808-18823, 2020.
- Hydrolisis of acetic anhydride: In situ, real-time monitoring using NIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy
Torraga, Maria G.F.; Colmán, Maria, M.E.; Giudici, R.
Chemical Engineering Science 210, 115244, 2019.
- A catalyst selection method for hydrogen production through Water-Gas Shift Reaction using artificial neural networks
Cavalcanti, Fabio Machado; Schmal, Martin; Giudici, Reinaldo; Brito Alves, Rita Maria.
Journal of Environmental Management 237, 585-594, 2019.
- Partial oxidation of methane on neodymium and lanthanium chromate based perovskites for hydrogen production
Roseno, KT de C; Schmal, M; Brackmann, R; Alves, RMB; Giudici, R.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44(16), 8166-8177, 2019.
- The Fe-Co-Cu supported on MWCNT as catalyst for tri-reforming of methane – Investigating the structure changes of the catalysts
Camila Emilia Kozonoe; Rodrigo de Paiva Floro Bonfim; Rita M. Brito Alves; Martin Schmal.
Fuel 256, 115917, 2019.
- Assessment of the Brazilian Market for Products by Carbon Dioxide Conversion
Kelvin A. Pacheco; Alessandra C. Reis; Antonio E. Bresciani; Claudio A.O. Nascimento; Rita M.B. Alves.
Frontiers in Energy Research 7, 75, 2019.
- Synthesis and characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles on graphene sheets: adsorption-reaction in situ DRIFTS of methane and CO2
Marcelo Dutra; Martin Schmal; Roberto Guardani
Catalysis Letters 148, 3413-3430, 2018
- Enviro-economic assessment of thermochemical polygeneration from microalgal biomass
Graciano, Jose E A; Chachuat, Benoit; Alves, Rita M B.
Journal of Cleaner Production 203, 1132-1142, 2018.
- Conversion of CO2-Rich Natural Gas to Liquid Transportation Fuels via Trireforming and Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: Model-Based Assessment
Graciano, Jose E A; Chachuat, Benoit; Alves, Rita M B.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57(30), 9964-9976, 2018.
- Nanoparticles of Ce, Sr, Co in and out the multi-walled carbon nanotubes applied for dry reforming of methane
Figueira, Camila Emilia; Moreira Junior, Paulo Firmino; Giudici, Reinaldo; Brito Alves, Rita Maria; Schmal, Martin.
Applied Catalysis A: General 550, 297-307, 2018.
- Carbon dioxide and ethanol from sugarcane biorefinery as renewable feedstocks to environment-oriented integrated chemical plants
Ribeiro Machado, Camila Fernandes; Fernandes Araujo, Ofelia de Queiroz; de Medeiros, Jose Luiz; de Brito Alves, Rita Maria.
Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 1232-1242, 2018.
- Perspective of catalysts for (Tri) reforming of natural gas and flue gas rich in CO2
Martin Schmal, Fabio S. Toniolo, Camila E. Kozonoe.
Applied Catalysis A: General 568 , 23-42, 2018.
- Influence of acid sites on the hydrodeoxygenation of anisole with metal supported on SBA-15 and SAPO-11
Thiago L.R. Hewer, Adriana G.F. Souza, Karina T.C. Roseno, Paulo F. Moreira, Rodrigo Bonfim, Rita M.B. Alves, Martin Schmal.
Renewable Energy 119, 615-624, 2018.
- Challenge – Nanotechnology in engineering
Martin Schmal
International Journal of Petrochemical Science & Engineering 2(5), 2017
- Investigation of LaCoO3, LaFeO3 and LaCo0.5Fe0.5O3 perovskites as catalyst precursors for syngas production by partial oxidation of methane
Roseno, KTC; Brackmann, R; da Silva, MA; Schmal, M.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41(40), 18178-18192, 2016.