Author: Paulo Olivi


Dr. Shelley D. Minteer visit LEEA

In September  2016, Dr. Shelley D. Minteer drom University of Utah have visited our group. During her stay she presented some novelties of her research group in the seminar “Substrate channeling in natural and artificial metabolons –...


Opiniões magazine

A new article of Prof. Paulo Olivi was published in the Opiniões Magazine. The article subject is the use of ethanol as a fuel for Fuel Cell devices. The magazine is on-line through the...



Today, 08/04/2016, it was realised the qualifying exam of Cláudio Márcio Castro. Congratulations !

Capítulo de Livro

Publicado neste mês de julho de 2016 o capítulo “Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell on Carbon Supported Pt Based Nanocatalysts” de autoria de T.S. Almeida, N. E. Sahin, P. Olivi, T.W. Napporn, G. Tremiliosi-Filho, A. R....

Trabalho Publicado

  Beneficial effects of rhodium and tin oxide on carbon supported platinum catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation Layciane A. Soares, Claudia Morais, Teko W. Napporn, K. Boniface Kokoh, Paulo Olivi This work investigates ethanol electrooxidation...