Category: Destaques


Participation on the XXI SIBEE

LEEA members participate on the XXI SIBEE (Simpósio Brasileiro de Eletroquímica e Eletroanalítica) held in Natal, RN, from 17 to 21 April. The presented papers are available online: Eletroconversão do Glicerol em Meio Alcalino:...


Conference Presentation

Prof. Dr. Adalgisa Rodrigues de Andrade has presented the conference: BioFuel-cells for Energy Production: Fundamentals and Applications, during the IV Environmental Electrochemistry Week occurred in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, from 05...


Dr. Shelley D. Minteer visit LEEA

In September  2016, Dr. Shelley D. Minteer drom University of Utah have visited our group. During her stay she presented some novelties of her research group in the seminar “Substrate channeling in natural and artificial metabolons –...