Was held in this Thursday, 26th, the master’s qualification exam of Gisele Giovanna Halfeld, the LEEA master’s student, wich presented the work entitled “The use of glycerol for energy generate in microbial fuel cell”.
Due to the quarantine period due to the new coronavirus and following the recommendations of the competent authorities for social isolation, the exam was carried out online through Google Meet, containing a room with the examining board and the student, all being broadcast live to the others viewers who watched the presentation and discussion of the work.

Gisele G. Halfeld’s qualification exam was conducted online.
The examining board was composed of the professors:
– Profa. Dr. Adalgisa Rodrigues de Andrade, work advisor;
– Prof. Dr. Paulo Olivi;
– Prof. Dr. Richard John Ward.
All board professors are Full Professors of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (DQ-FFCLRP-USP).
Congratulations to Gisele for the approval!