With text by Adriana Cruz, an article in the Jornal da USP (text in Portuguese) brings information on the gradual return of presential university activities – suspended since March 17 due to the COVID-19 pandemic – following the plan established by USP in a document, called Plano USP, it defines protocols, offers recommendations and provides guidance to managers and members of the university community.
The document was presented at a virtual meeting broadcast by Canal USP on youtube, held on August 19th.
As the vice-rector and coordinator of the working group that prepared the plan, Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Hernandes:
“The essence of the plan is to protect and preserve the health and life of our community”

Online meeting presented USP Plan for the gradual return of presential activities. Photo: Reproduction – USP Journal
The full article from Jornal da USP can be accessed at the link (text in Portuguese): Anúncio do Plano USP para retomada gradual das atividades presenciais.
The complete document presented in the USP Plan can be accessed at (text in Portuguese): Plano USP para o retorno gradual das atividades presenciais (100 downloads )