USP announces plan for gradual return of presential activities

With text by Adriana Cruz, an article in the Jornal da USP (text in Portuguese) brings information on the gradual return of presential university activities – suspended since March 17 due to the COVID-19 pandemic – following the plan established by USP in a document, called Plano USP, it defines protocols, offers recommendations and provides guidance to managers and members of the university community.

The document was presented at a virtual meeting broadcast by Canal USP on youtube, held on August 19th.

As the vice-rector and coordinator of the working group that prepared the plan, Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Hernandes:

“The essence of the plan is to protect and preserve the health and life of our community”

Online meeting presented USP Plan for the gradual return of presential activities. Photo: Reproduction – USP Journal

The full article from Jornal da USP can be accessed at the link (text in Portuguese): Anúncio do Plano USP para retomada gradual das atividades presenciais.

The complete document presented in the USP Plan can be accessed at (text in Portuguese): Plano USP para o retorno gradual das atividades presenciais (100 downloads )

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