Group picture: December 2024. Workshop LigninLab. Upper row: Alice Cursino (M.Sc.), Arthur Escudeiro (M.Sc.), Hugo Ramalho (B.Sc.), Gabriel Garon (PhD), Leandro Oliveira (Postdoc), Patrícia Sousa (TT3).
Second row: Guilherme Trentin (TT3), Alison Schmatz (Postdoc), Gabriel Pileggi (B.Sc.), Lucas Cunha (PhD), Arthur Rates (PhD).
Bottom row: Erika Aires (B.Sc.), Igor Cesarino (PI), Bianca Sung (M.Sc.).

Group picture: November 2023. Pizza day! From left to right: Bianca Sung (M.Sc.), Lucas Cunhas (B.Sc.), Arthur Rates (PhD), Leydson Lima (PhD), Marcella Simões (PhD), Igor Cesarino (PI), Patrícia Sousa (TT3), Giovanni Cerruti (PhD), Gabriel Pileggi (B.Sc) and Gabriel Garon (PhD).

Group picture: December 2022. Botanical garden, USP. From left to right (Up): Arthur Escudeiro (BSc) and Lucas Xavier (BSc). Bottom: Marcella Simõesn(PhD), Gabriel Garon (MSc), Giovanni Cerruti (PhD), Igor Cesarino (PI), Leydson Gabriel (PhD), Arthur Rates (PhD), Larissa Carvalho (BSc) and Bianca Sung (MSc).

Group picture: December 2021. First outside meeting of the group since the beginning of the pandemic. From left to right (up): Marcella Simões (PhD; with her son Arthur), Larissa Carvalho (BSc), Giovanni Cerutti (PhD), Igor Cesarino (PI), Gabriel Garon (MSc), Arthur Escudeiro (BSc), Bianca Sung (MSc). Bottom: Lucas Xavier (BSc).

Group picture: December 2019. From left to right: Leydson Lima (BSc), Sávio Ferreira (Postdoc), Leonardo Larizza (BSc), Isabela Antonelli (BSc), Gabriel Garon (BSc), Raphael Svartman (MSc), Giovanni Cerutti (PhD), Marcella Simões (PhD) and Igor Cesarino (PI).

Group picture: December 2018. From left to right: Marcella Simões (PhD), Sávio Ferreira (Postdoc), Raphael Svartman (MSc), Gabriel Garon (BSc), Leydson Lima (BSc) and Igor Cesarino (PI).

Group picture: October 2017. From left to right: Gabriel Garon (BSc), Sávio Ferreira (Postdoc), Marcella Simões (PhD), Igor Cesarino (PI) and Raphael Svartman (BSc).

Group picture: April 2016. From left to right: Igor Cesarino (PI), Marcella Simões (MSc), André Pina (BSc), Raphael Svartman (BSc) and Gabriel Garon (BSc).