2nd International Lignin Symposium in Kyoto, Japan.
Kyoto, Japan

Upper picture: 2nd International Lignin Symposium in Kyoto.
Bottom, left: Yasaka Pagoda, Kyoto. Bottom, right: seminar at AIST, Tsukuba.
Members of the LigninLab at the 8th International Cell Wall Meeting in Santiago, Chile.
Santiago, Chile

From left to right: Arthur Rates (PhD), Bianca Sung (MSc), Igor Cesarino, Lucas Cunha (PhD) and Gabriel Garon (PhD).
Having typical Brazilian food to celebrate the defense of Gabriel Garon master thesis.
São Paulo, Brazil

From left to right: Gabriel Garon, Patrícia Sousa, Arthur Rates, Leydson Lima, Hugo Ramalho, Igor Cesarino.
Finishing experiments at CBGP (started back in 2019) from a collaborative project with Dr. Joaquín Medina
Madrid, Spain

Upper left: Entrance of CBGP. Upper right: Working in the lab. Bottom left: Lunch time. Bottom right: visiting the Botanical Garden.
Visiting CBGP due to a collaborative project with Dr. Joaquín Medina
Toledo, Spain

From left to right: Joaquín Medina, Ward Steenackers and Igor Cesarino (and, of course, Miguel de Cervantes in the middle).
XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Fisiologia Vegetal
Cuiabá – Brazil
Diving in the river in Nobres – MT (Brazil).

From left to right: Igor Cesarino (IB/USP), Marcella Siqueira Simões (IB/USP) and Gabriel Garon Carvalho (IB/USP).
Visiting collaborators in Melbourne, Australia.

Upper: overview of Melbourne. Left: The Twelve Apostles, Victoria. Right: Yering Farm Wines, Victoria.
VIII Cell Wall Meeting, Asilomar (California).

Upper: Official Photo of the Cell Wall Meeting. Left: Visiting the Sequoia National Park, California. Right: Beer tasting in Berkeley. Left: Igor Cesarino (IB/USP), right: Savio Ferreira (IB/USP).
The 27th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research
Gyeong ju – South Korea
Getting along with old friends from PSB at Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond.

From left to right: Kristof, Ward, Jasper and Igor.
11th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology
Foz do Iguaçu – Brazil
Getting together with previous members of the Bioenergy group (VIB/UGent).

From left to right: Joaquín Medina (UPM-INIA), Ward Steenackers (VIB/UGent), José Nicomedes (Petrobras) and Igor Cesarino (IB/USP).