
Having typical Brazilian food to celebrate the defense of Gabriel Garon master thesis.
São Paulo, Brazil

From left to right: Gabriel Garon, Patrícia Sousa, Arthur Rates, Leydson Lima, Hugo Ramalho, Igor Cesarino.


Finishing experiments at CBGP (started back in 2019) from a collaborative project with Dr. Joaquín Medina
Madrid, Spain

Upper left: Entrance of CBGP. Upper right: Working in the lab. Bottom left: Lunch time. Bottom right: visiting the Botanical Garden.


Visiting CBGP due to a collaborative project with Dr. Joaquín Medina
Toledo, Spain

From left to right: Joaquín Medina, Ward Steenackers and Igor Cesarino (and, of course, Miguel de Cervantes in the middle).



XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Fisiologia Vegetal
Cuiabá – Brazil
Diving in the river in Nobres – MT (Brazil).

From left to right: Igor Cesarino (IB/USP), Marcella Siqueira Simões (IB/USP) and Gabriel Garon Carvalho (IB/USP).



Visiting collaborators in Melbourne, Australia.

Upper: overview of Melbourne. Left: The Twelve Apostles, Victoria.  Right: Yering Farm Wines, Victoria.


VIII Cell Wall Meeting, Asilomar (California).

Upper: Official Photo of the Cell Wall Meeting. Left: Visiting the Sequoia National Park, California.  Right: Beer tasting in Berkeley. Left: Igor Cesarino (IB/USP), right: Savio Ferreira (IB/USP).



The 27th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research
Gyeong ju – South Korea
Getting along with old friends from PSB at Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond.

From left to right: Kristof, Ward, Jasper and Igor.



11th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology 
Foz do Iguaçu – Brazil
Getting together with previous members of the Bioenergy group (VIB/UGent).

From left to right: Joaquín Medina (UPM-INIA), Ward Steenackers (VIB/UGent), José Nicomedes (Petrobras) and Igor Cesarino (IB/USP).