III.1 In the Master course, the deadline for depositing the dissertation is 30 (thirty) months.
III.2 In the PhD course, for the holder of the master’s degree, the deadline for filing the thesis is 48 (forty-eight) months.
III.3 In the PhD course, without obtaining the master’s degree (Direct PhD), the deadline for filing the thesis is 60 (sixty) months.
III.4 In any of the courses, in exceptional and duly justified cases, students may request an extension of the deadline up to the deposit limit described in USP Postgraduate Regiment, being 18 (eighteen) months for the Master, 12 twelve (12) months for the PhD and twelve (12) months for the Direct PhD.
IV.1 The Master student must pay a minimum of credit units, as follows: – 96 (ninety-six) credit units, of which 40 (forty) are in the Program’s disciplines and 56 (fifty-six) in the dissertation.
IV.2 The doctoral student, holder of the Master’s degree by USP or recognized by USP, shall pay a minimum of credit units, as follows: – 152 (one hundred and fifty-two) credit units, of which 30 (thirty ) in subjects and 122 (one hundred and twenty-two) in the thesis. It is mandatory to fulfill 80% of the credits in disciplines of the Program.
IV.3 The doctoral student, without obtaining the Master’s degree, must pay a minimum of credit units, as follows: – 192 (one hundred and ninety-two) credit units, of which 70 (seventy) in disciplines and 122 (one hundred and twenty-two) in the thesis. It is mandatory to fulfill 90% of the credits in disciplines of the Program.
It doesn’t apply.
As a special credit, a maximum of 6 (six) credits may be awarded for Master, PhD or Direct PhD courses. These credits are specified in the items below:
IV.5.1 In the case of complete work published in journals of international circulation indexed in PubMed, having a recognized editorial body and adequate referential system, or book or chapter of a book of recognized merit in the field of knowledge, being the student the a) first author and that has relation with the project of his dissertation or thesis. The credit limit for this activity will be up to 2 (two) credits per work / book / chapter of book (1 credit for articles in journals with impact factor equal or greater than 0.8).
IV.5.2 In case of patent filing in the area of the course (Masters or PhD, maximum of 3 (three) credits. The limit of credits for this activity will be 1 (one) credit per patent.
IV.5.3 In the case of participation in the Educational Improvement Program (PAE), the credit limit will be 2 (two), one (1) credit per participation.
IV.5.4 In the case of postgraduate student placements carried out in accordance with item XV.1, the number of special credits is equal to two (2).
The activities for requesting special credits must have been exercised and proven exclusively during the period in which the student is enrolled in the respective course (Master’s, PhD or Direct PhD).
V.1 Proficiency in foreign language
V.1.1 Students should demonstrate proficiency in English for both the master’s and doctoral degrees.
V.1.2 Masters, PhD and PhD students must demonstrate proficiency within 12 (twelve) months after admission.
V.1.3 To verify proficiency in a foreign language, the candidate must present a certificate from the institutions listed below, with a validity period of 2 (two) years from the date of passing the exam, with a minimum score as described:
V.1.3.1 In the Master’S degree:
The Qualification Exam is required both in the Master course and in the PhD and PhD courses. Enrollment in the qualifying examination is the responsibility of the student and must be made within the maximum period established by the program in these Regulations according to items VII.1.1, VII.2.1 and VII.3.1. Minimum credits in disciplines will not be required. The examination must be carried out no later than 90 (ninety) days after enrollment. The graduate student who does not take the qualification examination in the period foreseen for his course will be disconnected from the program, according to USP Graduate Regiment. The student who fails the qualification examination may register to repeat it only once, and must re-enroll within 15 (fifteen) days after the first exam. The second examination must be carried out within 90 (ninety) days after the second enrollment. Continuing the disapproval, the student will be disconnected from the Program and will receive a certificate of the courses taken.
The examining committee for the qualification examination, for both Master’s and PhD and Direct PhD, will be composed of three examiners, with a minimum doctor degree, appointed by the CCP. The PhD and Direct PhD examination committee must have at least one external examiner to the program.
VII.1.1 The master student must enroll in this examination within a maximum period of twelve (12) months after his/her first enrollment in the course.
VII.1.2 The objective of the qualification examination in the master’s degree is to evaluate the development of the didactic function, regarding the planning of teaching at the undergraduate level, presenting the thematic background and its research project.
VII.1.3 In the master’s degree, the examination will consist of the oral presentation of the research project of the Dissertation, in a reasoned and critical way, as well as an analysis of the school history.
VII.1.4 The student must submit to CCP, at the time of enrollment, the student’s form, enrollment form, and four copies of the research project, containing at least the following items: abstract, introduction; proposition; methodology and development schedule.
VII.1.5 The oral presentation, in a public session, shall have a minimum duration of twenty and a maximum of thirty minutes, followed by an examination by the examining committee, which shall not exceed twenty minutes per examiner, with equal time for the candidate’s response.
VIII.1 Transfer of Course
VIII.1.1 Upon approval of the qualification examination, and at the suggestion of the examining committee, the student may request a change of course from Master’s degree for Direct PhD or Direct PhD/PhD for Master’s degree with the consent of the supervisor, within a maximum period of 30 (thirty days. The CCP will analyze the request based on a detailed opinion issued by a rapporteur external to the Program on the new research project, academic performance of the student and scientific maturity of the candidate.
VIII.1.2 For the course change, the deadlines for the qualification examination, the minimum credits required for the qualification in the new course and the student must have the requirement to enroll in the Direct PhD (item II.3.6). If this deadline has already been exceeded, the minimum number of credits has not been met or the requirement is not met, the change will not be possible.
VIII.2 Transfer of Area
Not applicable.
IX.1 Students will be evaluated semiannually through their activity reports that should contain a research project, updated Curriculum Lattes; Advisor’s referral form and Form of activities performed by the student during the period. The schedule shall be established by the CCP and disclosed by the Program Secretariat.
IX.2 The research project should include: Title of the Dissertation or Thesis Research Project; Study justification; Goals; Summary of activities described in previous reports (if applicable); Description of the activities carried out in the period; Bibliography; Complete Execution Schedule, identifying activities already carried out and future ones.
IX.2.1 In the case of a first report after registration, the research project must be submitted containing: Title and Summary of the Research Project; Introduction and Study Rationale; Goals; Materials and methods; Bibliography and Execution Schedule.
IX.3 The student who has failed his report must arrange for the delivery of a new report within a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) days, counting from the date of publication of the evaluation result by the Program secretariat.
IX.4 In addition to the rules established in the USP Postgraduate Regiment, students may be removed from the postgraduate program in any of the courses (Master, Doctorate and PhD) if one of the following occurs: a) disapproval of the semiannual report of activities twice consecutively; b) there is no delivery of the semi-annual report of activities on the deadline foreseen in the annual calendar, published by the postgraduate secretariat and on the program page on the Internet.
XI.1 Format of Master Dissertations
The final work in the master’s course will be in the form of a dissertation or in the form of a collection of articles (item XI.3). The structure of the dissertation is defined by the publication “Guidelines for the presentation of theses and dissertations of USP: electronic and printed document. Part I (ABNT) “published by the Integrated System of Libraries (SIBi) USP, and should contain the following items:
– Cover with author’s name, job title, place and date;
– Back cover with unit name, author name, job title, supervisor’s name, place and date;
– Page of signature of the Examining Committee;
– List of Figures, Illustrations, Equations and tables;
– Abstract in Portuguese;
– Abstract in English;
– Introduction;
– Proposition;
– Material and methods;
– Results;
For the deposition of the Dissertation must be attached proof of submission of at least 1 manuscript submitted to a journal indexed in PubMed for the Dissertation, certified by the advisor, with impact factor 0.8 or higher.
XI.2 PhD Thesis Format
The final work of the PhD course will be in the form of a thesis in the traditional form or in the form of a collection of articles (item XI.3).
XI.2.1 The structure of the PhD thesis is defined by the publication “Guidelines for presentation of theses and dissertations of USP: electronic and printed document. Part I (ABNT) “published by the Integrated System of Libraries (SIBi) USP and should contain the following items:
– Cover with author’s name, job title, place and date;
– Back cover with unit name, author name, job title, supervisor’s name, place and date;
– List of Figures, Illustrations, Equations and tables;
– Page of signature of the Examining Committee;
– Abstract in Portuguese;
– Abstract in English;
– Introduction;
– Proposition;
– Material and methods;
– Results;
– Discussion;
– Conclusions;
– References;
– Attachments;
– Appendices.
For the Thesis deposit, a voucher must be attached (complete reference with doi) of at least 1 work published in a journal indexed in PubMed as of admission to the doctorate and proof of submission of manuscript referring to the Thesis, certified by the advisor, in a journal indexed in PubMed with impact factor 0.8 or higher.
XI.3 The final Master and PhDoral studies may have an alternative model, containing:
– Cover with author’s name, job title, place and date;
– Back cover with unit name, author name, job title, supervisor’s name, place and date;
– Page of signature of the Examining Committee;
– Abstract in Portuguese;
– Abstract in English;
– Contextualization of the topic of Dissertation/Thesis;
– Material and Methods, detailed;
– Results and Discussion will be replaced by articles.
– Masters: minimum of 1 (one) article.
– PhD: minimum of two (2) articles.
The article should be presented for a single Dissertation/Thesis in which the post-graduate is the first author and the other co-authors must sign a formal statement that the article will not be presented in another Dissertation/Thesis. In the case of published articles, it must be guaranteed that there will be no copyright/reproduction violation, obtaining formal authorization from the publisher for use of the articles in the dissertation/thesis. The advisor must be a co-author of the article(s) submitted.
– Final considerations;
– References;
– Attachments;
– Appendices.
XI.4 Dissertations or Thesis Deposit
The deposit of the copies will be made by the candidate or his/her legal representative in the Post-Graduation Service of FORP-USP, by the end of the expedient of the last day of its period of validity, upon presentation of the following valid documentation both for Masters and PhD:
– 1 (one) single bound hard copy of the dissertation or thesis;
– 1 (one) electronic copy in PDF format, in digital media, dissertation or thesis;
– formal manifestation of the supervisor, attesting that the work is fit for public defense.
The deposit must be accompanied by the other forms required by CPG.
XII.1 Participation of the Advisor in the Judging Commissions of Dissertations and Theses
In relation to the Composition of the Judging Committee of Dissertations and Theses, the procedures are those established in the USP Postgraduate Regiment and in item IV of the CPG Rules.
XII.2 Written Evaluation of Dissertations or Theses
There will be no written evaluation of dissertations or theses.
XIII.1 In accordance with the Postgraduate Regiment of the University of São Paulo, all Dissertations and Theses must contain title, abstract and key words in Portuguese and English.
XIII.2 Dissertations and Theses may be written and defended in Portuguese or English. Dissertations and Theses written in the form of a collection of articles may be partially written in Portuguese and English.
XIV.1 The master student who fulfills all the requirements of the course will receive the title of “Master of Science”. Program: Dentistry (Oral Rehabilitation).
XIV.2 The student of Doctorate or Direct Doctor who fulfills all the requirements of the course will receive the title of “Doctor in Sciences”. Program: Dentistry (Oral Rehabilitation).
Stages of graduate students may occur, with the consent of the supervisor and approval of the CCP and CPG, following the training guidelines of postgraduate students of the University of São Paulo.
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