VI.1 Accreditation of Disciplines
The accreditation or re-accreditation of disciplines is based on analysis of the program content, compatibility with the research lines of the Program, the bibliographic update, the specific competence of the professors responsible for the discipline and the detailed opinion of a rapporteur, after hearing the CCP. In the course of re-teaching, the regularity of the offering of the discipline will also be taken into account. Accreditation of non-presential or semipresencial subjects will also be based on the specific criteria established by the CCA. In the accreditation and re-accreditation proposals, the subjects’ papers must be presented in Portuguese and English.
VI.2 Cancellation of Classes of Disciplines
VI.2.1 The cancellation of classes of disciplines may occur at the request of the minister, due to force majeure, approved by the CCP.
VI.2.2 The CCP shall issue an opinion on the request within a maximum period of ten (10) days.
VI.2.3 The cancellation of discipline class due to lack of students will only occur if there are fewer students enrolled than the one informed by the person in charge of the discipline at the time of the registration of the class and at the request of the person in charge of the discipline before the beginning of the established classes.
VI.2.4 The maximum term for deliberation of the CCP is up to 2 (two) days before the start date of classes.
X.1 The decision on the accreditation or re-accreditation of an advisor will be deliberated by the CPG after referral by the CCP, detailing the excellence of its scientific, artistic or technological production and in the coordination and / or participation in funded research projects, according to specified minimum criteria this Regulation.
The teacher will be evaluated for his ability to conduct a research project and generate publications in refereed journals. Your participation in congresses and postdoctoral internships will be considered. The coordination and participation of the teacher in research projects will be valued.
X.2 Have taught discipline in the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry (Oral Rehabilitation) in the last 03 (three) years; coordinate or participate in a research project with current funding and have published at least 5 articles in an international or national refereed journal, in a journal indexed in PubMed, with an impact factor equal to or greater than 0.8, one of which has an equal impact factor or greater than 1.1 in the last 5 years;
X.2.1 In addition, it is required for the Masters in the last 5 years to have previous experience in orientation with at least 1 (one) Scientific Initiation or 1 Masters Dissertation oriented and defended in other postgraduate programs.
X.2.2 Additionally, for the Doctorate, in the last 5 years, is required to have previous guidance experience with at least 1 Master’s Dissertation oriented and defended.
X.3 The maximum number of orientated per advisor is 06 (six). In addition, the advisor can co-advise up to 03 (three) students.
X.4 The first accreditation will always be specific, both for the Masters and the Doctorate, except in specific cases, duly justified and approved by the CCP. Specific accreditations are to guide a particular student.
X.5 The full credential of advisors shall be valid for five (5) years.
X.6 For accreditation or re-accreditation, the applicant shall submit a detailed formal request to the PCC stating objectively its qualifications to act or continue to act with the program. You should attach to the application a (re) accreditation application form, the updated Lattes curriculum or Curriculum Vitae (in the case of foreign applicants still without Lattes Curriculum) and the electronic registration addresses in ResearchID and ORCID.
X.7.1 Comply with requirements of items X.1 and X.2.
X.7.1.1 Additionally, it is required for the Master’s degree, the completion of the Master’s specific orientation or at least 1 (one) Master’s Dissertation oriented and defended in another postgraduate Program in the last 5 years.
X.7.1.2 Additionally, it is required for the Doctorate, the conclusion of the specific orientation of Doctorate or at least 1 (one) Doctoral Thesis oriented and defended in another Graduate Program in the last 5 years.
X.8.1 For full re-accreditation, the teacher shall comply with the same minimum accreditation requirements specified in items X.1, X.2 and X.7 and the following requirements shall also be taken into account:
X.9.1 The first accreditation shall preferably be specific, according to the criteria specified in item X.1 and X.2.
X.9.2 The specific accreditation applicant can guide a maximum of 2 Master’s students. A specific accreditation request to guide a doctorate requires that the applicant has completed at least one master’s degree orientation. Specific guidance from only one doctoral student will be allowed.
X.10.1 The deadline for the accreditation of co-advisor in the master course will be 24 (twenty-four) months.
X.10.2 The term for the accreditation of co-advisor in the doctorate course will be of 38 (thirty-eight) months.
X.10.3 The deadline for the accreditation of co-advisor in the direct doctorate course will be 48 (forty-eight) months.
X.10.4 For accreditation of co-advisors, the same minimum scientific criteria for the accreditation of advisors specified in sub-items X.1 and X.2 shall be used. In addition, a detailed justification evidencing the complementarity of the co-advisor’s performance in relation to the supervisor in the student’s research project should be presented.
X.10.5 The request for accreditation of co-advisor should be made by the advisor, respecting the deadlines established in items X.10.1, X.10.2 and X.10.3, justifying the need for co-advision, attaching to this justification the post- and Curriculum Lattes of the teacher / researcher indicated.
X.10.6 The accreditation of co-advisors for the Master Course will be restricted to researchers from different areas of knowledge of those of the Program.
X.11.1 Preferably, employees outside the Unit should have specific accreditation.
X.11.2 The following aspects should be observed in applications regarding the accreditation of counselors external to USP, including Young Researchers, Visiting Teachers, Trainees Researchers and others:
a) Detailed justification of the applicant regarding the innovative contribution of the project to the postgraduate program;
b) Identification of the link of the interested party (ex: young researcher), mentioning the validity of the program and line of research;
c) Demonstrate the existence of infrastructure (physical, material and/or equipment);
d) Demonstrate the existence of resources to finance the proposed project for post-graduate orientation;
e) Manifestation of a teacher of the institution or supervisor, with the consent of the head of the department or equivalent, demonstrating agreement on the use of the space for the development of the requested orientation and maintenance of the conditions for the execution of the postgraduate project;
f) Curriculum vitae of the interested party should include, if applicable, the guidelines completed and in progress at USP and beyond;
g) Demonstrate the functional status and institutional link of the interested party (if the interested party does not prove a stable institutional link, the period of stay in the USP institution must be at least 75% of the maximum deadline for the dissertation or thesis).
X.11.3 The CPG will analyze the teacher/researcher’s experience regarding the project’s theme and the actual scientific contribution that will be provided to the Program, and it is necessary for its accreditation to also meet the criteria established in items X.1 and X.2 for accreditations generally.
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