Poli-Wind participation in Brazil Windpower 2019. Two of our three papers were selected to the academic conference panel. In the photo, from left to right, Alexandre Martuscelli Faria, Dr. Marcos Pimenta and Dr. Joseph Saab.
New article in BMSE Journal 40
Our new manuscript “Determination of local flow conditions and preliminary investigation on the validity of the PNoise code for large-size wind turbine” was accepted and published in the 2018 issue of the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. For further details and other papers, see the Scientific Production section.
Interview with Prof. Dr. Joseph Saab – USP Thesis Awards 2017
See in the link below an interview (in portuguese) with Poli-Wind member Prof. Dr. Joseph Saab, to the São Paulo University newspaper, after receiving the USP Thesis Award 2017 for his thesis Trailing-edge noise: development and application of a noise prediction tool for the assessment and design of wind turbine airfoils. http://jornal.usp.br/ciencias/tecnologia/projeto-de-engenheiro-da-poli-deixa-usinas-eolicas-mais-silenciosas/