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(Español) Sarlo, Beatriz

Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1942

By Flávio Aguiar

Beatriz Sarlo’s main interests include literature, its relationship with mass media, politics, and popular literature. She has also become an expert on the works of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Julio Cortázar, Jorge Luis Borges, and Victoria Ocampo.

In 1995, she published El imperio de los sentimientos: narraciones de circulación periódica en Argentina, 1917-1927. In 1988, Una modernidad periférica: Buenos Aires, 1920-1930. In 1994, Escenas de la vida posmoderna: intelectuales, arte y videocultura en Argentina. In 1998, La máquina cultural: maestros, traductores y vanguardistas. In 1978, she co-founded, with other intellectuals, the journal Punto de Vista.

Her critical work is characteristic of a movement that dominated literary studies at the end of the 20th century, moving from literary text to interdisciplinary and more encompassing cultural perspectives. Her work is well-known in Europe, the United States, and other Latin American countries, including Brazil. In this country, her approach is similar to that of the critic Heloísa Buarque de Hollanda. Another work: Instantáneas: medios, ciudad y costumbres en el fin de siglo (1996).

Content updated on 05/05/2017 at 18:39.