(Português) Albizu Campos, Pedro
Ponce, 1891 – San Juan (Puerto Rico), 1965 By Ángel G. Quintero Rivera Pedro Albizu Campos was the most influential nationalist leader of the 20th

(Português) Alfonsín, Raúl Ricardo
Born in the Buenos Aires locality of Chascomús on March 12, 1927, he is the first of six children of Serafín Raúl Alfonsín Ochoa and

VALPARAÍSO, 1908 – SANTIAGO (CHILE), 1973 Por Rodrigo Nobile Salvador Allende Gossens came into contact with socialist thought from his early youth when he was

(Português) Amado, Jorge
Itabuna, 1912 – Salvador (Brazil), 2001 By Flávio Aguiar Throughout this period of itinerant exile from 1937 to 1952, Amado focused on political themes, evident

(Português) Amaral, Tarsila do
Capivari, 1886 – São Paulo (Brazil), 1973 By Francisco Alambert Daughter of a wealthy family from São Paulo, Tarsila do Amaral began her studies at

(Português) Amaral, Tata
São Paulo (Brazil), 1960 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda Márcia Lelis de Souza (Tata) Amaral, a filmmaker and talented representative of her generation, debuted

(Português) Andrade, João Batista de
Ituiutaba (Brazil), 1939 By Afrânio Mendes Catani A Brazilian filmmaker and activist associated with the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), he enrolled in the Polytechnic School

(Português) Aragão, Renato
Sobral (Brazil), 1935 By Afrânio Mendes Catani Antonio Renato Aragão is one of the most popular actors in Brazilian cinema and television. With nearly 130

(Português) Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo
Quetzaltenango (Guatemala), 1913 – Mexico City (Mexico), 1971 By Edelberto Torres-Rivas Colonel Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán was the second president during the period known as the

(Português) Aristide, Jean-Bertrand
Port-Salut (Haiti), 1953 By João Alexandre Peschanski Salesian priest since 1982, Aristide studied theology in Italy, Greece, and Israel. In these countries, he came into

(Português) Arraes, Miguel
Araripe, 1916 – Recife (Brazil), 2005 By Ivana Jinkings Elected three times as governor of the state of Pernambuco (1962-1964, 1986-1990, and 1994-1998), Miguel Arraes

(Português) Asturias, Miguel Ángel
Guatemala City (Guatemala), 1899 – Madrid (Spain), 1974 By Flávio Aguiar Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1967, he descended from a wealthy Guatemalan

(Português) Atala, Alex
São Paulo (Brazil), 1968 By Fernanda Gdynia Morotti A chef, author of culinary books, and owner of D.O.M in São Paulo, considered one of the

Allende, Isabel
ALLENDE, ISABEL Lima (Peru), 1942. By Flávio Aguiar

Alonso, Alicia
La Habana (Cuba), 1921 Por Valerio Cesio

Álvarez Bravo, Manuel
Manuel Álvarez Bravo Mexico City (Mexico), 1902 – 2002 By Ivana Jinkings

Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio
Río Cuarto, 1903 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1970 By: María Seoane

Arden Quin, Carmelo
Rivera (Uruguai), 1913 – Savigny-sur-Orge (França), 2010 Por Francisco Alambert

(Português) Babenco, Hector
Mar del Plata (Argentina), 1946 – São Paulo (Brazil), 2016 By Afrânio Mendes Catani Filmmaker Héctor Eduardo Babenco lived in Brazil and Europe during his

(Português) Baca, Suzana
Lima (Peru), 1944 By Fernanda Gdynia Morotti Susana Esther Baca de la Colina is an Afro-Peruvian historian, musician, educator, singer, and composer. Born in Chorrillos,

(Português) Bachelet, Michelle
Santiago (Chile), 1951 By Latinoamerican Team Verónica Michelle Bachelet Jeria was the first woman to serve as President of Chile and the second woman to

(Português) Banzer Suárez, Hugo
Concepción, 1926 – Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), 2002 By Latinoamerican Team A career military officer, General Hugo Banzer Suárez served as President of

(Português) Barreto, Bruno
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1955 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda A member of a family linked to cinema: his parents, Lucy and Luiz Carlos

(Português) Barrientos Ortuño, René
Tarata, 1919 – Villa Arque (Bolivia), 1969 By the Latin American Team A military man and vice president of the Junta de Government that overthrew

(Português) Benedetti, Mario
Tacuarembó, 1920 – Montevideo (Uruguay), 2009 By Flávio Aguiar In 1956, he sparked controversy with Poemas de la oficina for contrasting the academic lyricism of

(Português) Bernardet, Jean-Claude
Charleroi (Belgium), 1936 By Afrânio Mendes Catani Film critic, essayist, professor, screenwriter, writer, and director. From a French family, he lived in Paris until 1948.

(Português) Bioy Casares, Adolfo
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1914 – 1999 By Flávio Aguiar Author of novels, short stories, and screenplays, he was the writer who had the closest relationship

(Português) Birri, Fernando
Santa Fé (Argentina), 1925 By Afrânio Mendes Catani An important figure in the new Latin American cinema, he was a founder of film schools, including

(Português) Bishop, Maurice
Aruba (Netherlands Antilles), 1944 – St. George (Grenada), 1983 By Carlos Eduardo Martins Maurice Bishop, son of Rupert and Alimenta Bishop, was the main leader

(Português) Blades, Rubén
Panama City (Panama), 1948 By Latin American Team Rubén Blades, a singer, songwriter, actor, and politician, was instrumental in bringing the innovations of the Cuban

(Português) Boff, Leonardo
Concórdia (Brazil), 1938 By Carlos Eduardo Martins Leonardo Boff, author of approximately sixty books and a former Franciscan, studied philosophy and theology, obtaining a doctorate

(Português) Borge Martínez, Tomás
Matagalpa, 1930 – Managua, 2012 (Nicaragua) By Orlando Nuñes Soto During the Somoza dictatorship, Tomás Borge Martínez was imprisoned and narrowly escaped death, thanks to

(Português) Borges, Jorge Luis
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1889 – Geneva (Switzerland), 1986 By Flávio Aguiar One of the foundational pillars of 20th-century Latin American literature, he ensured both the

(Português) Bosch, Juan
La Vega, 1909 – Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), 2001 By Emir Sader Essayist and political leader of the Dominican Republic, he was elected president of

(Português) Botero, Fernando
Medellín (Colombia), 1932 By Francisco Alambert Fernando Botero, the most well-known Colombian painter of the 20th century, is known for his distinctive representation of obese

(Português) Bouterse, Désiré Delano
Domburg (Suriname), 1945 By Rodrigo Nobile A career soldier, he served as a sports instructor in the Army and was one of the leaders of

(Português) Bressane, Júlio
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1946 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda Júlio Eduardo Bressane de Azevedo is regarded as an experimental filmmaker. His debut feature

(Português) Brizola, Leonel de Moura
Ruzinha, 1922 – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 2004 By Carlos Eduardo Martins Born to a poor family in rural Rio Grande do Sul, Leonel de

(Português) Buarque de Holanda, Chico
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1944 By Alberto Ikeda Composer, lyricist, and writer, Francisco Buarque de Holanda became notable in the 1960s and 1970s, mainly for

(Português) Bueno, Maria Esther
São Paulo (Brazil), 1939 By Pablo Alabarces The greatest Latin American tennis player in history, Maria Esther Bueno from São Paulo started playing tennis at

(Português) Burle Marx, Roberto
São Paulo, 1909 – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1994 By the Latin American Team An internationally recognized architect and landscape designer, Roberto Burle Marx spent

Bandeira, Manuel
Recife, 1886 – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 1968 By Flávio Aguiar

Bedregal, Yolanda
La Paz (Bolívia), 1916 -1999 By Flávio Aguiar

Belli, Gioconda
Manágua (Nicarágua), 1948 By Flávio Aguiar

Blanco, Hugo
Cuzco (Perú), 1934 By Heraclio Bonilla

Boisier, Sergio
BOISIER, SERGIO Purén (Chile), 1939 By Luis Mauricio Cuervo González

(Español) Cartola
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1908 – 1980 By Marcelo Silva Souza Life in the Mangueira hill in the city of Rio de Janeiro was

Castillo Velasco, Fernando
Santiago de Chile (Chile), 1918 – 2013 By Roberto Segre

(Português) Cabrera Infante, Guillermo
Gibara (Cuba), 1929 – London (England), 2005 By Flávio Aguiar The mastery and boldness with which he handles language, crafting text through a fusion of

(Português) Caldera, Rafael
San Felipe, 1916 – Caracas (Venezuela), 2009 By Margarita López Maya Founder and leading figure of the Christian Social Party (COPEI), an academic, and twice

(Português) Calderón, Felipe
Morelia (Mexico), 1962 By Carlos Serrano Ferreira Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa was born on August 18, 1962, in Morelia, in the Mexican state of

(Português) Callado, Antonio
Niterói, 1917 – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 1997 By Flávio Aguiar He began his journalism career at the age of seventeen, an activity that yielded

(Português) Câmara, Dom Hélder
Fortaleza, 1909 – Recife (Brazil), 1999 By Daniela Jinkings A priest and political activist, Brazilian Dom Hélder Câmara became known internationally as the “red bishop.”

(Português) Campanella, Juan José
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1959 By Afrânio Mendes Cattani Actor, screenwriter, and film director. Although he is Argentine, Campanella developed much of his career in the

(Português) Campos, Haroldo de
São Paulo (Brazil), 1929 – 2003 By Flávio Aguiar A controversial poet and essayist, he deepened the writing techniques of the modernists of 1922, particularly

(Português) Candido, Antonio
Rio de Janeiro, 1918 – São Paulo (Brazil), 2017 By Flávio Aguiar Antonio Candido de Mello e Souza graduated in social sciences from the Faculty

(Português) Cantinflas
Mexico City (Mexico), 1911 – 1993 Afrânio Mendes Catani Mario Moreno Reyes is an unknown name. However, his stage name, Cantinflas, gave him international recognition

(Português) Cardenal, Ernesto
Granada (Nicaragua), 1925 By Flávio Aguiar Ordained as a priest in 1965, Ernesto Cardenal Martínez developed his religious career alongside his literary and political endeavors,

(Português) Cárdenas Solórzano, Cuauhtémoc
Mexico City (Mexico), 1934 By Fernando Antonio da Costa Vieira Son of the influential Mexican politician Lázaro Cárdenas del Río (1895-1970), who governed the country

(Português) Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1931 By Emir Sader Fernando Henrique Cardoso was born in Rio de Janeiro and is the son of an army general

(Português) Carrasquel, Alfonso
Caracas (Venezuela), 1928 – 2005 By Pablo Alabarces Alfonso “Chico” Carrasquel was such a talented baseball player and had such a powerful arm that at

(Português) Carvalho, Flávio de
Amparo da Barra Mansa, 1899 – Valinhos (Brazil), 1973 By Francisco Alambert Architect, engineer, painter, sculptor, playwright, set designer, writer, decorator, and performer (before this

(Português) CASTRO, JOSUÉ DE
Recife (Brazil), 1908 – Paris (France), 1973 By Rodrigo Nobile The geographer Josué Apolônio de Castro had a humble childhood in Recife, alongside the populations

(Português) Cerén, Salvador Sánches
Quezaltepeque (El Salvador), 1944 By Fernanda Gdynia Morotti One of the founders of the National Association of Salvadoran Educators (Andes) in 1965, he participated in

(Português) Charles, Mary Eugenia
Pointe Michel (Dominica), 1919 – Fort-de-France (Martinique), 2005 By Rafael Affonso de Miranda Alonso Also known as “Mamo,” Mary Eugenia Charles was the Prime Minister

Rio Grande, 1911 – São Paulo (Brasil), 1987 By: Emir Sader

Carpentier, Alejo
Havana (Cuba), 1904 – Paris (France), 1980 By Flávio Aguiar The literary success of his works was echoed in essays that founded concepts for understanding

CARTOLA Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 1908 – 1980 By Marcelo Silva Souza

Caveri, Claudio
CAVERI, CLAUDIO Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1928 – 2011 By Roberto Segre

Dalton, Roque
San Salvador (El Salvador), 1935 – 1975 Flávio Aguiar

Don Francisco
Talca (Chile), 1940 By Team Latinoamericana

Fangio, Juan Manuel
Balcarce, 1911 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1995 By Pablo Alabarces

Fanon, Frantz
Fort-de-France (Martinica), 1925 – Washington (EUA), 1961 By Adriana Veríssimo

Figueres Ferrer, José
San Ramón (Costa Rica), 1906 – 1990 By Jorge Rovira Mas

Fontanarrosa, Roberto
Rosário (Argentina), 1944 – 2007 By Graciela Hopstein

Frugoni, Emilio
Montevideo (Uruguay), 1880 – 1969 By Gerardo Caetano Hargain

Gisele Bundchen
Horizontina (Brazil), 1980 By Fernanda Morotti International model, selected in 2013 as one of the hundred most powerful women in the world by Forbes magazine.

Hinojosa-Smith, Rolando
Mercedes (EUA), 1929 Flávio Aguiar

Icaza, Jorge
Quito (Ecuador), 1906 – 1978 By Flávio Aguiar He stood out among the writers of the Generation of 1930 and was responsible for the innovation

Lima, Jorge De
União, 1893 – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 1953 By Flávio Aguiar

Luz, Bertha Maria Julia
São Paulo, 1894 – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1976 By José Chrispiniano A scientist and pioneer of feminism in Brazil, Bertha Lutz was the leading

Naranjo, Carmen
Cartago, 1928 – San José (Costa Rica), 2012 Flávio Aguiar

Ortega Saavedra, Daniel
La Libertad (Nicaragua), 1945 By Orlando Núñez Soto

Málaga (Spain), 1906 – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 1970 By Afrânio Mendes Catani

Oviedo, Lino
Juan de Mena (Paraguay), 1943 By Emir Sader

(Português) Adelia Prado
Divinópolis (Brazil), 1935 By Flávio Aguiar Between family, books, and activities in the cultural sphere of her hometown, Divinópolis, her work does not engage with

Poniatowska, Elena
Paris (France), 1933 By Flávio Aguiar The daughter of World War II refugees, she migrated with her mother from France to Mexico at the age

Prestes, Luis Carlos
Porto Alegre, 1898 – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 1990 By Ivana Jinkings

São João da Boa Vista, 1910 – Santos (Brasil), 1962 By Marcelo Silva Souza

Palmieri, Eddie
Nova York (Estados Unidos), 1936 By Ángel G. Quintero Rivera

Papa Francisco
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1936 By Gerson Sintoni

Parra, Nicanor
Chillán (Chile), 1914 By Flávio Aguiar

Paula, “Magic”
Oswaldo Cruz (Brasil), 1962 By Pablo Alabarces

Paz, Octavio
Ciudad de México (México), 1914 – 1998 By Flávio Aguiar

Pedrosa, Mário
Timbaúba, 1900 – Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1981 By Francisco Alambert

Peixoto, Mário
Bruselas (Bélgica), 1908 – Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1992 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda

Três Corações (Brasil), 1940 By Equipo Latinoamericana

Peña Nieto, Enrique
PEÑA NIETO, ENRIQUE Atlacomulco (México), 1966 By Carlos Serrano Ferreira

Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1931 By Ivana Jinkings

Pérez, Carlos Andrés
Rubio (Venezuela), 1922 – Miami (Estados Unidos), 2010 By Gilberto Maringoni

Pérez, Fernando
La Habana (Cuba), 1944 By Afrânio Mendes Catani

Perón, Eva
Los Toldos, 1919 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1952 By María Seoane

Perón, Isabelita
La Rioja (Argentina), 1931 By María Seoane

Perón, Juan Domingo
Lobos, 1895 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1974 By María Seoane

Piazzolla, Astor
Mar del Plata, 1921 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1992 By Alberto Ikeda

Pindling, Lynden Oscar
Nassau (Bahamas), 1930 – 2000 By Rafael Affonso de Miranda Alonso

Pinochet, Augusto
Valparaíso, 1915 – Santiago (Chile), 2006 By Rodrigo Nobile

Plá, Josefina
Fuerteventura, Ilhas Canárias (Espanha), 1909 – Assunção (Paraguai), 1999 Adriana Veríssimo

Poll, Claudia
Managua (Nicaragua), 1972 By Pablo Alabarces

Portinari, Candido
Brodósqui, 1903 – Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1962 By Francisco Alambert

Prado Júnior, Caio
São Paulo (Brasil), 1907 – 1990 By Oswaldo Munteal Filho and Jacqueline Ventapane Freitas

Préval, René
Porto Príncipe (Haiti), 1943 By João Alexandre Peschanski

Price, George Cadle
Ciudad de Belice (Belice), 1919 – 2011 By Rodrigo Nobile

Puig, Manuel
General Villegas (Argentina), 1932 – Cuernavaca (México), 1990 Flávio Aguiar

Queiroz, Rachel De
Fortaleza, 1910 – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 2003 By Flávio Aguiar

Mendoza (Argentina), 1932 By Graciela Hopstein

Quispe, Felipe
La Paz (Bolívia), 1942 By Álvaro García Linera

Reichenbach, Carlos
Porto Alegre, 1945 – São Paulo (Brasil), 2012 By Afrânio Mendes Catani

(Português) Ronaldo
Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 1976 Pablo Alabarces

Rulfo, Juan
Acapulco, 1918 – Cidade do México (México), 1986 Flávio Aguiar

Rama, Ángel
Montevidéu (Uruguai), 1926 – Mejorana del Campo (Espanha), 1983 Flávio Aguiar

Ramona, Comandanta
San Andrés de Larrainzer, 1959 – San Cristóbal de las Casas (México), 2006 By Equipe Latinoamericana

Ramos, Graciliano
Quebrângulo, 1892 – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 1953 By Flávio Aguiar

Ribeiro, Darcy
Montes Claros, 1922 – Brasilia (Brasil), 1997 By Carlos Eduardo Martins

Roa Bastos, Augusto
Asunción (Paraguay), 1917 – 2005 By Flávio Aguiar

Roberto Carlos
Cachoeiro do Itapemirim (Brasil), 1941 By José Chrispiniano

Rocha, Glauber
Vitória da Conquista, 1939 – Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1981 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda

Rodríguez Maradiaga, Oscar Andrés
Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 1942 By Ramón Romero

Rodríguez, Silvio
San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba), 1946 By Alberto Ikeda

Rodríguez, Zhandra
Caracas (Venezuela), 1947 By Valerio Cesio

Rojas, Gonzalo
Lebu, 1917 – Santiago (Chile), 2011 By Ivana Jinkings

Romero, Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo
Ciudad Barrios, 1917 – San Salvador (El Salvador), 1980 By María Alicia Gutiérrez

Rosa, João Guimarães
Cordisburgo, 1908 – Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1967 By Flávio Aguiar

Rousseff, Dilma
Belo Horizonte (Brasil), 1947 By Emir Sader

(Español) Sarlo, Beatriz
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1942 By Flávio Aguiar Beatriz Sarlo’s main interests include literature, its relationship with mass media, politics, and popular literature. She has also

Saavedra Lamas, Carlos
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1878 – 1959 By Equipo Latinoamericana

Saer, Juan José
Santa Fe (Argentina), 1937 – París (Francia), 2005 By Flávio Aguiar

Salinas de Gortari, Carlos
Ciudad de México (México), 1948 By Fernando Antonio da Costa Vieira

Salles Jr., Walter
Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1955 By Afrânio Mendes Catani

Sánchez de Lozada, Gonzalo
La Paz (Bolivia), 1930 By Emir Sader

Santos, Daiane dos
Porto Alegre (Brazil), 1983 By Pablo Alabarces

Santos, Milton
Brotas de Macaúbas, 1926 – São Paulo (Brasil), 2001 By Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves

Santos, Nelson Pereira dos
São Paulo (Brasil), 1928 By Afrânio Mendes Catani

Sarduy, Severo
Camagüey (Cuba), 1937 – París (Francia), 1993 By Flávio Aguiar

Seaga, Edward Philip George
By Rodrigo Nobile

Senna, Ayrton
São Paulo (Brasil), 1960 – Bolonia (Italia), 1994 By Pablo Alabarces

Sganzerla, Rogério
oaçaba, 1946 – São Paulo (Brasil), 2004 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda

Shakira (Isabel Mebarak Ripoll)
Barranquilla (Colombia), 1977 By Equipe Latinoamericana

Siqueiros, David Alfaro
Santa Rosalía (actualmente Ciudad Camargo), 1896 – Cuernavaca (México), 1974 By Francisco Alambert

Solanas, Fernando
Olivos (Argentina), 1936 By Afrânio Mendes Catani

Soriano, Osvaldo
SORIANO, OSVALDO Mar del Plata, 1943 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1997 Por Daniela Jinkings

Sosa, Mercedes
Tucumán, 1935 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2009 By Ángel G. Quintero Rivera

Soto, Jesús Rafael
Ciudad Bolivar (Venezuela), 1923 – París (Francia), 2005 By Francisco Alambert

Sotomayor Sanabria, Javier
Limonar (Cuba), 1967 By Pablo Alabarces

Stedile, João Pedro
Lagoa Vermelha (Brasil), 1953 By Equipo Latinoamericana

Stevenson, Teófilo
Puerto Padre (Cuba), 1952 By Pablo Alabarces

Stroessner, Alfredo
Encarnación (Paraguay), 1912- Brasilia (Brasil), 2006 By Emir Sader

Suassuna, Ariano
João Pessoa, 1927 – Recife (Brasil), 2014 By Fernanda Gdynia Morotti

Tamayo, Rufino
Oaxaca, 1899 – Ciudad de México (México), 1991 By Francisco Alambert

Tavares, Maria da Conceição
Anadia (Portugal), 1930 By Equipo Latinoamericana

Testa, Clorindo
Naples (Italy), 1923 – Buenos Aires (Argentina), 2013 By Roberto Segre

Trujillo, Rafael Leónidas
San Cristóbal, 1891 – Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), 1961 By Wilfredo Lozano y Quisqueya Lora

Uribe Vélez, Álvaro
Antioquia (Colombia), 1952 By Víctor Manuel Moncayo Cruz

Valenzuela, Fernando
Ecchohuaquila (México), 1960 By Pablo Alabarces

Vargas Llosa, Mario
Arequipa (Perú), 1936 By Flávio Aguiar

Vargas, Getúlio
São Borja, 1883 – Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1954 By Emir Sader

Vázquez, Tabaré
Montevideo (Uruguay), 1940 By Gerardo Caetano Hargain

Velasco Alvarado, Juan
Piura, 1910 – Lima (Perú), 1977 By Heraclio Bonilla

Velázquez Sánchez, Fidel
San Pedro Azcapotzaltongo (Hoy Nicolás Romero), (México), 1900 – 1997 By Marcel Gomes

Veloso, Caetano
Santo Amaro da Purificação (Brasil), 1942 By Adrana Veríssimo

Venetiaan, Ronald Runaldo
Paramaribo (Surinam), 1936 By Equipo Latinoamericana

Veríssimo, Érico
Cruz Alta, 1905 – Porto Alegre (Brasil), 1975 By Flávio Aguiar

Villa-Lobos, Heitor
Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 1887 – 1959 By Alberto Ikeda

Volpi, Alfredo
Lucca (Italia), 1896 – São Paulo (Brasil), 1988 By Francisco Alambert

Walcott, Derek
Ilhas Windward, 1930 – Cap Estate (Santa Lucía), 2017 By Flávio Aguiar

Xul Solar
San Fernando, 1887 – Tigre (Argentina), 1963 By Francisco Alambert

Yamazaki, Tizuka
Porto Alegre (Brasil), 1949 Por Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda

Zé do Caixão
São Paulo (Brasil), 1936 By Luiz Felipe Alves de Miranda

Zea, Leopoldo
Mexico City (Mexico), 1912 – 2004 By Verónica R. López Nájera Leopoldo Zea was born in 1912, during the height of the Mexican Revolution. His