The candidate will have to take a General Knowledge Test in Chemistry. There are four compulsory questions and twelve elective questions in the areas of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry (two questions each), from which the candidate has to choose four questions.
To be eligible for enrollment in the Program, the candidate has to score at least 5.0 in this Test and must provide proof of proficiency in the English language.
Application Dates
Candidates must apply from Dec, 16 th, 2019 to May, 29 th, 2020 for admission to the Program.
General Knowledge Test
The test will be held on Jun, 5 th, 2020 at 8 AM in Room 30 of Building 09 A of the Department of Chemistry of this Faculty.
Enrollment of Accepted Candidates
The candidates accepted for the Program must enroll at the Graduate Studies Office – Rua Clóvis Vieira, 38 – Universidade de São Paulo, Campus de Ribeirão Preto from Feb, 3rd, 2020 to Feb, 7th, 2020
Enrollment of Regular Students
Students who have already started the Program must enroll from Jan, 13th, 2020 to Jan, 26th, 2020. Pre-enrollment can be made via the Internet
Enrollment of Special Students
Pre-enrollment from Jan, 27th, 2020 to Jan, 31th, 2020 The candidate will not be enrolled if they fail to provide all the required documents.
Enrollment occurs on the first lecture day according to the criteria listed by the Professors in charge of the discipline.
Exam of Proficiency in the English Language:
Candidates who cannot provide proof of proficiency in the English Language can take the Exam of Proficiency in English offered by the Program on Jun, 5th, 2020 at 2 p.m. at the Department of Chemistry of this Faculty.
The candidates must enroll for this Test between Feb, 1st, 2020 and Feb, 22th, 2020 by sending an e-mail message to The message must contain the candidate’s full name (without abbreviations) and must state for which level the candidate will take the Exam (Master or PhD level).
The candidate will receive confirmation of the enrollment also by email. If the candidate does not receive this confirmation 24 h after they send the message, they should enroll again. The confirmation will be considered proof of enrollment in the English Proficiency Test
Documents requested for regular students
Regular students must enroll in person, by power of attorney, or by mail at Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto – Serviço de Pós-Graduação, Avenida Bandeirantes, 3900, Campus da USP – Ribeirão Preto – SP, CEP: 14040-901). The following documents must be presented for enrollment in the Program:
- Application form (available at: – Pós-Graduação: Formulários);
- Copy of birth and/or marriage certificate;
- Copy of the Identity Card (driver’s license will not be accepted for academic purposes);
- Copy of the taxpayer´s card;
- Copy of the Voter Identification Card;
- Copy of the Military Service Certificate;
- Copy of passport for foreign applicants;
- Copy of proof of proficiency in the English language.
- The result obtained in the examination offered by the program or the certificates listed below, with appropriate scores, will be accepted:
- TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language);
- Paper based test: 472 points;
- Computer based test: 150 points;
- Internet based test: 52 points;
- TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication): 496 points;
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System): score 4,5
- Cambridge: PET level;
- Copy of the front and verse of a college diploma, certificate of completion of under graduate course, or statement issued by the educational institution that the candidate is presently attending the last semester of an undergraduate course;
- Copy of the academic record;
- Curriculum vitae – model available at: – Pós-Graduação: Formulários
- Two letters of recommendation issued by Professors of the University of São Paulo faculty or any other University recognized by the official funding agencies.
- Please note that the documentation presented at the Graduate Services Office will remain there for 60 days after the Admission results are published. After this period, if the applicant does not collect the documents, they will be sent to recycling
Documents necessary for special students
Request for pre-enrollment – Form available at
- Copy of the front and verse of college diploma;
- Copy of birth and/or marriage certificate;
- Copy of the Identity Card (driver’s license will not be accepted for academic purposes);
- Copy of the taxpayer´s card;
- Copy of the Voter Identification Card;
- Copy of the Military Service Certificate;
- Copy of proof of proficiency in the English and in the Portuguese languages;
- Copy of passport with VISA and National Foreigner Registration;
- 3 cm x 4 cm photograph;
- Exempt from Application fee.
Written Test Course.
Química Geral – Bibliografia sugerida: Loreta Jones e Peter Attikins – Princípios da Química: Questionando a vida moderna e o meio ambiente.
– Ligações Químicas
– Teoria Atômica
– Estequiometria
– Propriedades Periódicas
– Gases, sólidos e líquidos e mudanças de estado
– Cinética Química
– Enzimas
– Estrutura de Proteínas
– Bibliografia: D.L. Nelson e M.M. Cox. Lehninger – Princípios de Bioquímica. 4a. Ed. 2007. Editora Sarvier
– Tecnologia do DNA recombinante Referência: James D. Watson; Tania A. Baker; Stephen P. Bell; Alexander Gann; Richard Losick; Michael Levine (2006). Biologia Molecular do Gene. Quinta edição, Artmed Editora.
– Cinética de processos fermentativos Referência: BORZANI, W.; SCHMIDELL, W.; LIMA, U. A.; AQUARONE, E. Biotecnologia industrial – fundamentos. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 2001.
Química Orgânica:
– Estrutura de compostos orgânicos: propriedades físicas, estereoquímica e análise espectrométrica.
– Funções orgânicas: preparação e reações de compostos orgânicos.
– Termodinâmica
Química Inorgânica:
– Química de Coordenação: Teorias de Ligação e Espectroscopia Eletrônica.
Química Analítica:
– Equilíbrio Químico: ácido-base; de óxi-redução; complexometria e de precipitação.
Holders of a Master Degree valid in all the Brazilian territory may enroll for the Admission Process at any time of the year. The candidate will be interviewed by a Board composed of three (3) members designated by the Program Coordination Committee, selected from accredited advisors.
The applicant will be interviewed about their Curriculum Vitae and Research Project. The Board will assess the applicant’s knowledge of the Research Project, basic knowledge in the concentration area, scientific maturity, and Research Project adequacy to the Ph.D. level.
Members of the Examination Board will assign the applicant a score ranging from zero to ten. For admission in the Program, the applicant must be assigned a score of at least six by at least two members of the Board.
The interview may take place by videoconference or equivalent media when it is not possible for the applicant to appear in person, but a formal request for a videoconference must be made.
Application Period
Matriculation Period: During the whole year, except during the month of December (check interview dates).
Interview dates
The interview will always be held on the last Monday of each month; applications will be accepted until the penultimate Monday of the month. Dates may be subject to change, so always refer to this page
More information can be obtained by e-mail: or in the official announcement (in Portuguese). No registrations will be accepted if documentation is incomplete.
Enrollment of Regular Students
Students who have already started the Program must enroll from ….. to ….. Pre-enrollment can be made via the Internet.
Enrollment of Special Students
Pre-enrollment from ….. to … The candidate will not be enrolled if they fail to provide all the required documents.
Enrollment occurs on the first lecture day according to the criteria listed by the Professors in charge of the discipline.
Exam of Proficiency in the English Language:
Candidates who cannot provide proof of proficiency in the English Language can take the Exam of Proficiency in English offered by the Program on ……… at 2 p.m. in Room 24 of Building 09A of the Department of Chemistry of this Faculty. The candidates must enroll for this Test between …… and …. by sending an e-mail message to The message must contain the candidate’s full name (without abbreviations) and must state for which level the candidate will take the Exam (Master or PhD level).
The candidate will receive confirmation of the enrollment also by email. If the candidate does not receive this confirmation 24 h after they send the message, they should enroll again. The confirmation will be considered proof of enrollment in the English Proficiency Test.
Documents requested for regular students
Regular students must enroll in person, by power of attorney, or by mail at Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto – Serviço de Pós-Graduação, Avenida Bandeirantes, 3900, Campus da USP – Ribeirão Preto – SP, CEP: 14040-901). The following documents must be presented for enrollment in the Program:
- Application form (available at: – Pós-Graduação: Formulários);
- Copy of birth and/or marriage certificate;
- Copy of the Identity Card (driver’s license will not be accepted for academic purposes);
- Copy of the taxpayer´s card;
- Copy of the Voter Identification Card;
- Copy of the Military Service Certificate;
- Copy of passport for foreign applicants;
- Copy of proof of proficiency in the English language.
- The result obtained in the examination offered by the program or the certificates listed below, with appropriate scores, will be accepted:
- TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language);
- Paper based test: 500 points;
- Computer based test: 190 points;
- Internet based test: 64 points;
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System): score 4,5;
- Michigan: ECPE level;
- Cambridge FCE level C;
- WAP: Writing for Academic Purposes – Approved.
- Copy of the front and verse of a college diploma, certificate of completion of under graduate course, or statement issued by the educational institution that the candidate is presently attending the last semester of an undergraduate course;
- Copy of the academic record;
- Curriculum vitae – model available at: – Pós-Graduação: Formulários
- Two letters of recommendation issued by Professors of the University of São Paulo faculty or any other University recognized by the official funding agencies.
- Please note that the documentation presented at the Graduate Services Office will remain there for 60 days after the Admission results are published. After this period, if the applicant does not collect the documents, they will be sent to recycling
Documents necessary for special students
Request for pre-enrollment – Form available at
- Copy of the front and verse of college diploma;
- Copy of birth and/or marriage certificate;
- Copy of the Identity Card (driver’s license will not be accepted for academic purposes);
- Copy of the taxpayer´s card;
- Copy of the Voter Identification Card;
- Copy of the Military Service Certificate;
- Copy of proof of proficiency in the English and in the Portuguese languages;
- Copy of passport with VISA and National Foreigner Registration;
- 3 cm x 4 cm photograph;
- Exempt from Application fee.
Written Test Course.
Química Geral – Bibliografia sugerida: Loreta Jones e Peter Attikins – Princípios da Química: Questionando a vida moderna e o meio ambiente.
– Ligações Químicas
– Teoria Atômica
– Estequiometria
– Propriedades Periódicas
– Gases, sólidos e líquidos e mudanças de estado
– Cinética Química
– Enzimas
– Estrutura de Proteínas
– Bibliografia: D.L. Nelson e M.M. Cox. Lehninger – Princípios de Bioquímica. 4a. Ed. 2007. Editora Sarvier
– Tecnologia do DNA recombinante Referência: James D. Watson; Tania A. Baker; Stephen P. Bell; Alexander Gann; Richard Losick; Michael Levine (2006). Biologia Molecular do Gene. Quinta edição, Artmed Editora.
– Cinética de processos fermentativos Referência: BORZANI, W.; SCHMIDELL, W.; LIMA, U. A.; AQUARONE, E. Biotecnologia industrial – fundamentos. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 2001.
Química Orgânica:
– Estrutura de compostos orgânicos: propriedades físicas, estereoquímica e análise espectrométrica.
– Funções orgânicas: preparação e reações de compostos orgânicos.
– Termodinâmica
Química Inorgânica:
– Química de Coordenação: Teorias de Ligação e Espectroscopia Eletrônica.
Química Analítica:
– Equilíbrio Químico: ácido-base; de óxi-redução; complexometria e de precipitação.
The candidate will have to take a General Knowledge Test in Chemistry. There are four compulsory questions and twelve elective questions in the areas of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry (two questions each), from which the candidate has to choose four questions.
<pTo be eligible for enrollment in the Program, the candidate has to score at least 5.0 in this Test and must provide proof of proficiency in the English language.
The candidates approved in the Admission Test will be interviewed by an Examination Board about their Curriculum Vitae and Research Project. The Board will consist of three (3) members designated by the Program Coordination Committee, selected from accredited advisors
The Board will assess the applicant’s knowledge of the Research Project, basic knowledge in the concentration area, scientific maturity, and Research Project adequacy to the Ph.D. level.
Members of the Examination Board will assign the applicant a score ranging from zero to ten. For admission in the Program, the applicant must be assigned a score of at least six by at least two members of the Board
Application Dates
Candidates must apply from Jan, 13 th, 2020 to May, 22 th, 2020 for admission to the Program starting in 2020.
General Knowledge Test
The test will be held on Jun, 5 th, 2020 at 8 P.M. in Room 30 of Building 09 A of the Department of Chemistry of this Faculty.
Enrollment of Accepted Candidates
The candidates accepted for the Program starting in the must enroll at the Graduate Studies Office – Rua Clóvis Vieira, 38 – Universidade de São Paulo, Campus de Ribeirão Preto from Feb, 3 rd, 2020 to Feb, 7 th, 2020.
Enrollment of Regular Students
Students who have already started the Program must enroll from Jan, 13th, 2020 to Jan, 26th, 2020. Pre-enrollment can be made via the Internet.
Enrollment of Special Students
Pre-enrollment from Jan, 27th, 2020 to Jan, 31th, 2020. The candidate will not be enrolled if they fail to provide all the required documents.
Enrollment occurs on the first lecture day according to the criteria listed by the Professors in charge of the discipline.
Exam of Proficiency in the English Language:
Candidates who cannot provide proof of proficiency in the English Language can take the Exam of Proficiency in English offered by the Program on Jun, 5th, 2020 at 2 p.m. at the Department of Chemistry of this Faculty.
The candidates must enroll for this Test between Feb, 1st, 2020 and Feb, 22th, 2020 by sending an e-mail message to The message must contain the candidate’s full name (without abbreviations) and must state for which level the candidate will take the Exam (Master or PhD level).
The candidate will receive confirmation of the enrollment also by email. If the candidate does not receive this confirmation 24 h after they send the message, they should enroll again. The confirmation will be considered proof of enrollment in the English Proficiency Test.
Deadeline for Application:
Interview Date:
Documents requested for regular students
Regular students must enroll in person, by power of attorney, or by mail at Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto – Serviço de Pós-Graduação, Avenida Bandeirantes, 3900, Campus da USP – Ribeirão Preto – SP, CEP: 14040-901). The following documents must be presented for enrollment in the Program:
- Application form (available at: – Pós-Graduação: Formulários);
- Copy of birth and/or marriage certificate;
- Copy of the Identity Card (driver’s license will not be accepted for academic purposes);
- Copy of the taxpayer´s card;
- Copy of the Voter Identification Card;
- Copy of the Military Service Certificate;
- Copy of passport for foreign applicants;
- Copy of proof of proficiency in the English language.
- The result obtained in the examination offered by the program or the certificates listed below, with appropriate scores, will be accepted:
- TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language);
- Paper based test: 500 points;
- Computer based test: 190 points;
- Internet based test: 64 points;
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System): score 4,5;
- Michigan: ECPE level;
- Cambridge FCE level C;
- WAP: Writing for Academic Purposes – Approved.
- Copy of the front and verse of a college diploma, certificate of completion of under graduate course, or statement issued by the educational institution that the candidate is presently attending the last semester of an undergraduate course;
- Copy of the academic record;
- Curriculum vitae – model available at: – Pós-Graduação: Formulários
- Two letters of recommendation issued by Professors of the University of São Paulo faculty or any other University recognized by the official funding agencies.
- Please note that the documentation presented at the Graduate Services Office will remain there for 60 days after the Admission results are published. After this period, if the applicant does not collect the documents, they will be sent to recycling
Documents necessary for special students
Request for pre-enrollment – Form available at
- Copy of the front and verse of college diploma;
- Copy of birth and/or marriage certificate;
- Copy of the Identity Card (driver’s license will not be accepted for academic purposes);
- Copy of the taxpayer´s card;
- Copy of the Voter Identification Card;
- Copy of the Military Service Certificate;
- Copy of proof of proficiency in the English and in the Portuguese languages;
- Copy of passport with VISA and National Foreigner Registration;
- 3 cm x 4 cm photograph;
- Exempt from Application fee.
Written Test Course.
Química Geral – Bibliografia sugerida: Loreta Jones e Peter Attikins – Princípios da Química: Questionando a vida moderna e o meio ambiente.
Química Geral – Bibliografia sugerida: Loreta Jones e Peter Attikins – Princípios da Química: Questionando a vida moderna e o meio ambiente.
– Ligações Químicas
– Teoria Atômica
– Estequiometria
– Propriedades Periódicas
– Gases, sólidos e líquidos e mudanças de estado
– Cinética Química
– Enzimas
– Estrutura de Proteínas
– Bibliografia: D.L. Nelson e M.M. Cox. Lehninger – Princípios de Bioquímica. 4a. Ed. 2007. Editora Sarvier
– Tecnologia do DNA recombinante Referência: James D. Watson; Tania A. Baker; Stephen P. Bell; Alexander Gann; Richard Losick; Michael Levine (2006). Biologia Molecular do Gene. Quinta edição, Artmed Editora.
– Cinética de processos fermentativos Referência: BORZANI, W.; SCHMIDELL, W.; LIMA, U. A.; AQUARONE, E. Biotecnologia industrial – fundamentos. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 2001.
Química Orgânica:
– Estrutura de compostos orgânicos: propriedades físicas, estereoquímica e análise espectrométrica.
– Funções orgânicas: preparação e reações de compostos orgânicos.
– Termodinâmica
Química Inorgânica:
– Química de Coordenação: Teorias de Ligação e Espectroscopia Eletrônica.
Química Analítica:
– Equilíbrio Químico: ácido-base; de óxi-redução; complexometria e de precipitação.