Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy USP UNICAMP UNESP

Dual Degree

Dual Degree Unicamp & TUDelft

UniverUNICAMP DELFTsity of Campinas – Unicamp and academic partner Delft University of Technology – TU Delft (The Netherlands) have initiated a dual degree PhD program.



A dual degree PhD student enrols in both universities with two supervisors, to produce one thesis and receive a degree from both universities after a successful defence. A limited number of unique TU Delft scholarships are available for such projects, in addition to regular funding options from several Brazilian and Dutch public and private sources.

To date, the following Unicamp & TU Delft Dual Degree PhD projects are on-going (including expected date for final thesis):


PhD candidate Project title Promotors
Wesley Marques    (2018) Development of a yeast-based platform for anaerobic production of organic acids Andreas Gombert (UNICAMP)      Ton van Maris (TU Delft)
Tiago Almeida       (2018) Nanostructured thin films of graphene oxide nanosheets for the development of enzymatic fuel cells Antonio Riul (Unicamp)          Isabel Arends (TU Delft)
Renato Coelho       (2016) Biomass and lipids production from heterotrophic microalgae Telma Franco (Unicamp)          Luuk van der Wielen (TU Delft)


More projects and Dual Degree programs with other academic partners are currently under development, primarily focused on biobased economy.

For (Unicamp or TU Delft) students who are interested, an important first step is to have a supervisor at both universities with matching interests and suited facilities.

For more information on dual degrees, the process to initiate such a project and for support to find a supervisor at the partner university, please contact the TU Delft Brazil office.