Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy
The Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy is a result of the cooperation agreement between three São Paulo state universities: University of São Paulo (USP), University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and São Paulo State University (UNESP). It is a program of institutional graduate studies focused on the generation of knowledge and is intended for the training of human resources of international excellence. Doctors trained under the program will be able to face international challenges regarding the replacement of fossil fuels by those biomass-originated in both the production and the consumption of these fuels. They will be able to lead research projects in the area of Bioenergy in higher education institutions, to produce technological advances in industries essential to the development of the country, to formulate public policies for the growth of bioenergy in the Brazilian energy matrix and actively participate in the process of international integration of the country in global energy issues.
The program will have part of its classes taught in English and will use a videoconferencing system to connect students and teachers located in different cities.
In each of the participating institutions, there will be a local coordination based on one of its units, which will receive most of the courses, as follows:
- At USP, the unit responsible for the program will be the Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ), located in the city of Piracicaba (SP);
- At UNICAMP, the unit responsible for the program will be the Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA), located in the city of Campinas (SP);
- At UNESP, the unit responsible for the program will be the Bioenergy Research Institute, located in the city of Rio Claro (SP).