Limiares de chuvas intensas e extremas na região de São Carlos-SP

Integrantes do Núcleo de Climatologia Aplicada ao Meio Ambiente (EESC-USP) publicaram artigo no periódico internacional American Journal of Climate Change

Os pesquisadores Rafael Grecco Sanches, Gustavo Zen de Figueiredo Neves, Bruno Cesar dos Santos, Maurício Sanches Duarte Silva, Diego Narciso Buarque Pereira e Adriano Rogério Bruno Tech publicaram o artigo intitulado “Intense Rainfall in São Carlos/SP: Determination of Threshold Values Using Climate Indices and Their Spatio-Temporal Repercussion“. O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar valores limites para eventos de chuvas intensas e extremas na região de São Carlos-SP, por meio de índice climático.

Confira, a seguir, o resumo do trabalho (em inglês): “The intense and extreme rains in southeastern Brazil are spatially and temporally dynamic, corroborating their substantial complexity regarding understanding and associations. Therefore, the present study aimed at determining threshold values for events of intense and extreme rainfall in the region of São Carlos/SP using a climatic index, as well as temporal and spatial observations. The RClimdex script, Rnn index, and the detection of outliers were employed in order to mark and establish intense and extreme rainfall thresholds for the region. Values of 10 mm and 20 mm of rain were considered typical and of greater recurrence, and their incidence over a period of 24 hours did not necessarily denote intense events. In turn, values of 35, 46, and 60 mm indicate pluviometric rates that impact on significant disasters, as verified in the IPMET/UNESP natural disasters database. It is important to emphasize that values below 60 mm of daily rainfall may also indicate disaster contexts. However, they do not exclude the necessity to verify the intensity, duration, and frequency of intense rain events, and can delineate thresholds for territorial management organizations in their planning“. (SANCHES, et al, 2018).

O artigo está disponível, em acesso aberto, no site da revista American Journal of Climate Change, no link:

Como citar: Sanches, R., Neves, G. Z. F., Santos, B., Silva, M., Pereira, D. and Tech, A. (2018) Intense Rainfall in São Carlos/SP: Determination of Threshold Values Using Climate Indices and Their Spatio-Temporal Repercussion. American Journal of Climate Change, 7, 388-401. doi: 10.4236/ajcc.2018.73023.


Área de estudo e postos pluviométricos utilizados na pesquisa. Fonte: Sanches et al, 2018.