Radiation Dosimetry and Medical Physics Group


The Radiation Dosimetry and Medical Physics Group (GDRFM) at the Department of Nuclear Physics (DFN) has played a pioneering role in the field of Applied Physics at IFUSP since the 1970s. This group introduced Thermoluminescent Dosimetry to Brazil, and it continues to be a national leader in this area. The applications in the field of Medical Physics in Brazil began in 1969 through the Radiation Physics course in the undergraduate program of the Physics Bachelor’s degree at IFUSP. Over the last four decades, this area has evolved and modernized, incorporating state-of-the-art instrumentation and expanding expertise through collaborations, partnerships, and the specialization of faculty and technical staff.



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Our services are available to students, alumni, current or retired faculty, technical and administrative staff, as well as anyone who has had any academic or administrative interactions and wishes to address an issue that has not yet been resolved through the appropriate channels.

To submit a complaint, simply complete the following form. Alternatively, complaints can be sent via email to: gdrfm.ifusp@gmail.com

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Rua do Matão Nr.1371, Bloco F, Butantã. CEP 05508-090, Cidade Universitária - São Paulo - Brasil.

Universidade de São Paulo
