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Postgraduate in Entomology Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo

Admission for Master Degree, Ph D. Degree e Ph D. Degree without Master Degree

1) Written exam of proficiency in reading and understanding of English. As established in Item 1.1 (Section V) of the regulations of the Graduate Program in Entomology, the following aspects will be assessed: (i) knowledge of the language and (ii) ability to interpret (the use of a dictionary is allowed). The passing grade must be equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven);

2) Test of general knowledge in Entomology, focusing on the assessment of analytical reasoning, writing ability, communication, and general knowledge of different aspects of Entomology, such as ecology, morphology, and systematics of insects. The passing grade must be equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven).

Only candidates who pass the general entomology knowledge exam and the English proficiency exam will proceed to the following stages:

3) Evaluation and interview about the proposed the Research Project: The research project will be evaluated regarding its scientific quality (i.e., relevance, novelty/innovation and adequacy of the methodology), its feasibility and proposed timeline considering the allowed duration of a Master’s program (12 to 26 months). For this evaluation, the candidate will present his/her project in no longer than 10 (ten) minutes (if the maximum time is exceeded, the candidate will be automatically eliminated). Audiovisual resources can be used if desired. The candidate will be interviewed by a panel composed of three members with doctorate degree. The candidate will be questioned as to his knowledge of the research project topic and related areas. The final grade of the analysis and defense of the research project will be obtained by the simple arithmetic average of the grades of the three examining members. The passing grade must be equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven).

4) Curriculum analysis: The candidate’s curriculum will be evaluated by a panel composed of three members with doctorate degree. This evaluation will account for the following academic achievements: (i) number, position of the candidate among the authors of publications and quality of articles published in scientific journals with a peer review system, (ii) the number of scientific papers presented at scientific meetings, as well as the scope of the events, (iii) attendance of scientific meetings with and without presentation of work, (iv) completion of a undergraduate research projects (e.g., Honors’ thesis project) with and without a scholarship, (v) defense of a Honors’ thesis, and (vi) other academic activities that demonstrate commitment to the scientific career pursued. The final grade of the curricular analysis will be obtained by the simple arithmetic average of the grades of the three examining members. The passing grade must be equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven).

Successful applicants will be ranked according to the simple arithmetic mean of the research project and curriculum evaluation analysis and interview grades.

Important Dates:

Registration: from May 10th to June 21st, 2024

Admission Exams to the Postgraduate Program in Entomology: from July 1st to 5th, 2024

Remote test request: until June 7, 2024

The evaluation of such requests must be analyzed by the administrative committee of the graduate program and will depend on the availability of an institution and persons able to assist with the exams (general knowledge of Entomology and English proficiency for Master’s candidates) near the place where it is located. If successful, the exams and the interview will be held on the same day and at the same time as for the remaining candidates. If successful in the general knowledge of Entomology and English proficiency exams, candidates are advised to do their interview in person, if possible, but an online interview is possible. If the interview is to be done remotely by videoconference, the candidate must declare their awareness of potential risks of technical problems, particularly regarding the internet connection. The Graduate Program in Entomology will not be responsible for technical issues that make the videoconference unfeasible. In the impossibility of completing the interview, the candidate will fail in the admission process without the possibility of a new date being scheduled.

Enrollment of new students: to be announced.

Those approved will be able to enroll from the second semester of 2024, according to the calendar to be published by the Postgraduate Committee (CPG) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo.

Enrollment of regular students: to be announced.

Enrollment of students from other institutions: to be announced.

All paperwork must be submitted as PDF files (do not merge all documents into a single file) to, with the following
E-mail subject:Inscrição (nível ME ou DO) Entomologia 1o 2024.

When applying to the Entomology Graduate Program, the following forms and documents are required:

– Application form (template provided at;
– Curriculum Vitae (template provided at;
– Acceptance letter from the prospective supervisor (template provided at );
– A copy of the passport of foreign applicants;
– University bachelor’s degree/diploma official statement issued by a university or college certifying the applicant is enrolled in their final term or has graduated;
– Copy of the academic transcript of the applicant’s undergraduate Major degree;
– Two recommendation letters (template available at
– Research Proposal (not longer than 20 pages), comprising a cover page with the applicant’s name, name of prospective supervisor, the title of the research project. The proposal must include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Objectives, Timeline, and References.

    The following suggested references should serve as guidance for the preparation studies of applicants:

  1. Gullan, P.J. & P.S. Cranston. 2014. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 5th Ed. Wiley-Blackwell.

1) Exam of general knowledge in Entomology, focusing on the assessment of analytical reasoning, writing ability, communication, and general knowledge of different aspects of Entomology, such as ecology, morphology, and systematics of insects. The passing grade must be equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven).

Only candidates who pass the general entomology knowledge exam will proceed to the following stages:

2) Evaluation and interview about the proposed the Research Project: The research project will be evaluated regarding its scientific quality (i.e., relevance, novelty/innovation, and adequacy of the methodology), its feasibility and proposed timeline considering the allowed duration of a Doctorate program (24 to 48 months). For this evaluation, the candidate will present his/her project in no longer than 10 (ten) minutes (if the maximum time is exceeded, the candidate will be automatically eliminated). Audiovisual resources can be used if desired. The candidate will be interviewed by a panel composed of three members with doctorate degree. The candidate will be questioned as to his knowledge of the research project topic and related areas. The final grade of the analysis and defense of the research project will be obtained by the simple arithmetic average of the grades of the three examining members. The passing grade must be equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven).

3) Curriculum analysis: This evaluation will account for the following academic achievements: (i) publication of scientific articles related to the candidate’s Master’s or undergraduate research; (ii) Master’s scholarship granted to the candidate; (iii) supervision of undergraduate research projects during the Master’s of the candidate; (iv) participation of evaluation committees of Honor’s theses; (v) participation as lecturer/invited speaker of scientific events (regional, national, or international scope); (vi) the number of scientific papers presented at scientific meetings, as well as the scope of the events; courses/workshops taught by the candidate in scientific events (four hours or longer); (iii) attendance of scientific meetings with presentation of work; (vii) number, position of the candidate among the authors of publications and quality of articles published in scientific journals with a peer review system; (viii) attendance of extension courses or similar (one week long or longer); and (ix) other academic activities that demonstrate commitment to the scientific career pursued. The final grade of the curricular analysis will be obtained by the simple arithmetic average of the grades of the three examining members. The passing grade must be equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven).

Successful applicants will be ranked according to the simple arithmetic mean of the grades of the exam of general knowledge in Entomology, the research project and curriculum evaluation analysis and interview.

Important Dates:

Registration: from May 10th to June 21st, 2024

Admission Exams to the Postgraduate Program in Entomology: from July 1st to 5th, 2024

Remote test request: until June 7, 2024

The evaluation of such requests must be analyzed by the administrative committee of the graduate program and will depend on the availability of an institution and persons able to assist with the exams (general knowledge of Entomology and English proficiency for Master’s candidates) near the place where it is located. If successful, the exams and the interview will be held on the same day and at the same time as for the remaining candidates. If successful in the general knowledge of Entomology and English proficiency exams, candidates are advised to do their interview in person, if possible, but an online interview is possible. If the interview is to be done remotely by videoconference, the candidate must declare their awareness of potential risks of technical problems, particularly regarding the internet connection. The Graduate Program in Entomology will not be responsible for technical issues that make the videoconference unfeasible. In the impossibility of completing the interview, the candidate will fail in the admission process without the possibility of a new date being scheduled.

Enrollment of new students: to be announced.

Those approved will be able to enroll from the second semester of 2024, according to the calendar to be published by the Postgraduate Committee (CPG) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo.

Enrollment of regular students: to be announced.

Enrollment of students from other institutions: to be announced.

All paperwork must be submitted as PDF files (do not merge all documents into a single file) to, with the following
E-mail subject: Inscrição (nível ME ou DO) Entomologia 1o 2024.

When applying to the Entomology Graduate Program, the following forms and documents are required:

– Application form (template provided at;
– Curriculum Vitae (template provided at;
– Acceptance letter from the prospective supervisor (template provided at;
– A copy of the passport of foreign applicants;
– University bachelor’s degree/diploma official statement issued by a University or College certifying the applicant is enrolled in her/his final term;
– A copy of the undergraduate transcript issued by the institution of higher education from which the candidate graduated;
– Two recommendation letters (template available at
– A copy of both sides of the Masters’ degree diploma, or a document certifying the thesis defense has happened or that it is scheduled/expected to occur within the semester to which the candidate is applying to begin her/his Doctorate.
– A copy of the Masters’ transcript;
– Research Proposal (not longer than 20 pages), comprising a cover page with the applicant’s name, name of prospective supervisor, the title of the research project. The proposal must include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Objectives, Timeline, and References.

    The following suggested references should serve as guidance for the preparation studies of applicants:

  1. Gullan, P.J. & P.S. Cranston. 2014. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 5th Ed. Wiley-Blackwell.

Special requirement for the Doctorate without a Masters’: The application will analyzed by the CCP if the candidate has completed:

(1) Undergraduate research scientific initiation (demonstrated by a ‘Scientific Initiation Grant’ awarded by a governamental research funding agency or by a nongovernmental entity associated to the University) for at least 12 months;

(2) has submitted at least three manuscripts to national or international scientific events or has published, as the main author, at least one scientific article in journals indexed, specialized editorial body. If the application is approved by the CCP, the admission to the Direct Doctorate will be given through the same criteria for admission to the Doctorate with a Masters’ degree.

Important Dates:

Registration: from May 10th to June 21st, 2024

Admission Exams to the Postgraduate Program in Entomology: from July 1st to 5th, 2024

Remote test request: until June 7, 2024

The evaluation of such requests must be analyzed by the administrative committee of the graduate program and will depend on the availability of an institution and persons able to assist with the exams (general knowledge of Entomology and English proficiency for Master’s candidates) near the place where it is located. If successful, the exams and the interview will be held on the same day and at the same time as for the remaining candidates. If successful in the general knowledge of Entomology and English proficiency exams, candidates are advised to do their interview in person, if possible, but an online interview is possible. If the interview is to be done remotely by videoconference, the candidate must declare their awareness of potential risks of technical problems, particularly regarding the internet connection. The Graduate Program in Entomology will not be responsible for technical issues that make the videoconference unfeasible. In the impossibility of completing the interview, the candidate will fail in the admission process without the possibility of a new date being scheduled.

Enrollment of new students: to be announced.

Those approved will be able to enroll from the second semester of 2024, according to the calendar to be published by the Postgraduate Committee (CPG) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo.

Enrollment of regular students: to be announced.

Enrollment of students from other institutions: to be announced.

Prior to applying to a Direct Doctorate (i.e. Doctorate without a previous Masters’ degree), candidates must advise with the ruling committee of the Graduate Program of Entomology (CCP) and, if this initial request is approved, the same rules and examination stages for admission for a Doctoral degree described above will be followed.

All paperwork must be submitted as PDF files (do not merge all documents into a single file) to, with the following E-mail subject: Inscrição (nível ME ou DO) Entomologia 1o 2024.

When applying to the Entomology Graduate Program, the following forms and documents are required:

– Application form (template provided at;
– Curriculum Vitae (template provided at;
– Acceptance letter from the prospective supervisor (template provided at;
– A copy of the passport for foreign applicants;
– University bachelor’s degree/diploma official statement issued by a University or College certifying the applicant is enrolled in her/his final term;
– A copy of the undergraduate transcript issued by the institution of higher education from which the candidate graduated;
– Two recommendation letters (template available at
– Research Proposal (not longer than 20 pages), comprising a cover page with the applicant’s name, name of prospective supervisor, the title of the research project. The proposal must include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Objectives, Timeline, and References.

    The following suggested references should serve as guidance for the preparation studies of applicants:

  1. Gullan, P.J. & P.S. Cranston. 2014. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, 5th Ed. Wiley-Blackwell.