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Postgraduate in Entomology Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo


The Graduate Program in Entomology, Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Literature, and Sciences of Ribeirão Preto – University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP) was founded in 1980, initially offering a Masters’ degree. From its dawn, the program has had an interinstitutional character. In 1993, the Doctoral degree began to be offered as well, attracting professionals with various backgrounds, such as biology, agronomy, and zootechnics. Since 2012, the Entomology Program is ranked level 6, in a scale from 1-7, by the Graduate Program Evaluation Committee of CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), in recognition of its excellence, according to the national rank of Programs in the field of Biodiversity.
The program has attracted students from various universities across the country and from abroad (e.g., Germany, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, and Venezuela). Students graduated in the program have specifically worked in basic research questions as well as applied entomology, such as monitoring of environmental impacts and the development of more rational methods and more environmentally favorable agricultural pest control.
In the academic context, the program is connected to other institutions through adjunct thesis supervisors, as well as by knowledge exchange with research groups in Entomology from universities in São Paulo state as well as in other states. Examples of institutions historically associated with our Entomology Program are the following: the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, USP (Ribeirão Preto, SP); São Paulo Agency of Agribusiness Technology – Ribeirão Preto (Ribeirão Preto, SP); College of Agriculture and Animal Science of Jaboticabal, UNESP (Jaboticabal, SP); Biological and Health Sciences Center, UFSCar (São Carlos, SP); Faculty of Science and Literature, UNESP (Assis, SP); Institute of Biosciences, Literature and Science, IBILCE-UNESP (São José do Rio Preto, SP), Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, CENA-USP (Piracicaba, SP); College of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz”, ESALQ-USP (Piracicaba, SP); Institute of Biosciences of Rio Claro, UNESP (Rio Claro, SP); Institute of Biosciences of São Paulo, IB-USP (São Paulo, SP); Museum of Zoology -MZUSP (São Paulo, SP); Institute of Biology, UNICAMP (Campinas, SP); and Institute of Biology – UFU (Uberlândia, MG).

The Graduate Program in Entomology, Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Sciences of Ribeirão Preto – University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP) is intended for graduates of professional education focused on areas related to the Life Sciences, attracting professionals with various backgrounds, such as biology, agronomy, and animal sciences.

  • Applied Entomology
  • Insect Ecology and Conservation
  • Insect Systematics and Evolution

2017 – 2020 = 7

2013 – 2016 = 7

2010 – 2012 = 6

2007 – 2009 = 5

2004 – 2006 = 5

2001 – 2003 = 4

Graduate Program Coordination Staff

27/04/2022 Wednesday 17h 29/04/2022 Friday 14h
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