1) Spectral Irradiance – Visible and Near-Infrared
Visible and Near-Infrared calibrated light source (Avalight-HAL-CAL-MINI, Avantes, Netherlands) is a halogen lamp calibrated over 350-1100 nm spectral range with a resolution of 10 nm. Calibration for a CC-VIS/NIR probe at 0.1757 m distant from the entrance.
2) Spectral Irradiance – Ultraviolet and Visible – Schreder
A 200 W quartz halogen lamp (KS-J1011-LAMP, Schreder, Austria) is calibrated over 250-500 nm. Calibration entrance can accept a CC-UV/VIS or a weatherproof global entrance optics (UV-J1002-SMA-SHUT, Schreder, Austria).
4) Wavelength calibration – Near-Infrared
A calibrated Argon source (Avalight, CAL-AR-Mini, Avantes, Netherlands) has emission lines between 965 nm and 1400 nm that can be employed to calibrate spectrometers in the near-infrared spectral region.
5) Wavelength calibration – Ultraviolet and visible
Mercury and Argon Calibration source (HG-1, Ocean optics, lines 253 and 922 nm).
6) Spectroradiometer for Ultraviolet and Visible
Spectrometers (USB4000 and USB2000+, Ocean Optics, Dunedin, USA) calibrated to measure the spectral irradiance in the range of 290–700 nm equipped with optical fibers and cosine-corrected irradiance probes (CC-3-UV, Ocean Optics, Dunedin, USA).
7) – Spectral power – Visible
A 10″ Calibrated integrating sphere system (Illumina, Labsphere, North Sutton, NH, USA) equipped with a spectrometer (CDS 610, Labsphere, Nrth Sutton, NH, USA) to measure the spectral power over 350-1000 nm spectral range.
8) Laser detectors – power and energy
The laboratory is equipped with several detectors to measure the power from 10 nW for emissions in the visible spectral range and from 10 µW in infrared; and pulsed lasers energy with values above 10µJ.