During the International Security panel of the VII GEBRICS Conference, we had four guests: Bruno Pedrosa from Brazil, Rashmi Singh, Sachin Kumar, and Manoj Singh from India.
Dr. Rashmi Singh, a professor in the Postgraduate Program in International Relations at PUC-MG, spoke from a historical perspective on India’s role in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Over the years, the Indian government has shown solidarity with both the Jewish and Palestinian peoples, playing an impressive and consistent role in the realm of international security multilaterally.
Bruno Pedrosa, with a master’s degree in International Security and Defense from the International Security and Defense School of War, discussed the BRICS countries’ perspective on specific conflicts in the modern era, such as the Lebanon conflict, Ukraine vs. Russia War, and the recent Israel vs. Palestine (Gaza) conflict. BRICS advocates for a multipolar role in international conflicts, especially considering the decision-making power of Western powers.
Colonel Manoj Singh, Honorary Research Director at the Forum for Global Studies (FGS) in New Delhi, focused on the role of BRICS+ in resolving conflicts in the modern era, highlighting the grouping’s ability to bring together such diverse countries with conflicting political and military interests.
Dr. Sachin Kumar, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi, discussed the challenges and possibilities of artificial intelligence in resolving modern-era armed conflicts. The mitigation of conflicts was explored from the perspective of using artificial intelligence, showcasing how AI can calculate strategies that prioritize saving the lives of as many people as possible within a more humanitarian framework.