LIVE no Instagram: Soluções Baseadas na Natureza e Culturas Regenerativas: qual sua relação?

Inspirados nos sistemas vivos, este papo irá abordar diferentes modalidades de soluções baseadas na natureza e sua relação e relevância para promover uma cultura que proteja, apoie e celebre a vida, em todas suas dimensões, reconhecendo a existência e importância de um sistema de relações integradas, que são coparticipantes na evolução da vida diante das mudanças climáticas e das múltiplas crises dos tempos atuais.

Esta Live é um preparativo para a Dimensão Ecológica, que começa no dia 05 de Agosto. Às 19:00.

Mais informações em:


The IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition – 2024 is expected to bring together over 10,000 people – a global audience of utility and industry practitioners, government officials, NGO representatives, technology and service providers, consultants, media, and others.

Under the WWCE series theme of ‘Shaping our Water Future’, the 2024 edition will present opportunities for innovation and action across a comprehensive range of important topics.

The event will feature keynote addresses by leading sector figures, specially invited to share their experiences in shaping and delivering solutions. The program will also provide a unique platform for water professionals to present and share their recent findings and insights.

This must be uploaded to our online submission system before 27 October 2023. 

Event: 11-15 August 2024


Conferência Pan-americana de Meteorologia – Simpósio dem Clima, Água, Energia e Alimentos

19-23 de agosto de 2024

Centro de Difusão Internacional, USP/SP

Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 4 – Butantã, São Paulo – SP, 05508-020


Simpósio Brasileiro de Captação e Manejo de Água de Chuva é uma iniciativa da Associação Brasileira de Captação e Manejo de Água de Chuva, a ABCMAC. 

Nesta edição, o evento, cujo tema é “O amanhã é hoje: Água de chuva como matriz hídrica para todos“, ocorrerá na capital pernambucana, Recife, e contará com a participação de membros da academia, nacionais e internacionais, dos setores públicos e privados.

25-27 de agosto de 2024.


13th Urban Drainage Modelling Conference


The UDM Conference seeks to create a forum for deep discussion and exchange of ideas amongst technical experts including engineers, scientists, professionals and academics. The UDM Conference brings focus to the data and models needed to develop better understanding and advance the management of the urban drainage system (e.g., water quality and quantity, urban flooding and modelling, urban flood forecasting and risk analysis, modelling tools, data etc.).

In Innsbruck, Austria, 15-19/09/2025 –


XIV ENAU – Encontro Nacional de Águas Urbanas e IV SRRU – Simpósio de Revitalização de Rios Urbanos

Data: 16/09/2024 à 20/09/2024
Local: Recife – PE


V SICAM – Simpósio Interdisciplinar de Ciência Ambiental

Emergência Climática na América Latina

Confira aqui as regras de submissão até e de setembro:


XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Geografia Física Aplicada 

Acontece 21 a 27/10/2024 que será realizado no período 21 a 27/10/2024, em João Pessoa na Paraíba.


Feira Nacional de Saneamento e Meio Ambiente – Fenasan e o 35º Encontro Técnico AESabesp, o maior evento de saneamento da América Latina, será ainda maior em 2024! A realização é da AESabesp – Associação dos Engenheiros da Sabesp.

O tema central desta edição é “Saneamento ambiental: condição fundamental para o enfrentamento das mudanças climáticas”.

De 22 a 24 de outubro de 2024

Expo Center Norte – Pavilhões Verde e Vermelho

Visitação às feiras: gratuita


5th IAHR – Young Professionals Congress

27 – 29 November 2024

The IAHR Young Professionals Congresses give young professionals, researchers and students the opportunity to present their work and access mentoring from leading global experts. Representing a unique opportunity for networking and promoting their work, the success of previous editions, with over 1,000 participants each, has ensured that the event is now established as an ongoing annual series organised by young professionals and for young professionals



IWA 17th International Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems (SWWS) and the 9th International Conference on Resource Oriented Sanitation (ROS), hosted by the International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Groups for Small Water and Wastewater Systems and Resource Oriented Sanitation

10th-14th November, 2024 



Futuros Reinventados

Construindo o Amanhã com a Linha da Ancestralidade

Salvador – BA

12-14 de novembro de 20


4º Fórum Latino Americano e Caribenho de Florestas Urbanas, realizado pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação e Agricultura, Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana e Prefeitura Municipal de São José dos Campos.

O evento ocorrerá nos dias 25 a 29 de novembro de 2024, no município de São José dos Campos (Brasil).

A comissão organizadora deste importante evento gostaria de lhe convidar a visitar o site do Fórum e pedir, gentilmente, que amplie a divulgação deste evento em suas redes e com seus pares.


18th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control to be held from November 24th to 29th, 2024 in Fort-de-France, Martinique

This conference is part of the IWA Specialist Group “Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control” conference series, which is a bi-annual conference series that acts as a global forum for discussion and knowledge sharing on the state of the art in scientific and practical development and implementation of natural and constructed wetlands and other nature-based solutions for providing water quality improvement and other co-benefits and ecosystem services. Some of the main conference topics include i) wetlands in urban environments; ii) wetlands for water reuse; iii) wetlands and the circular economy, iv) wetlands for water pollution control, and v) wetland conservation, restoration, and climate change. Other up and coming topics such as wetland intensification, removal of emerging organic contaminants, wetland co-benefits, modelling, and monitoring and remote sensing.


XVII Simpósio de Recursos Hídricos do Nordeste

Acontecerá na encantadora cidade de João Pessoa, Paraíba, de 24 a 29 de novembro de 2024.

O tema central deste simpósio é “Gestão Inteligente dos Recursos Hídricos no Nordeste do Brasil: Utilização de Inteligência Artificial e Big Data para Prever, Mitigar e Responder a Eventos Extremos”

convite para atividades

Inscreva seu projeto na nova edição Teia de Soluções

 A Chamada “Grande Reserva Mata Atlântica – Paraná” tem como foco o apoio a propostas inovadoras para o desenvolvimento do turismo de natureza, a adaptação climática e o fortalecimento de comunidades tradicionais, na porção paranaense da Grande Reserva Mata Atlântica .

As inscrições vão até dia 24/07

Serão investidos até  R$ 2,2 milhões da Fundação Grupo Boticário, BRDE e Fundação Araucária.

Confira o regulamento no site:


Nature based solutions in cities of the global South—The ‘where, who and how’ of implementation


The banana tree circle as a nature-based solution for sustainable greywater management: A new design model


Trajectory, Challenges, and Opportunities in Sustainable Urban Water Management in Brazil: Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Stormwater Drainage


The evolution and future of research on Nature-based Solutions to address societal challenges  


BIOFIN Catalogue of Finance Solutions

The biodiversity finance landscape is changing. Both domestic and international financial flows have grown and the range of financing instruments, providers and delivery mechanisms now available is significantly wider than ever before. This online “catalogue” is a comprehensive list of these instruments, tools and strategies that are applicable to the field of biodiversity finance. Each catalogue entry is a mechanism or “finance solution” and includes a brief description as well as links to guidance material or case studies.


POLICY BRIEF: Destravando o potencial das Soluções Baseadas na Natureza

Publicação do iCS:


Painel de Legislação Ambiental do MMA


Mapa interativo do OICS                                          

chamada para



Estamos reunindo informações sobre os Tanques de Evapotranspiração (TEvap), Bacias de Evapotranspiração (BET) ou Fossa Verde que têm sido construídos no Brasil

O formulário está disponível pelo link abaixo. Basta clicar para acessar a pesquisa.


Call for Contributions: Special Issue on Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation


Blue-Green Systems Special Issue on Societal Challenges and Opportunities for Design of Blue-Green Transitions

This Special Issue focuses on cutting-edge work in examining challenges and opportunities of using BGS approaches in urban planning, landscape design and management, and their effects on society, from local groups to broader city or country-wide communities. We strongly incentivize submissions from multidisciplinary humanities research, focusing on original ideas, reviews, case-studies (local and global) or perspective pieces (by invitation only). We welcome contributions from engineers, sociologists, urban planners, ecologists, architects, landscape designers, economists and policymakers and stakeholders engaged in solving water and greening challenges of rapidly urbanizing planet.    


MA lançou edital para seleção de organizações da sociedade civil interessadas em participar da elaboração do Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais (PDPCT). Inscrições estão abertas até o dia 24 de julho na plataforma TransfereGov


The CArbon Cycle and Earth Environment (CACEE) Lab in the Department of Oceanography at Texas A&M University is seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on modeling river networks and biogeochemical processes following enhanced rock weathering. More info can be found here:


Ph.D. in urban planning, sustainable/international development, geography, environmental and civil engineering or mechanical engineering, or a related field; experience working or conducting research in the infrastructure domain in low-resource settings and with diverse populations, especially in the water and sanitation sectors. Job #23905


Water Jobs – JOSH


Estruturas artificiais no litoral paulista causam impactos ambientais e exigem ações urgentes; entenda

Muros de contenção, muretas, quebra-mares e espaços de atracamento de embarcações somam 245 km na linha costeira do litoral de SP, o que equivale a três vezes a distância entre Santos (SP) e São Paulo.


Como as cidades-esponja podem ajudar a prever enchentes –Pesquisa



São Paulo is planting hundreds of absorbent rain gardens in parks and along roadsides as it braces for a wetter, warmer future. 


A Escola Superior do Ministério Público da União (ESMPU) está com as inscrições abertas, até as 12h de 5 de agosto, para o curso de aperfeiçoamento Capacitação em direitos dos povos originários e comunidades tradicionais: preservando culturas e promovendo a justiça social. A atividade será realizada na modalidade a distância síncrona de 19 a 22 de agosto, no período vespertino, pela plataforma de videoconferência Moodle.

As inscrições podem pelo link:


O Portal Capacidades oferta, em parceria com a EV.Ge a ReDUS, um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem didática e de fácil assimilação por qualquer pessoa, no qual o participante acessa cursos de autoinstrução de forma assíncrona e sem custos, de temáticas variadas, focados no desenvolvimento urbano sustentável e integrado.


FREE Sustainability courses from the United Nations:

  1. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change as a Development Agenda:
  2. Integration of the SDGs into National Planning:
  3. Green Marketing Challenge:
  4. Impact Measurement & Management for the SDGs:
  5. Integrated Approaches to Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support for the SDGs:
  6. Digital4Sustainability Learning Path:
  7. What is the Net-Zero Standard:
  8. Setting Science-Based Targets to Achieve Net-Zero:
  9. Sustainable Consumption and Production in Africa:

10. Introduction to risk-informed, conflict-sensitive and peacebuilding programming:


Empowering Eco-Friendly Innovators: Nature-Based Solutions Courses


  1. Urban Rewilding: Restore your local ecosystem:

In this urban rewilding course, you’ll learn how to make our cities more livable and sustainable. To address city-specific issues ranging from urban heat islands to human wellbeing, we must first change our minds. Instead of trying to control nature, we need to harness its powers; we must let nature do what it does best: grow.

Course Provider:  Wageningen University & Research in collaboration with the Rewilding Academy

  1. Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience:

For years, experience and evidence on NBS from around the world have been growing. But many people – from policymakers to engineers and businesses – don’t yet know how NBS can help them solve the challenges they’re facing from events like floods, heatwaves, or droughts. These events affect the lives of millions of people every year. The course is open to everyone who would like to deepen their knowledge of the application of NBS.

Course Provider: European Union, Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction & United Nations Environment Programme

  1. Monitoring forest and landscape restoration

This course is designed for a range of stakeholders with an interest in forest and landscape restoration (FLR). This course has been developed to equip practitioners with the capacity to design, plan and implement monitoring systems for FLR interventions. 

Course Providers: Food and Agriculture Association of the United Nations elearning Academy

  1. Shifting Towards Water-Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities:

This interactive course assists regional policy makers and practitioners with proactive policy measures to achieve SDG readiness through the lenses of Water-Resilient Cities, providing an environment to create a sense of larger social well-being and happiness. Its structure follows key elements of the whole concept and lists its practical tools, viewing Water and Water Cycle at the core of Sustainable Development in an urban environment and its related challenges.

Course Provider: United Nations ESCAP

  1. Fundamentals of Making Small Farms Work:

This free mini-course enables people to tackle four crucial elements and find the clarity and confidence to pursue their farming dreams.

Course Provider: Richard Perkins

  1. Finding the Money – Financing Climate Action:

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the resilience and adaptive capacity of societies to the harmful impacts of climate change resulting from past emissions require significant financial resources.  This tutorial provides an overview of what climate finance is and where countries access different sources of financing.   

Course Provider: United Nations Climate Change: Learn


  1. Introduction to Systems Thinking

This course is an opportunity to build a global system of systems leaders who help their organisations discover meaningful missions that will transition our ways of living on the planet to become sustainable and resilient.

  1. Nature-based Solutions to Global Challenges Foundation Course

This course is designed to improve awareness and understanding of the science, policy, practice, financing and governance of nature-based solutions. This course is for current and future public servants and leaders from the private sector and civil society. It will provide participants with knowledge that will enhance future work on nature-based solutions.

Course Providers: University of Oxford

  1. The Soil Association’s Agroforestry Online Learning Course:

This short online course is all about agroforestry and farm woodlands in practice, increasing your understanding of how to get started and giving you the confidence to take the first steps.

Course Providers: Soil Association

  1. Nature-Based Solutions for Water and Land Management:

The course will illustrate how NbS can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, either by themselves or in combination with other technologies or strategies. As the world shifts towards net zero, nature recovery and water security targets, being able to assess potential nature-based solutions in different contexts will become a key skill for all designers, regulators, consultants, academics, and NGOs involved in environmental studies.

Course Providers: Cranfield University

  1. Nature-Based Metropolitan Solutions:

Discover the potential benefits of nature-based solutions (NBS) in metropolitan areas and develop strategies for their implementation. This course will teach you about the design, construction, implementation and monitoring of nature-based solutions for urban ecosystems and the ecological coherence of sustainable cities. Constructing smart cities and metropolitan regions with nature-based ecosystems will secure a fair distribution of benefits from the renewed urban ecology.

Course Providers: TUDelft


ENCONTRO #31 – “Perspectivas de adequações do sistema de drenagem com o uso de soluções baseadas na natureza  – bacia do Aclimação ” 

Apresentação durante o encontro de 12 de junho de 2024 do Grupo de Interação à Pesquisa em Soluções baseadas na Natureza pelo MSc. Eng. André Sosnoski. 

Disponível em:                                                  


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ATENÇÃO: são incluídos no Boletim GIP-SbN os eventos e avisos recebidos até a sexta-feira da semana anterior.