The Genetics and Plant Breeding Group “Prof. Roland Vencovsky” (GVENCK) is formed by graduate students in Genetics and Plant Breeding at “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture (ESALQ/USP), under coordination of Professor Dr. José Baldin Pinheiro. Our mission is to integrate academics, professors and professionals, focusing on preparing future geneticists and breeders.

Our main activities are:

  • Organization of scientific events;
  • Promote discussions on relevant Genetic and Plant Breeding issues;
  • Technical visits to companies and public research institutions;
  • Promote the guidance of young talents under training from the “alumni voice”, in which the alumni with consolidated careers will share professional experiences;
  • Promote interaction opportunities between students, professors and researchers outside the University;
  • Partnerships with companies and public institutions.



Genetics and Plant Breeding Group “Prof. Roland Vencovsky”
Genetics Department – LGN
Avenida Pádua Dias, 11 – Piracicaba/SP – CEP 13418-900