COIL/VSAT Project 2024

Welcome to VSAT COIL May 2024 The Virtual Storytelling Application Toolkit Collaborative Online International Learning project is described on the Programme notes below. You will also find descriptions and links to the VSAT experiences presented at the May 2024 University of São Paulo/Oxford Brookes University VSAT COIL Symposium. The VSAT experiences are designed to be[…]

Sentimentos Humanos (Human Feelings): Immersive Experience

  Inspired by the book Sentimentos Humanos – Origens e Sentidos, by Flávio, Beatriz and Cristiano Di Giorgi, the project Sentimentos Humanos (Human Feelings) aims to create an immersive experience with the affective game articulated by the publication. Using augmented reality devices, participants will be able to visit virtual spaces in which they will be[…]

Human Connection Project

Human Connection Project Human Connection Project 2018, Third Edition, is an interdisciplinary project, which stems from the research of Collaborating Researcher Ph. D. Cecília Noriko Ito Saito at CTR/ECA/USP, under the supervision of Ph. D. Almir Almas, and brings together researchers from several Brazilian universities in partnership with Ph.D Shigehisa Kuriyama, from Harvard University in[…]

Palavras Cruzadas (Crossword): Contemporary Situated Speeches

The installation Palavras Cruzadas (Crossword or intertwined speeches, in Portuguese) creates a listening space for 12 voices representing Brazilian minority struggles in resistance to centuries of colonial violence. More than a mapping or an overview of the struggles, the video installation produces a circle of subjectivities that dissent from the hegemonic chorus. It is not[…]

Pensar o Brasil (Thinking Brasil)

Developed by the Institute of Brazilian Studies (Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros – IEB) in partnership with LabArteMídia CTR/ECA/USP and IPTV USP’s Canal Arte e Cultura, the audiovisual project Pensar o Brasil (Thinking Brazil) conducted a series of three interviews with professors José Pereira de Queiroz Neto (Dept. Geography/USP), Lilia Schwarcz (Dept. Anthropology/USP) and Vladimir Safatle[…]