João Pedro de Azevedo Machado Mota (aka Yan Tibet)

29 de January de 2024

João Pedro de Azevedo Machado Mota (aka Yan Tibet)

Lecturer 👨🏻‍🏫 | Filmmaker 📽 | Narrative Designer 🍄
Researcher and PhD student at the University of São Paulo, Brazil 🎓
Visiting researcher at the Cologne Game Lab – TH Köln, Germany 🎮

Ph.D. Student at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences—University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil (2019- ). Engaged in cooperative doctoral research focused on game design at the Cologne Game Lab (CGL)—TH Köln (2023-2024) and the Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin (2022-2023), both in Germany, with CAPES PrInt and DAAD scholarships. Master in Media and Audiovisual Processes (ECA/USP), Brazil (2015-2017). Bachelor’s in Cinema and Audiovisual (UFF), Brazil (2009-2014), with an exchange stay at the Lisbon Theatre and Film School (ESTC/IPL), Portugal (2012-2013).

He has extensive experience in research, teaching, and outreach. He was a postgraduate lecturer at the SENAC Lapa-Scipião University Centre in 2018, in the subjects Narratives and Digital Media, offered by the Audiovisual Fiction Script Specialization course; and Internet Governance, offered by the Postgraduate course in Communication Management in Digital Media.

Academically productive, consistently published articles and book chapters in Brazil and has presented several papers at academic conferences in Brazil, Sweden, Spain, the UK, etc. He was a member of the editorial board and peer reviewer of the scientific journal Revista Movimento, from PPGMPA/ECA/USP, from 2015 to 2018. He was a member of the French research group Société pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche du Cinéma Anglophone – SERCIA. He has been an active member of the Research Group at the Art, Media, and Digital Technologies Laboratory (LabArteMídia) at ECA/USP, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Almir Almas, since 2017. He is also a member of the UAIFAI (University Open to Imagination, Fantasy and the Arts of Invention) academic project, under the agenda of one of his doctoral advisors, Prof. Dr. Gilson Schwartz, linked to ECA/USP and FFLCH/USP.

As a film/TV and audiovisual professional, he has worked on international productions in collaboration with IBM, CBS Broadcasting, IFAD/FAO (UN), Art of Living, Disney Media Network Latin America, Games for Change, and on Brazilian productions for Colégio São Luís, EMATER-RIO, SEAPEC-RJ, USP, UFF. Professionally, he has been using the professional pseudonym Yan Tibet since 2009, working as a Producer, Director, Editor, Scriptwriter, and Executive Producer, with a focus on the transmedia approach and the production of video content for the Internet.

He has experience producing exhibitions, festivals, concerts, and events in general. Communicative and organized, he has extensive experience in coordinating and leading teams with a focus on optimizing processes. His experience focuses on audiovisual projects, from conception to production and finalization. Dynamic and open to learning new skills and competencies, his working style is Goal-oriented.

– His specific professional skills include:
1. Coordination and production assistance on projects in the fields of Film, TV and Video;
2. Assisting and directing audiovisual projects;
3. Planning and writing scripts, synopses and screenplays;
4. Operating a digital camera and audio and video equipment;
5. Editing in Final Cut Studio, Pro Tools, Adobe Premiere, Audition, After Effects;
6. Computing/Graphics: Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator.

Professional experience straddles the academia and industry fields since 2009. His current doctoral research project has won four different calls for grants funding his research in Brazil and Germany. It is a theoretical-practical project that aims to formulate an interdisciplinary semiotic theory to support the development of a digital prototype of an interactive narrative map for understanding complex stories, based on game design methodologies.

His doctoral thesis working in progress is entitled:
“RHIZOLUDENS SEMIOPHAGIAS: Semiotic Borders of Narrative Ecosystems in Collaborative Rhizomes.”

Keywords: Rhizoludens Semiophagias; Ergosemiotic Narratives; Narratology, Semiotics, Cyberculture, Dark Series (Netflix), Interdisciplinarity; Media Theory; Film Studies; TV Studies; Audiovisual; Philosophy; Sociology; Transmedia; Intermedia; Rhizome; Narrative Design; Game Design

Since 2013, Yan Tibet has been volunteering at Art of Living, an international Indian NGO that works for humanitarian causes in more than 180 countries.

– Contact:;
– Website:
– Brazilian CV:

Last updated: 18/12/2023