
LaPCat has a total area of 400 m2, divided into:

High Pressure Laboratory
Batch Laboratory
Calcination Laboratory
Physical Characterization Laboratory 1
Physical Characterization Laboratory 2
In Situ Characterization Laboratory
Thermal and Chemical Characterization Laboratory
Preparation Laboratory
Normal Pressure Laboratory
Polymer Laboratory
Pilot Plant










Catalytic Test Units Microactivity-Effi (PID ENG & TECH)

Catalytic Test Units Homemade

Raman in situ (RENISHAW)

UV-VIS Spectrometer – Ultraviolet-visible (Shimadzu)

FTIR Spectrometer- Infrared (Shimadzu)

Chemisorption Unit (Micrometrics)

TGA – Thermogravimetric Analysis (Shimadzu)

DSC – Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Shimadzu)

NIR Spectrometer – Near Infrared (Bruker)


XRDynamic 500 (Anton Paar) Automated Multi-Purpose X-Ray Powder Diffractometer

BET surface area, volume, and pore diameter analyzers (Anton Paar)

Densimeter, Stabinger Viscometer and Refractometer (Anton Paar)