LaPCat in the 18th ICC

PhD students Heloisa Ruschel Bortolini, Juliana Bertoldi, Lucas Alves da Silva, and Victor Albertini participated in the 18th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC) in Lyon, France, from July 14th to 19th, 2024. The students presented papers related to their research projects developed at LaPCat, as outlined below.

Juliana presented the paper titled “Highly stable and coke-resistant LaNi-Zn perovskite-type oxide for dry reforming of methane,” developed under the guidance of Professor Martin Schmal.

Victor presented the paper titled “Investigation of Pd, Pd-Zn, and Pd-Cu-Supported ZSM-5 Zeolites for Methane Carboxylation,” developed under the guidance of Professors Martin Schmal and Reinaldo Giudici.

Heloisa presented the paper titled “Investigation of ethane dehydroaromatization over Co, Ga, and Zn-based catalysts in the presence of CO2,” developed under the guidance of Professors Elisabete Moreira Assaf, Rita Maria de Brito Alves, and Martin Schmal.

Lucas presented the paper titled “Kinetic assessment of CO hydrogenation over Fe/H-ZSM5 catalyst,” developed under the guidance of Professors Reinaldo Giudici, Rita Maria de Brito Alves, and Martin Schmal.